
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


(Drizzt) They were praying to me for help. I was shocked at first but then I decided to act on it. It is time to get my first real followers. I activate my godly powers and stop time for a bit to see if they are for real. I disappear from my room and appear right in front of them. "You have called for me now, what do you want?" I look at them waiting for an answer. The man takes a step forward to speak.

(Masaomi) I see a child appear in front of me and my lover. I feel his godly presence so I know he is a god. " We are willing to follow you if you can save us from this situation. I know that you took time out of your busy schedule to answer us. We are on the run from the church and devil factions." I look at my lover and she nods her head. I hope that what I said can help make him accept us.

(Drizzt) "I see if that is what you wish I can grant it,but your race will be changed. You are my new priests. I will deal with these humans that are following you. Tell me you names, and the name of the leader who is acting you."

(Masaomi) "My name is Masaomi Yaegaki and my lover's name is Cleria Belial. My ex-team leader's name is Touji Shidou. Thank you O mighty one for your help may I ask your name?

(Drizzt) "My name is Drizzt Do'Uden Ito. I am a reborn god and I unfreeze time now so get ready. After we finish here we will leave." I unfreeze time and face my new foe.

(Touji Shidou) I and my team were just chasing down the traitor and his devil lover. There was a bright light and now there is a little boy in front of me and my team. "How are you and why are you getting in the way of God's work?"

(Drizzt) "I am the god of conquering and these are my two new priests. I don't care what they did before coming to serve me. They are mine now so will you leave or be conquered?" I see the confusion on his face. As he doesn't know what to do.

(Touji) How did they get a god on their side? I have to let the higher ups know fast. I use my magic circle telephone to call the angel in charge. " Hi Archon, I got a situation here and I need your help. The traitor and his lover have somehow come in contact with a god. They are now priests of his and I don't know what to do.

(Archon) "Stand down for now I will get back to you with orders later." Man, what happened down in the human world for a god to get involved. I have to let Michael know now. Getting up front my seat and head up to let him know.

(Touji) "Stand down men, we are going back to the church. God of conquering we will be leaving now." I see him node and I take my men and leave as fast as possible. I was still in shock that I met a god and he took in my ex-subordinate. I hope he is happy with his choice. I need a vacation after all of this. I think I will take my wife's advice and move away from here.

(Drizzt) I watch Touji talk with his boss waiting on what they are going to do. I do hope for a fight so I can take over some of heaven. He finished his call and told me they were going to leave. I just nod my head and watch them leave. Turning back to my new followers I heal them and tell them to follow me.