
God-level battle maniac


Black_rabbit24x · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

new job

taking in the information that the demon had told him Eric just looked up before asking "And why are you telling me this?" looking back down at the human the demon simply said, "We demons have an intuitive sense of danger and opportunity, and you reak of both." looking forward again eric just said, "cool."

standing in front of the portal Eric noticed that almost everyone else was apprehensive about walking through those who weren't where in shock about everything that was happening. after the demon once again spoke in that weird language to the imps one walked over to an elderly man at the end of Eric's line, and just so happened to be behind Eric, before stabbing him in the heart before the elderly man could react.

looking up at the rest of the prisoners the demon said "If you don't start moving you'll join him on the ground and contrary to what you may think, no, there is no afterlife you just die and become a soul, wandering until you fade and vanish." after saying this he looked over at Eric and said, "you're going to haft to carry him."

hearing this he walked over to the elderly man's body before looking through his jacket and pulling out a lighter "Won't be needing this." before pulling out a pocket knife from his jacket and cutting the elderly man's limbs from the chain so he wouldn't haft to carry the body.

seeing this the demon looked over at him "You strangely don't seem to care about one of your kind dying." looking over at the demon he retorted "Do you know what a mercenary is?" "Why would that be important?" "well it was my job before this and you see a lot of death in that line of work, especially if you're good at it, and I'm good at it. Now that I say it it's not that long of a story."

Fearing that they would be next, the rest of the prisoners began to walk through the portal.

After passing through Eric could feel the difference in the air, if earth's air was calm and kind then hell's air was rough and untamed will hostility flowing with every breeze. He could also feel the difference in the energy. While on Earth mana seemed to be loose and thin like a fine mist the, demonic energy on hell was thick and heavy like honey. "the difference in energy is because your planet just gained access to mana while hell has had demonic energy for much longer, as time passes your planets mana will become denser and more concentrated like hell."

After walking for a while they reached what looked like a makeshift camp. Walking to the front of the group the demon looked towards them and began yelling. "Alright, from now on you are our slaves. You will be given jobs based on your skills, if you can build you will build if you can dig you will dig. If a demon tells you to do something, you do it. They tell you to jump you ask how high, they tell you to walk, you walk until they say stop, they ask you something you answer with yes or the answer to the question. Now for the rules, no touching anything that isn't yours unless told, no killing unless told, if you want something and another human has it, figure it out, be that with words or fists, if a demon tells you to do something and a higher rank tells you to do something different, do what the higher rank demon said, and finally, if you don't agree to any of these than be strong enough to say no otherwise shut the fuck up. Am I clear?"

Knowing what to do Eric and a few others yelled out "Yes!" soon after the rest were stabbed. "seems like some of you didn't hear me. I said, am, I, clear?" through the groaning the rest said 'Yes' weakly before they were uncuffed and told where to go by some demons that came out from the camp.

As one got to Eric it looked him up and down before saying, "Go to the tents on the right, your job is combat slave." before uncuffing him. Following orders, he walked over to the camp and went to the right side where he saw several different tents made of what he assumed to be monster skin. Though out, he could see more people, some from his troupe some not. 'seems like there were more search parties, makes sense Walking over to one of the tents he walked inside before sitting down and thinking of his next move. His job as a mercenary was different from what most would think, it wasn't just 'kill this guy, get paid, kill that guy, get paid' it was more of an odd jobs worker of the underworld, be that protecting a mob boss or killing that same mob boss because some paid higher than he did.

Eric himself was well known in the underworld for the fact that he would do almost anything for the right pay. Add the fact that he had little to no moral compass and his high skill level and fast learning rate and he was one of the most sought-after in many different fields of work. Ranging from killing to sex work. One of the interesting missions he was given was to seduce a high-ranking military officer and convince her to let an armed convoy of terrorists in, while he was doing this he was given another mission, which funny enough was from the terrorist enemy to stop his plan from working. The mission was to kill said high-ranking officer. So not only was he paid to sleep with a hot chick he was also paid to kill her at the same time. So he slept with her, let the terrorists on, killed her, and managed to get paid for both jobs.

But one of the things he was most well known for was the fact that he accepted jobs that were related to the occult. Some he did were helping people in rituals or sacrifices. And it wasn't just bad stuff too, because of his line of work he had multiple different identities, one of which was a priest, this meant that he would help all different kinds of religions, cults, witches, and the like with all kinds of things. this caused him to be no stranger to different kinds of 'magic'.

He currently had three main goals, find a way to hide the fact that he can have multiple different energy, find a way to use all the different supernatural and mystical stuff in real life, and get strong enough to get his cat back.

He has his priorities

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