
God hunter system : The punisher

In a world filled with monsters and demons, hunters are the ones who protect humans from the relentless attacks of these creatures. They are admired and respected in society and have access to any service. At least almost all of them. Fanel is a hunter considered the weakest and is therefore despised and mistreated by all. Despite his strength of will, his physical weakness and lack of talent persist. But during a mission in a dungeon, he receives an unexpected offer from the system, thus obtaining a unique ability: the God Hand. This faculty not only gives him phenomenal power but also allows him to become the most powerful hunter. But the system has a condition to this power, Fanel will have to punish other hunters who have turned away from their role as hunters to exploit normal humans Fanel must now navigate this dangerous world as the self-proclaimed enforcer of justice. He will not only have to fight monsters and demons but also hunters while hiding the identity of the famous punisher he now embodies.

Seiji_Shura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

God hunter system : the poor hunter.

Arcus is a realm where urban and fantasy mingle. These two worlds live on the fringes of each other but it happens that monsters and demons find themselves in the human world: this is called a rift. Rifts are a constant threat to human life and to overcome this threat, God has created a system allowing humans to defend themselves against monsters and demons: God hunter system.

This system grants chosen humans supernatural strength and abilities to fight against demons and monsters. The chosen humans can develop their abilities until they reach high ranks giving them privileges in society. But the more powerful they became, the more arrogant the hunters behaved and began to abuse their power over normal humans.



A thud was heard as everyone turned to watch the scene. It was Reinhard, a B-class fighter who was still making a scene, and as usual, it was Fanel he was getting his nerves on.

"You bitch…where's the food I asked you to bring me?" He screamed as he held Fanel's neck, almost preventing him from breathing.

"S.. stop you're suffocating me" Fanel tried to free himself from the grip of the other man which annoyed the latter.

"You useless, talentless shit…how dare you order me around?" He spoke, throwing Fanel into the wall as if he were just a stick.

It was easy, Reinhard was twice as tall and strong as Fanel which made it easy for him to carry him and then throw him away like he was just a piece of paper.

Fanel's body hit the wall heavily creating impact cracks between the surface and Fanel's body.

Reinhard came to stand above Fanel's body before putting his foot on his head.

"I think he passed out," one hunter next to Reinhard sneered as the other chuckled.

"And if he was dead haha… you're not going to have a problem boss?" He spoke with a mocking laugh as Reinhard spat to the side.

"What are you afraid of? It's just useless shit if he dies, it's not too bad"

Reinhard rubbed his foot on Fanel's hair, seeming to wipe his sole on his victim's hair. "Besides, do you think that I would have problems with the guild or justice if I killed such shit? I'm a B-rank hunter while that talentless shit ain't even leveled up to an E-rank"

He lifted his foot off Fanel's head before crushing his hand.

"Come on wake up you little slut…how dare you leave me hungry? Don't you know I need my morning meal?"

He crushed Fanel's hand until it bled as the latter looked up.

"The…vending machine is right in front of you" Fanel spoke outraged that the vending machine was right in front of them and Reinhard still wanted him to bring him his meal? How much did he like tormenting him?

Reinhard did not condone this speech before hitting Fanel in the abdomen causing him to spit blood.

"You bastard, how dare you complain. Talentless shits like you are only fit to serve as slaves to skilled hunters like me. Bringing me food, washing my clothes, it's an honor for you"

Reinhard spoke as Fanel gritted his teeth. His face to the ground, tortured and humiliated for the umpteenth time, he looked around the hall of the guild seeing people's eyes on him. Those who looked at him had the same expression of disgust as Reinhard and his gang and for the others, he just didn't exist.

They preferred to look elsewhere rather than take care of him. Fanel caught the eye of the guild leader who gave him a contemptuous look.

Fanel still remembers his words.

"If I haven't kicked you out of my guild yet it's because you make me feel sorry for you. I pity you. Other than my guild, no other would be stupid enough to recruit a loser like you so make yourself small and assist the other hunters as they ask you"

Fanel gritted his teeth. Why of all the hunters chosen by the God-hunter system, he was the one who received such a lousy power? Why must he suffer the contempt of other hunters when he is one too?

Fanel tried to straighten up as Reinhard landed another kick.

"What stubborn shit do we have here? Stay down vermin, that's where you belong."

Fanel clutched his stomach in pain as he writhed.

For what? Why did he have to obtain this pathetic power that doesn't even help him, its possessor? If it was to give him such weak power, the God hunter system would have been better off letting him be a normal human.

He closed his eyes as tears stung him.

He remembers when he turned fifteen, the age when a human knows whether he will be raised to the rank of a hunter or remain human.

His family had been so happy for such an honor because none of the members had had this chance.

His joy was short-lived, however, when he experienced his unique ability: Instant Wound Regeneration.

It wasn't a very useful power, especially in a combat situation where physical and technical qualities are required. His power was just weak. It just allowed him to recover quickly from minor injuries like scratches, which didn't make much of a difference in a combat situation.

But far from being discouraged, he had decided to improve this unique skill to derive practical utility from it in combat, but even so, his skills as a hunter soon proved to be inferior to those of other hunters.

Putting him last in every monthly poll.

Several times he had tried to improve his skills by attending training sessions of renowned hunters, he took notes and went to ask them for advice. He trained like crazy to improve his physical fitness and boost his strength and fighting ability.

But after all that, nothing seemed to work and over time, he became discouraged, standing the dishonesty of all those who saw fit to harass him.

For all hunters, and especially those of his guild, he was seen as a burden and received their blatant contempt.

Being beaten, insulted, and humiliated like this every day had an impact on his morale and also on his status as a hunter because no group would want him for any mission.

Most of the guild's time was spent cleaning equipment and rooms, tidying up, and often serving as a punching bag for those who needed a "sparring partner."

Fanel felt alone, humiliated, and helpless.

Reinhard was about to kick him again when the Rift Alarm sounded, Reinhard pulling his foot away from his back.

"Tssk another rift, we can't even rest my word"

He grumbled as Fanel wondered when he first went to deal with a rift.

Finally left alone, Fanel sat leaning against the distributor before noticing that despite the announcement of a rift, no hunter had risen.

" But…"

He wanted to speak in disbelief before one of the hunters spoke.

"I heard the Behemoths are around…"

"What's the point of going there? They're going to have all the honors these assholes"

"Haha plus it's a SS-class Monster-type rift, I don't want to risk my life"

They were there, hunters having to act out of duty, they refused to go and fight.

Fanel gritted his teeth, yes he won't be of any use there, but even if his power is weak, he can at least help civilians and heal some injured people.

He walked despite his injured body and went to get his gear, or so it is before running out of the guild.

He is a hunter, his duty is to help civilians