
god of blood and shadows

Daemon son of Lucifer and the goddess Abigail is set for a difficult life as he is the hybrid of the two races who have an immense hatred for each othe.Which side will Daemon choose. The life of Daemon comes to an end and a thousand years later a boy named Gavin begins his adventure as he realizes he is related to the ancient blood lord. "Congratulations you have inherited the blood lord system" Join Gavin as he seeks to save the world from the enemies his ancestors lost to

Owoahene_Sarpong · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

A beast nest

Beast nests was a name given to a group of beasts that live in a particular place. These beasts were grouped into levels based on the amount of energy released fr their settlement. A beast nest was extremely dangerous because without proper resources and backup, powerful figures could perish at the hands of beasts that were even weaker than them. Gavin wondered what could possibly happen.

Gavin was just thinking about the amount of exp he could gain. Also this was an opportunity to show off his strength. He spent the whole day circulating his ki and using his blood energy as much as possible.

When he realized they had three hours more he stopped all the training and began doing the Heart family training. When focusing his energy, he realized that he didn't have a pool of mana but he had a deep bottomless pit he seemed to be drowning in. It was like he was bathing in nothing but his blood was boiling.

<Mana points+30>

<Blood energy+30>

Gavin was excited seeing the system messages and was wondering how much Joshua and Alex who had done this their whole life had.

The ride to the location of The beast nest was estimated to be about six hours do Gavin was going to make the most out of all these six hours. Looking at all his mates, Gavin wanted to see the amount of energy and just how powerful they were. Maya had a fair amount of energy and was really good at channeling her ki because there was next to no obstacle in her path as he saw her form an ice dagger with her ice and ki mixed in perfect sync.

Ben had a really large amount of ki. His ki was so Large that Gavin could see how it wanted to freely roam In his body. His ki was wild and unrestrained. He was indeed do powerful that Gavin himself felt a little fear from looking at him. He looked away from Ben because even though he was strong they were nates and whether or not Ben liked him, they had to cooperate with one another.

Gavin wandered around until he got to Sonya, Sonya's ki was drawing his attention mainly because, Sonya had a large amount of ki but for some reason, it was condensed at her feet. Gavin was really confused by this until he realized something. Because all her energy was in her feet, her ki in her other parts of her body was being recovered. Gavin was shocked because this was a definite way to at least increase your ki by four times it's normal amount and the b*tch was keeping it to herself. 'Sorry for her that I can see her energy movement' Gavin thought and got to work immediately.

In the beginning, Gavin was finding it really hard to contain all his energy and condense it however, after several tries he successfully condensed his energy to his feet. His muscles started tearing apart like hoe he felt whenever he evolved. He wanted to shout out in pain however he kept it all to himself and endured the pain silently and after several dozen minutes, he had successfully condensed his energy in his legs.

Three hours later, Gavin had succeed in condensing every single bit of energy he recovered in every part of him and now here was the hard part. Taking all that energy he had condensed in all of his body and later four times his normal energy was assaulting his body as his body tried to keep it all in.

Gavin endured this pain once more but this time he let out a whimper of pain.

<All stats+10>

Name Gavin Crimson

Level 16

Race Dominion

Strength 45

Speed 53

Stamina 50

Appeal 50

<Blood energy 180>

Gavin finally let out a squeal of joy as he saw this. Before he had been in the thirties with only his key stats being on the forties but now he was a fifty and could now even fight his dragon.

After all this, the ride had suddenly gone quiet for Gvain and now he was looking around. Using his new eyes Gavin realized he was able to see through things clearly and after looking in the girls direction he saw through their clothes and was already scanning their bodies unknowingly.

A blush settled on his cheeks and Gavin looked away quickly before anyone noticed this but,

"Awwwn he is so cute" Maya fawned over Gavin to Sonya who had a deep suspicious look on her face. She knew Gavin from afar really well and she knew that this guy was someone who had excellent control over his emotions so for a blush to appear on such a person's face it meant that whatever had caused that was indeed something special.

Little did she know that it was her own body that had stirred that reaction from Gavin.

The rest of the ride had gone on smoothly and just as everyone was getting really comfortable, the ship exploded and flames started pouring on from all angles.

Using Maya's ice they were able to get a grasp of the situation and Sonya was already using her ki to surround her body when a huge scaly figure appeared and carried her. Her initial instincts was to defend herself or flee because the power she sensed from this beast was ginormous it was at least a D ranked beast that was close to the C rank.

Of course this was Gavin's Dragon as wheh he saw the explosion he did the only thing he could that would allow him to get out of this safely without expending energy and also he would be able to show off. It was killing two birds with one stone.

Sonya was bewildered about this and kept Gavin on her topmost as the most powerful person in their group. When they landed, the dragon threw them off and herself, Maya, Ben and even Ares who had been quiet this whole time had been thrown in the ground as Gavin rushed in the beast nest, leaving even Joshua and Alex.

Upon entering the beast nest the atmosphere suddenly changed and the place now resembled an ancient temple.

Gavin immediately sensed something was wrong and he was preparing to fight back when he realized the energy this place was giving was way beyond a level 3 this was even exceeding a level 8 and Gavin could only gape in horror as he realized what this was. A two chamber beast nest.

Using his eyes he knew the others were in the level three chamber and he was doomed.

<Quest received>

<Explre and survive the ancient power>


<An ability>

Gavin knew he was in grave danger and to prove it

'Kid be careful and do your best not to die' Daemon said to him ringing every alarm hell on his head