
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Sirzechs had returned to the underworld with a lot on his mind. He calls for the other devil leaders to come to meet him as soon as possible. He hope that they would listen to him they can't afford another war right now. They all came in about ten minutes after he sent the call for them.

(Sirzechs) "I know you all are busy but I need your option on something. As you know two years ago two priests of an unknown god came down and attacked the Old Satan base and wipe it out. I just came from a meeting with him and the leader's Angles and Fallen Angles. Michael asked him if he want to be the new God of all the Angles. I know what you are thinking but let me finish what I have to say. Drizzt said that he had to fight and win for that to happen. He is a God of Conquest which means that anything or anyone he defeats in battle belongs to him. That includes their soul I didn't find that out till after we left the meeting and one of his priests and me a handout. Now all he had asked from us so far is to build a temple where his priest destroyed the Old Satan Faction. So what do you all think about what I said?"

Meanwhile, in heaven, another meeting was taking place as Michael told everyone about what happened. Then he told some Angle that he knew would not like what he said and would attack Drizzt. Knowing full well what would happen when they do. He needed them to have a new god in place so they could live in peace. He hope that everything would work out.

On the other side of the underworld, the Fallen Angles had their meeting but it didn't go well. One of the leaders didn't like what was being said and left. Taking with him his followers to get ready to attack the island of Drizzt.


(????) You became too powerful too fast. So I am going to restart this world. You will have to earn your power. So you will start over from the beginning.

Third-party POV

In an old temple, a bright light flashed, and a teenage boy appeared. When this happened every supernatural being felt a power spiked. Because it happened so fast they couldn't pinpoint it.

Drizzt POV

'Dam what was that about?' Looking around 👀. I see that I'm in an old temple. The thing that is bothering me is that I feel weak. 😕 I check my powers only to feel only a little bit. Enough to fight a low-class Devil/Fallen Angles. Not enough to fight any god. I noticed a golden plaque on the altar. Walking over and touching it a screen appears.


Name: Drizzt

Race: god

Followers: 0

Divinity: Conquest 100%


I hear the sound of fighting outside the temple. Turning away from the golden plaque and head for the door.

Third-party POV

A group of Fallen Angles was chasing a mom and her child. Though the woods hoping to kill them both. The woman was stronger than they had hoped. If wasn't for the help they got from the woman's family they would have had a hard fight.

"They no use of running anymore you have nowhere to go. Just be a hood little human a die," said the leader of the group. As they shot a light spear through the woman. He watch as she fell on some steps but he did not see her daughter.

"Where is your daughter bitch?" The leader asked when he hear a noise. The door of the temple opened and a teenage boy walked out of it. The Fallen Angles all when into attack mode.

The boy look at them and smiled. "This is interesting why would a group of Fallen be after a woman? Are you going to kill me as well? He asked while still smiling at them."

"Yes, I am now don't move from where you are. It will be over soon. All right boys let's kill the boy and be on our way." After he said that he attack the boy with a light spear only for the boy to move out of the way.

Shuri Himejima was laying on the steps of the temple watching. The Fallen Angles trying to fight the young man. She could not believe that he was winning the fight. She started to cough up blood. Due to the hole in her stomach. There was a bright flash and then the sound of bodies hitting the ground. Before she could make a sound the young man started to speak.

"By right and conquest all that you have belonged to me." She watched a golden light hit the bodies of the Fallen Angles. When the light disappeared the bodies were gone. Then the young man came over to her and said. "Would you like to live?"

Shuri Himejima POV

"Yes, I would like to live. Can you save my daughter as well?" I waited for him to say something else when my husband show up. "Baraqiel I'm sorry that I can no longer be there for you. Please go find our daughter and take care of her." He just nodded his head a took off to find Akeno. Looking back at the young man who was just watching everything. I smiled and said. "Yes, I would like to live what do I need to do."

"All you need to do is say that you would take me as your god. I would need you to say your full name for it to work and you may call me Drizzt. I am the God of Conquest." I looked at him knowing that I do not have much time. I just when with it, because any is better than death."I Shuri Himejima do take the God of Conquest known as Drizzt to be my god." I feel the power flowing through me and then everything when black.


Drizzt was standing there letting his power flow through her. Healing her wounds and making sure there was no other damaged. Then he picks her up and takes her into the temple. Finding a room with a bed he lays her down. Feeling more drained than before he heads back to the main part of the temple. Sitting down next to the altar and waits for Shuri to wake up.

Meanwhile, Baraqiel felt a power spike coming from where he left his wife. Moving forward to see if his daughter was still in the area. Only to find traces of devil energy. He would have to have go back to check on his wife. Before the to check in the underworld. Then he feel something to his left. Flying over to make sure it was not his daughter. He found a little boy laying on the ground. Deciding to take the boy with as he check on his wife. That way he kill two birds with one stone.

Drizzt POV

After resting for ten minutes I feel better. I'm going work on getting more followers soon. Who every it was that did this to me is strong. Shuri still has not woken up yet. I wonder 🤔 if her husband would join me. First I need to make a way for my followers to eat and make money. As I was thinking about everything I hear the sound of wings.

Walking to the door of my temple. I see Baraqiel holding a little boy in his arms


"Come in Baraqiel your wife is sleeping in the back room. I can take care of the boy." Baraqiel look at the young man before handing him the boy. He wanted to give his wife the news about there daughter.

Drizzt look down on the boy seeing him look up at him. He could tell that boy would not live with out help. "Child do you want to live" Drizzt said. The little boy nodded his head yes. "I can help you but you be my follower from now on." The little look at him with hope and confusion on his face. Then Drizzt told him how he was and asked if he still wanted to live. The boy said yes making Drizzt smile. Use his powers to heal him and accept him as a follower. The power drain did not feel as bad to Drizzt. He move the boy to a new room. He still had work to do.

Baraqiel POV

I make it back to the temple. Only to see my wife was not on the steps. Knocking on the door the young man from early shows up. He take one look at me and the boy in my arms. Then tells me where I can find my wife. After he said that he asked for the child. Tell me he take care of him. Giving the boy to the young man I make my way to where his said my wife is. Looking at her sleeping peaceful took a lot of worrie from me. Then I feel the same power spiked as before just not as strong. I walk out the door just to see the young man carrying the boy to one of the room. The child looked a lot better then he did a few minutes ago. Walking up to him. I started to talk.


(Baraqiel) "Thank you for saving my wife and the little boy. My name is Baraqiel I am one of the leaders of Grigori. May I ask whi you are?"

(Drizzt) "My name is Drizzt and I am the God of Conquest. Your wife has chosen to follow me. What are you thoughts on this?"

Thanks to everyone who reads my book or books. I do my best to drop a chapter once a month. Due to something in my life it is all I have time for.

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