
God Mage

Imagine a life where no one cares to give you a proper name and you end up going by the name of your hair color. Imagine a life where you're unaware that you possess the greatest power in the universe. Imagine a life where you're hunted by a Celestial for something you know nothing about Imagine a life where you're discriminated by your fellow orphans. A life ruled by loneliness and sadness... But one day, that all changed when you met the strongest mage on Earth, Read and find out Green's adventures in a high school for social rejects as he tries to escape death from an evil fraternity backed by a powerful Celestial. But will his efforts be enough to save his life and the universe? Find out in this action packed fantasy book.

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

45 The Murder Attempt

Laura wrapped her huge right hand around Green's waist and flung him into the cage, he sailed for some seconds in the air before landing with a thud!

All the lions in the cage turned and stared at him with only one expression in their eyes, Hunger!

"Be quick!" Green said, loud enough for Laura and Sam to hear him, the lions had already started advancing towards him and he knew that the earlier he got out of that cage, the better for him.

Ryan jumped from the tree branch and landed noiselessly on the ground before looking maliciously at Green who would soon be surrounded by the lions, When Green saw the expression on Ryan's face, he knew something was wrong but the gravity of the stare didn't fully dawn on him until Ryan scaled the cage and landed on the other side.

"Wait a minute... That wasn't the plan!!" Green yelled at them, it was already too late because the three of them had already started walking away and it was then that it dawned on him that Laura, Sam and Ryan had set him up to be eaten by these lions.

Directly hurting a fellow student in the school was highly prohibited and the defaulter would face serious punishment but in this case, everyone knew that he agreed to be thrown into the cage, the school would simply overlook it as an accident.

'They'll pay!! They'll pay!!' Green yelled in his head,


A lion's growl from behind him snapped him back to reality and he realized that he had to get out of this cage first before plotting any revenge of any sort.

He tried to channel his magic energy to his hands to form a ball of energy but the fear and disarray in his head couldn't make that possible, the green energy kept on flickering on and off on his palm.

'Damn! Damn! Damn! I'm so screwed right now, how do I get out of this??' he thought as he moved away from the lions that were advancing slowly towards him.


Green turned around in terror to see another tall, skinny and hungry looking lion blocking the path to the outside forest while slowly approaching him from behind, it only took him a second to realize that he just made a big mistake by turning his back on the lions because the moment he did, he heard numerous growls. He quickly ran forward towards the skinny lion and it instinctively jumped to pounce on him but he slid under it and ran out to the outside forest.

He received another shock there because he saw that the wire fences were almost fifteen feet tall and there was no hole on it. It was now obvious that Laura had lied to him!

He didn't want to waste any time in order to avoid been eaten alive so he jumped and grabbed the wire fence in order to climb over it but he didn't know that the wire fence was an electric fence and the moment his hands touched it, a sharp jolt of electricity ran through him.

"Aaaaagh!!!!" Green yelled and fell down from the fence,

'What the hell was that? I could've been electrocuted to death right now' he thought as he fell to the ground, his body was now numb as a result of the electric shock and he had no where to escape to.

'is this where I'll die? I can't believe that Ryan really wants me dead, I can't really remember doing anything bad to him. Why? Why?' tears streamed down Green's cheeks and he raised his hands forward and tried again to shoot an energy ball but nothing happened and one of the lions jumped on him.

Green closed his eyes, expecting to feel sharp claws and fangs tear his body apart but rather, he felt intense heat and growls of pain. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the lions retreating slowly,

'Huh? What's going on? Are they running from me?' he thought in surprise, 'but I didn't do anything??!'

He suddenly felt intense heat behind him and when he turned back, he saw a huge hole in the fence and his teacher, Jack standing in front of it with wisps of smoke coming out from his index finger, he smiled warmly and blew off the smoke.

"Hey there Green, how are you doing?" He said calmly,

"Mi...mister Jack!!" Green screamed in delight and ran out to him, the lions seemed to be enraged by Jack's interference and rushed forward but Jack waved his hand and the damaged fence reverted back to normal as if it wasn't damaged in the first place. The lead lion couldn't slow his speed on time and ended up ramming into the wire fence, blue sparks shot out as it yelped in pain and backed away from the electric fence.

"Whaaat? What the hell was that? How did you fix the fence?" Green asked curiously,

"Nothing much, just a little time spell" Jack replied and his countenance suddenly became serious,

"How did you get into the lion's cage?"

"My friends.... They want me dead.." Green replied, his voice was somewhat sad and had a sorrowful twinge to it.

"You're quite lucky you know, if I wasn't around, I wouldn't have been able to perceive the powerful magic waves that you were emitting as you were trying to cast an attack spell, thank goodness I got here in time, you would've been lion's meat by now..." Jack said in an attempt to lighten Green's mood but the boy's expression was grave, it was expected for someone who just had a near death experience.

"Okay, fine. What's wrong with you?" Jack asked,

"I and Ryan had a slight misunderstanding, and now he wants me dead"

"Over a slight misunderstanding? Doesn't he have a heart?" Jack had a dramatic expression on his face, it looked funny to Green.

"I think he's been controlled by his DID because whenever I look at him, his eye color and expression is very different from the one I used to know"


"Yes... He has two personalities, one is friendly, the other is hostile, strong and very dangerous. I'm sure he was the one who pulled off this murder attempt"

Jack suddenly burst into laughter and said, "murder attempt, but you're unscathed. I think it'll take a lot more than that to kill my student"

Green felt his head swell with pride at the praise and vowed at that moment never to let himself allow anyone manipulate him to his own ruin again.

"Do you think he'll come back to his senses if you beat him up?" Jack asked,

"I don't really know how the DID's work..." Green replied,

"Well...why don't you give it a shot? That way you can have your revenge too, it'll be just like killing two birds with one stone....Oops! I think I've said too much" Jack covered his mouth that had already curved into a villainous smile and winked at Green as he began to walk away.

Green instantly understood what Jack meant and yelled after him, "Thank you for saving me Mr Jack! I promise I won't disappoint you!"

Jack's lips curved into a grin and he replied in a low tone, "I know you won't"