
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Drizzt was sitting there looking at his followers. Would you notice something strange. The devil he had claimed, was now showing signs of entering his trial. They set up for his followers. That put a smile on his face. As things were about to get a lot more interesting. So he made her trial a lot more difficult. To overcome as he was not playing favorites. He turned his head to look at the altar. To check his updated status.


Name: Drizzt

Race: god

Followers: 10 /11 one pending

Divinity: Conquest 100% Healing 50%

Souls: 17

Races that you can make.


Current understanding of races.

50% Humans

50% Demons

25% Fallen angels

15% Dragons


Drizzt was a little shocked for his status. It was a good thing that the healing percentage went up. As well as his understanding of both humans and demons. Having examine the souls of Fallen Angels. Had increases knowledge of them as well. The knowledge of dragons was a little mysterious. Looking into the trial space. To see what the cause that. He noticed that Issei had a gauntlet on his arm. It seems he had a sacred gear. Another thing you noticed. Was that his original five followers have all passed the first level. While the other five that just decided to join him. Was having a little trouble over coming and trial. The thing that made it funny was that the slave that he just took. Was doing a better job than them.

Katerea Leviathan POV

Katerea found herself standing in front of a Tower. The last thing she remembered. Was confronting that so called god. Then she heard a Voice. Telling her that if she stays where she is. She'll be a slave for life. On the other hand she can try to challenge the tower. Right as a follower instead of a Slave. Katerea sat there and thought about it for a minute then decided to challenge the tower.

' I can't believe I'm going to do this. I am proud pureblooded devil. Have fallen so low that I have to challenge a tower. On the other hand I refuse to be a Slave. I will find out if this so-called God is worth following.'

As I brace myself to entice the tower. I'll make sure that I am at full power. Taking the steps two by two I reached the front door. The door opened automatically. That made me put my guard up. As I enter the building. All I can see is Darkness. Then I come face to face with my worst fear.


Drizzt almost fell out laughing. I see just seeing what Katerea fear was. This is going to make things very interesting. As he could not see her overcoming her fear at any time. To do so she must first give up her own Pride. That doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon. Masaomi was actually doing quite well. He was the furthest of all out of all of them. Actually reaching the fifth level of the Tower. Soon he will have the option to come out to take a break. Cleria, Issei, and Shuri for all on the fourth level. All in all they were doing very well. It's a good thing they were coming out soon. As some of them had work to do in the morning.


Baraqiel I just finished his work for the day. He was getting ready to leave when his boss summoned him. Making this way upstairs. He wondered what was the big deal. Hopefully there's something he can get done with pretty quickly. He was looking forward to spending some time with his wife. Still there was no news of his daughter anywhere.

Azazel the sitting behind his desk with the trouble look on his face. He didn't want like the news he had just got. He is waiting for his second in command to show up. As Baraqiel walk to the door he knew something was wrong. " I got some good news and some bad news. The good news is we found your daughter. The bad news is she is not reincarnated as a devil. This is where things get complicated. Her current master is Rias Gremory. Current sister of the new Satan. I'll do my best to get a hold to them. To see if we can talk through some negotiation."

Baraqiel was happy to know that his daughter was alive. At the same time he knew he could not just rush into enemy territory. At least he could tell his wife some good news. First thing though he's going to go to the training room and Destroy some stuff. It would not do well for him to go see his wife upset. Especially not in the temple where she currently lives. He did not need disturb anymore trouble right now. He'll wait to see what his friend could do. Before trying other avenues of approach.


A lot of people are kneeling before Drizzt. Having just completed five levels of the trial Tower. They were looking tired but also with worship. The things they have experienced and the trials they overcame. Had changed them all for the better. They were now stronger, smarter, and more deadly. Even the group of five that had just joined him. I knew of the power that he wielded.

" I know I'm glad you all have made it through the trial. This is just the first step. You know have a better understanding of Conquest. Take some time and relax. We have much work to do. There will be many enemies, and test. That we will have to overcome. I have confidence that we can overcome them. That is all for now. I don't speak to you individually throughout the course of the week." After that he dismiss them. Drizzt watch them leave. I began to think of what brought him here. In this past life this world was a world of fiction. Now living in it. He knows the risk and danger of what's to come.

Abandoned church

What group will Fallen Angels had taken over an abandoned church. With the intents of looking for people with sacred gears. To see if they were going to be a threat. Or to find out if they would be a help to their situation. Two of them were not happy about the situation. This plan was not supposed to take place for another 10 years. Now it had been moved up. So with very little Intel they had to start there their operation. It's a good thing the church had moved out of the area. Making it easier for them to move in. On the other hand they were deep in devil territory. Knowing it'll take a while for them to even get settled. They all agreed to lay low. Only when fully knowing what's going on in town. Would they be able to move freely.

Two weeks later Temple

Drizzt what's going over some paperwork. His organization has developed nicely over the last two weeks. The temple and the farm said he organized. Was producing results. With the money situation finally fixed. He begin to task is priest. To start looking for Orphans, homeless, and those who are down and out. He needed more faith energy. He was getting some from the daily visits to his Temple. The type of Faith he needed was different. His 11 followers provided that type of you. In order for him to really begin to take over. He's going to need more followers that work extremely devoted to him. Which means he would have to open the trial Tower again.

Kuroka for smoking towards his office. She finally had gotten in touch with Yokai. They have wanted a meeting with him. As she walked in he looked up. " I have good news for. The head of the Yokai wants to meet you. She said she has time this Tuesday. So did I do a good job?"

Drizzt smiled at that piece of news. Looking at her he could tell what she wanted. He had been quite busy the last couple of days. He had no problems with what she wanted. It would actually help him in the long run."Tonight come to my room Kuroka. You have earned your reward." After hearing that Kuroka smiled. She left his office happily. Making everyone that encountered her wonder what was going on. Only a few members of his followers. We're able to put two and two together.

Bella was training in magic. Different from what she was used to. The fact that her Lord blessed her with different type of magic. Was addicting to her. She swore to herself that she would be his strongest sword. Knowing that her fellow sisters wouldn't understand. She didn't say anything to them. As they all were getting ready to get revenge. Now that they were strong enough to take it. All those who betrayed their family. We're going to pay their price in blood.

Katerea Leviathan have fun and decided to make amends with the new faction. As it will serve her Lord better being on good terms with the new faction. After coming to this decision. She made plans for a trip to the underworld. First you would check in with her Lord before she left. Then concert in her subordinates. I'm about to change that she's going to make. She had a lot of dirt on the other members of her faction. Enough for them to leave her alone, and also a bargaining chip. For the meeting she was about to set up.