
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


(Drizzt) After we move into the temple I watch them stand there looking at me. "Ok let's get down to business. Your first Masaomi Yaegaki being human you have two choices for your power. The first one is a High Human witch will give you a long life and bigger magic capacity. The second one is to be a Ark Angel with a high power holy magic and high resistance to dark magic. Choose wisely as there is no going back." Looking away from him to his lover she is in shock about what I told him. "Now for you Cleria Belial you will become a High Devil. You will have to train your powers and you will not be unlimited to 12 wings. I will give you both time to think and contact your family. O by the way that thing you have in your soul that has people attached to it. You need to get a hold of them now. They can join you and all become High Devils or I cut them free. This will be the only time I will free them Cleria. As a favor for your loyalty." I walk away from them to get some sleep. It seems that I need to train my body to get used to my powers.


(Archon) I made my way up to Michael's Office. Knocking on the door I wait for him to answer me. I hear him say come in so I open the door and walk in. "Sir Michael we have a problem. A team of exorcists chasing down a criminal and his devil lover. When they were stopped by an unknown god. I had told them to stand down till I talked with you. What are your thoughts about this Sir?"

(Michael) After listening to the report I am troubled about it. There have been many gods that we don't know about. "That was good you to have them stand down Archon. We will watch them for now to see what they will do. Now go and keep me posted about any developments." Maybe the peace talks that Azazel are not such a bad idea.


(Sirzechs) I was sitting at my desk when one of my spies came in. With an interesting report about Cleria Belial and her human lover being saved by a god. I wonder who it could be and if I need to change my plans. My sister has been wanting to go to the human world for a while. I just wait and see.

(Azazel) I just got word that a new god was in Kuoh Town. I think I will send someone to look into it. Hopefully he does not want to stop my plans for peace. The rebels are getting on my nerves. Maybe I should tip them off to go fight that god.

Old Satan Base

(Shalba Beelzebub) "What do you mean she is dead!!!! WHAT HAPPEN TO THE EXORCISTS TEAM!!??" I was pissed off the one person that could mess up my plans was alive. She was taken in by some unknown god. I need her dead so no one can know about my plans. I look at my pawn standing there. " Go get me Katerea Leviathan NOW!!!!" I contact some fallen angels too for more fire power.

(Katerea Leviathan) I am sitting in my room taking a break from fighting. When some low level devil knocked on my door. "Come in, tell me what you want, and hurry up. I have better things to do today then listen to you." He told me that Shalba was looking for me. I got up and when to see what he wanted.

let me know your thoughs on my story.

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