

A psychopath was close to death and wanted to go out with a bang. He died and reincarnated into Hidan, our favorite idiot op Akatsuki. COLDPROTAGONIST RUTHLESSMC BEWARE THIS STORY IS NOT FOR THE LIGHT-HEARTED IF YOU HAVE A MORAL COMPASS OR DON'T LIKE READING MC'S WITHOUT ONE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. CONTAINS RAPE AND EVERYTHINGS ELSE BAD

Bankin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Hello readers, it's been a while and I wasn't busy or anything I was just not motivated. I hope I can write more as I really like writing but I don't get motivated at the same time. My mind is just funny like that. Anyways, enjoy the chap!


Tenten POV

I am currently making that rapists' weapon. My life has been hell recently and I just hope somebody comes and saves me. It gets me angry just thinking about how my innocence is ruined just because some rapist couldn't get a partner. Unknowingly a few tears fell from my face and dropped onto the cast. I quickly wiped my face and tried to get back to work.

I decided to make the three blades and the handle separately. I only barely had enough materials to create the weapon so I couldn't make anything for myself without getting caught. I took a piece of steel out of the forge and took my hammer to try and shape it. I don't know why he would use steel instead of chakra-metal but it works. I looked up and see the rapist leaving the cave.

He always leaves and trains outside. I don't know why he trains so much when he's already one of the top contenders in the world. The Hokage said he can content with them in power. It just dulled my hope of escaping just thinking about it.

I suddenly hear footsteps and look back up to see Hidan looking at me with a wide grin on his face. I was scared thinking he was going to rape me right here but what he said next surprised me greatly.

Hidan POV

I was training outside when a sudden thought came to me. This world is a Japanese world no doubt and that means other cultures are not present here. I grinned thinking of a certain weapon of the European sword breaker aka the parrying dagger. With the main choice of weapon being katanas and medium-sized daggers, the sword breaker would be a great asset. Especially with my great strength, I can easily break swords with little effort. I grinned just thinking about it.

I go back inside the cave unable to hide the grin from my face. I look at the chick and my grin widens of how great an asset she is.

"How would you like to make a weapon you've never seen before?"

The question seemed to greatly surprise her but her gaze hardened.

"It's not like you're going to give me a choice. Just show me the weapon and get materials for it and I'll do it."

The ground trembled and a sword breaker made of the earth came out of the ground. Tenten's eyes widened. She has just seen someone use a jutsu with no hand signs. A jutsu she previously saw him use with hand signs. She knew it was possible but barely any time had passed. Her eyes widened even further when she studied the blade.

She quickly understood the possibilities of this small dagger and decided to imprint it onto her memory for her village later. Hidan then disassembled the jutsu and walked off to go get more material. He close up the cave and left secret holes where oxygen could pass through.

He sighed. "I can't keep training here forever. As long as I'm in the fire country I'm in danger. Especially since that blonde chick is such a counter to my own technique. I'll have to find a way to counter hers and kill her. I'll get revenge for that beatdown a hundred times over. Jashin will taste the blood of revenge soon."

He looked up into the sky when thinking of Jashin. He realized that no matter how much he tried he will always believe in Jashin. He doesn't know if that is a good thing or not but it does seem to have some merit. He started to run towards the same village ready to massacre whatever's there so he can get the material.

As he was running there he got lost in thought. He remembered the time after he first massacred at that village. The voice and the markings. He still had those black markings on his ribcage but the voice wasn't heard again. He tried to guess what it was but the only thing that came to mind was Jashin. It only further cemented his belief.

The voice was explained but the marking wasn't. He didn't understand what they were and decided he would spend some time right now to figure it out then get distracted during a battle and die. He sat down and started to meditate. He tried to focus mainly on the markings and something very unexpected happen. His whole torso and arms went completely black and his bones were white. It seemed like a partial transformation of his Jashin ritual. His mind quickly came up with the possibilities and he grinned.

This meant that he didn't need to make a ritual to use his ability. His guess was that it was only effective on the parts where he was transformed but that was good enough. He could now use the ability without standing still. This easily multiplied his versatility by a lot. Now that he wasn't distracted he decided to go massacre the village as a celebration.

He quickly approached the village and grinned in anticipation. There were some villagers that seemed to move in, in this short period of time and Hidan couldn't be happier. He got out of the tree line and walked right into the village. He looked to the left and right and wasn't surprised to see some ninja hiding. He quickly made a scythe from the earth and started running into the village.

Every time Hidan swung his blade a scream was heard. Panic ran rampant among the villagers as everyone was getting massacred. No child, women, or elderly were spared. Everyone was massacred and it left the ground stained red. The smell of blood was thick and even people with bad sensory would vomit from the smell. Hidan however, seemed to relish in that smell. This was his domain. His playground. This was his territory. As long as the ground was stained red and Jashin was relishing the blood Hidan provided, Hidan would be happy with life.

He wouldn't mind living in a bath of blood as long as Jashin relished by it. All this blood, the smell, put a giant smile on Hidan's face. He loved killing. It was so fun, so enlightening. The feeling when someone's life disappeared in front of his eyes and was gifted to Jashin was so exhilarating.

He killed some of the ninjas and decided to drink their blood. He drank the entire body dry but the expected powerup never came.


He drained another ninja of all their blood and again, the powerup never came. He was confused. Was there a limit? Did he need stronger people? He quickly needed to figure out what needs to be done to get his power back. Suddenly, the voice came back. The voice of Jashin.

"Don't you think eating them would give more nutrients?"