
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


David had finally decided which version of Superman. You were going to be now all we have to do is survive the fight. Hopefully, he picks the right one. Meanwhile back on the island Sirzechs, Azazel and Michael are sitting at a table with Drizzt.

(Drizzt) "So what do you guys want with me?"

(Azazel) "We like to know what your plans are for the underworld and heaven? You have the power to make both Angels and Devils. So we wondering if you will be any to taking over heaven and the underworld.

(Michael) "You would have a long fight ether way. Some do not want a new God to rule heaven. It would be a shock to them. I like to know how you made Masaomi into an Angel."

(Drizzt) "Well as of right now I can take over the underworld. As they have to attack me first and I already have territory there. I was waiting on if it would be a temple for me of a base to attack the underworld. As for heaven, I haven't thought about it I could talk over but I need you to fight at least one of your higher Angels to do that. I am a god of Conquest so it the only way for me to do that. Now that you all know that what are your plans now?"

While everyone was thinking about what Drizzt said. Another visitor has shone up to talk with him. Amaterasu had come to talk with him only to be stopped by Rika.

(Rika) "My master is in a meeting right now can you please wait."

(Amaterasu) "I can wait I have something very important to talk with him about. So can you go get him please and I can get this done?"

(Rika) "Ddraig can you watch her for a bit. I going to let the master know he has more company."

Drizzt POV

I was watching them think about what I just told them. When Rika comes into the room to talk with me. "What do you need Rika? If you have something to tell me then tell me." Rika takes a deep breath and says "The is a woman here to see you I think she is a goddess." Taking some time to think I get up and go to meet with her. Before I leave I tell them that I stepping out for a but and be right back.

Walking outside the room and down the hall I see a very beautiful woman standing there. I have no idea who she is and hope this would be good news. I walk up to her and speak. "H, i how are you doing today? My name is Drizzt I hear that you want to talk with me?"


(Amaterasu) "Yes I did my name is Amaterasu Leader of the God of Japan. I would like to know what you are doing here in our territory and why."

(Drizzt) "I was born there to my parents. Right now just going to school at Kuoh Academy. Is there anything else you like to know about me?"

(Amaterasu) "I think that will be all for now. Would you like to join our faction?"

(Drizzt) "No thanks for now Amaterasu. I still enjoying school life and learning about this world that we live in. It was nice to meet you and hopefully, this won't be our last meeting."

After Amaterasu left the Island he when back to see what you three leads of the Bible faction had to say. He just hopes that nothing major pops off anytime soon. After arriving back home Amaterasu began to think about the god she meets. He was so much different than the other gods she has met with in the past.