
1: Crash

Thousands of men fought and killed one another upon the battlefield, with arrows and spells tearing through the sky. Blood drenched the ground as more and more corpses piled up, releasing the stench of sweat and blood.

The battle was between the kingdoms of Karkaz and Lesir, both desiring the iron rich valley of Redgost. Normally they would battle within the valley, but said location had only one entrance alongside a large wyvern nest which had yet to be cleared out. As such, neither side had the time or manpower to fortify against external attack with the threat to the rear, leading to a confrontation in the field.

Despite the fighting going on for hours on end, neither side was willing to retreat and regroup despite the deadlock. In fact, the commanders of each force were so blinded by the wealth to their east that they could only make use of the simplest, if usually effective, tactics and counter tactics. But their battle was about to be cut short.

A terrifying wind swept the battlefield, throwing even the steadiest of men off their feet. Looking up, they saw a titanic black cyclone in the sky, with streaks of purple lightning running through it. Said cyclone ferociously tore downwards to the side of the battlefield, into the mountain path leading into Redgost Valley, landing with a massive detonation.

The force of said explosion was so great that even several kilometers away, both armies were decimated. Most died, and those who lived were either on the brink, or dreadfully maimed.


Meanwhile, in a sizable crater, a young man in a black trench coat stood alone, his long silver hair swaying gently in the wind. He was tall, but not too tall, at 183cm. He also had relatively broad shoulders and a cold air about him, making the man look unapproachable.

"Well, guess I now know what happens if you tear a hole in the fabric between realities." he said to himself in amusement, stroking his chin with a gloved hand. Looking around for a moment, he closed his eyes.

Streams of data poured into his brain, informing him that his body, and all the systems within it, were functioning perfectly. Happy with the results, he reached out to his right. Stone disintegrated before reforming as a beautiful, yet sturdy, glass chair.

Sitting down, he began to wonder to himself what he should do. He had reached the pinnacle of known science, even inventing void technology, which could spontaneously create matter by using the concept of infinite numerals to generate energy. With such achievements there was little in his preferred field of research that he did not know, either that or he didn't have the means to research further.

"Hmmm... You know what? I don't need an objective other than to have fun!" He laughed aloud. "This world shall now be called Quinn's Playground! At least in my mind anyway." the young man, Quinn, chuckled to himself.

I only write as a hobby, so I probabl won't do consistent updates unless my books get a lot of support.

a.k.a: power stones pls

Felderiscreators' thoughts