
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Baraqiel Look at him in shock. He could not believe that his wife will become A-war priestess. Then again she did have sadistic tendencies. Making his mind up he was going to find out what all this means. "Lord Drizzt, what type of priestess is my wife? Are you going to be going around starting new wars? And what do you expect of me?"

"Well Baraqiel, I would like for you to join me. As far as starting new wars. I'm not interested in that right now. There are other forms of conquest that can be used to increase my power. I do not know enough of this world to just start fights like that. I hate to cut this conversation short but someone was calling for help. I happen to be the closest God to that so I must go."

Cleria Belial was on her last breath. Calling out with her mind and soul for help. She was will to give up everything she had to save your lover and herself. "Are you sure child that this is what you want. Let me know going back once it's done." Cleria just nodded her head.

Baraqiel I just watched Drizzt disappear. Only for him to come through the front door of the temple. With 2 people floating behind him. He could tell one was human and the other was a demon. Baraqiel followed behind them and watched Drizzt heal them. After placing them in a room he trun and face Baraqiel.

" Go check on your wife. We can talk about you joining me later. You've had a long day so go ahead and rest." Drizzt watched Baraqiel head to his wife room. Now time on his hands he headed back to the altar. When he got there he noticed the screen that updated.


Name: Drizzt

Race: god

Followers: 3

Divinity: Conquest 100% Healing 15%

Souls: 17

Races that you can make.


Current understanding of races.

10% Humans

5% Demons

2% Fallen angels


Drizzt was pleased to see the changes. They had a long way to go but progress was being made. Meanwhile in the Underworld. A certain group of devils were having a meeting. They were trying to find out if Cleria Belial was still alive. Her body had yet to be found. So they were looking everywhere for her.

While trying not to alert the rulers of the Underworld. It would be a big message they found out what they were doing.

Shuri POV

I woke up in the arms of my husband. I hope everything that happened yesterday was just a bad dream. Then I realized that we are not in our own room. I look around and realize I don't know where I am.

Remembering that I pledged my loyalty to a to a god. And exchange for him healing me I wonder what kind of god he is. I wake my husband up so we can have a long talk. "Baraqiel did you find our daughter? What happened after I passed out? "


"Well Shuri I could not find a daughter. I did find a young human boy that was wounded. Bring him back to the temple your god also healed him. He also saved a human and a demon last night before he sent me away. Did you know hes a god of conquest. So you're now officially A-war priestess."

"Very funny husband. Come on let's get ready and meet him. I would like to know what my new job descriptions is." After they walked out of the room. They heard a noise further ahead. Walking to the nose they found themselves in a kitchen. Looking around a notice for other people sitting at the table.

" It's good to see you up. Now that everyone's here let's get down the business. My name is Drizzt god of Conquest. Shuri Himejima, Cleria Belial and the little boy her are my followers. Masomi Yaegaki would you be willing to follow me as you know god? I already asked Baraqiel. There is no rush for an answer. Just be sure if you're ready to follow me. We have a long way to go to take over this world."

Masomi looked at his lover and then at the god who saved his life. He immediately went to one knee. "I would like to follow you what do I have to do."

Drizzt smile 😃 and told him what to say. Not only did he say the words. But his lover and the young child whose name Issei Hyoudou. That made Drizzt do a double take as he know some of what going in this world.

"Shuri you will have make sure Issei get in school. Cleria I need you to find some people who are going at framing. We need to be self sufficient. Shuri you are the High Priestess of this temple. The day today running is your responsibility. Masomi you will be the high priest I priest responsible for help training new recruits. Just because I'm a God of conquest does not mean does not mean we're going to be fighting battles. There are so many forms of conquests that don't evolve fighting. We need to be careful for now gain our strength. My goal is to take over the respond to big G left empty. That means control over angels, falling angels, and devils. Baraqiel I would like to use to get in contact with your leader. I'm not gonna ask him to follow me just yet. But he will have information on those who might want to follow me now. That's all I have to say for now let's eat."

Baraqiel left the temple to head back to base. He didn't even know what he was going to tell his boss. There were so many things that happened that even he couldn't believe it. It took him 10 minutes to reach the base. And another 5 to walk through the building to his boss's office. "Azazel we need to talk. I have some things to tell you that you will not believe. First of all who ordered the hit on my wife and daughter? They're both alive but I still want to know who did it. I also ran into a new god that just been born. He will like to talk with you. I don't know what he wants but it's up to you if you wanna talk to him."

Azazel looked at his second in command. Thinking about all that he had just heard. Looks like things are about to get interesting. " I don't know who ordered the hit on your wife my daughter. I will look into it though. I'll see what this new guy wants it might be beneficial in the long run.

Three weeks have passed the around the temple has changed. It looks more welcoming and inviting. Having more visitors come by. Drizzt had been out of sit the last few weeks. He was still waiting on the time to meet Azazel. The other world was an uproar. Kuroka a Reincarnated Devil had killed her master. She was on the run and everyone was looking for her.

Kuroka POV

It's been a long 3 weeks. Running changing positions all the while. My enemies keep hunting me down. All I wanna do is rest and find a safe place to stay. Then I feel something that me feel comfortable. I follow this feeling to a temple. Nature itself is at peace around the temple. I think I can rest here for a little while.


Drizzt I have been resting for 3 weeks. Learning more about the world around him. When he fell A reincarnated devil appear near his temple. Deciding to take a look he sees please a young teen teenage girl. With cat ears and 2 tails sticking out of her back. " Hello there what are you doing you doing near my temple?"

Seeing girl jump up getting ready to run. " I'm not going to harm you I just want to know why you're here?" Kuroka look at him trying to decide what to do. So she decides to tell him some of what is going on.

After hearing her story he decides to let her stay in the temple. He was a little bored with everything going on smoothly. It was time once again for him to collect some more souls. Understanding about different races front races has gone up. Soon he'll be able to create his own servant race.

Maybe he'll take the girl out on a few dates. To get to know her better and to see if she would want to follow him. That and she's very beautiful. He could see the look on Issei face. When he sees the girl. Drizzt wondered how Issei was doing in school.

Cleria has been keeping a low profile. She and her lover are now expecting a little girl on the way. Using her contacts she was able to find some farmers and enable to re establish her business under a different name. Today was a little sad for her with everything going on. All of her the evil pieces have been returned to her. She's gonna make those old man pay if it's the last thing she does. Making her way to talk to Drizzt. She sees him walking with a cat girl.