

In a twist of fate, Aiden's life takes an extraordinary turn after a near-fatal accident. He encounters God, who compels him to return to Earth and marry His daughter. Aiden undergoes rigorous training to become a worthy partner for God's enigmatic offspring and is sent back to the mortal realm. Awakening in his own body, Aiden grapples with memories of his past life, using them to forge a path in the business world. His unwavering determination drives him to construct a life of happiness with God's daughter. Little does Aiden suspect that God has concealed a crucial part of the truth. As a formidable adversary emerges, Aiden is faced with a harrowing choice. Will he defy the divine, or will he rise to the challenge that destiny has thrust upon him? Update: Atleast 1 chapter per week.

_akc_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


The next morning. 

Aiden woke up with dark circles around his eyes, showing the effectiveness of last night's prayer. He got ready for his morning jogging and left the apartment at 6.15. He reached SM park and started doing stretching and other exercises. The park was filled by people who came either to workout or walk their dogs. After some time he stopped exercising and started jogging. 

It was close to 8.00 when he reached his apartment. He took a bath and prepared his breakfast. His breakfast consisted of toasted bread with eggs,fruits and tea. He completed all his work by 10:20 and opened the stock market app to purchase the shares. 'Tigris Motors' shares were priced at ¢671.02, he purchased 745 shares and sent the documents to the company for changing the ownership of these shares. Then he changed his clothes, took his backpack and left the apartment. 

The hot rays of the sun hit his face but he still decided against using his bicycle. He took a bus and got off at the bus stop close to 'Cup & Saucer'. He went there and left after some small talks and getting his umbrella. None of them talked about yesterday's event. He walked for 10 minutes and reached the metro train station. He scanned his metrocard and entered the platform. A train was already waiting in the station and its door closed immediately after he entered. It being a sunday the train was not full. After 20 minutes he got off at the shopping district station. He took a bus from the station and traveled away from the heart of the shopping district and reached his destination within less than 10 minutes. 

He stood before a white 3 story building. It had a name board stating 'Yamir clothing'. It was a clothing shop famous among old and middle aged people for providing good and affordable clothes. It was not famous among the rich and the younger generations due to lack of branded clothes. He walked to the 2nd floor, which sold formal dress. He was approached by a girl of similar age to him and with her help he selected his dresses. He purchased a black suit, white shirt and a gray tie. He moved to the ground floor, where he had to make the payment and collect the dress. It all cost him ¢4700, then he moved to the tailoring unit to get his dress fitted. While walking there he noticed that unlike the 2nd floor this floor looked understaffed. After reaching there he noticed that out of the 5 tailoring machines only 3 had operators and because of this he had to wait some time for his turn. 

After 10 minutes Aiden found himself in front of a red haired girl. She looked his age, maybe younger, her face didn't have any makeup and had many pimple marks. He felt like she would be a beauty with all these marks gone and a light makeup. She suddenly looked up and he looked down to his shirt on the machine but he felt like she caught him staring at her. She spent a total of 15 minutes on his clothes and after that he left the shop. 

It was afternoon and Aiden was feeling hungry, so he had ramen from a nearby restaurant. He then went to a theater, where he found that there will be 2 movies starting in the next half an hour. The 1st was a domestic action movie and only the seats close to the screen were available and the 2nd movie was a foreign drama by a famous actor. He looked at the reviews online and saw that it was decent, so he took a ticket. 

The movie started at 2:30. It shows the life of a middle aged father who was left by his girlfriend because of being poor, the problems he faces, the people coming to support him and it had an ending where he became a successful businessman and married a woman who supported him. After the film he felt like fate was playing with him. He then went to the beach, upon reaching there he felt like it was more crowded than other days. After watching a beautiful sunset and having some beach special snacks he left for his home happily. 

After reaching his home Aiden took a shower. One the way back he had dinner from a restaurant, so had no other work for the night. He checked the clock and seeing that time had past 8:00 he decided to call his parents. He took his phone and dialed his mom's number. The call was answered after 4 rings. 

" Did my son remember his mom's number? " a woman's voice came from the other side. 

"What are you saying mom? I called you last saturday. "

"You know you are supposed to call me on all Saturdays."

" I was busy yesterday. But I called you today. "

"That is not an excuse to not call your mother. "

Aiden knew his mother was not going to listen. So he decided to attack rather than defend. 

"I am sorry mom, but you could have called me. I know you don't care about me, you only see father in your eyes. " Aiden said in a sad tone. 

"How could I ?, This is your last weekend with your friends. Who knows when you all will meet again and if you were with Emma, I don't want to destroy your lovely night. Yesterday it was both of our fault, how about it? "

"Ok, I agree. "

"Finally, my baby boy is going to graduate from college. I have to tell Emma to send a lot of photos to me and… . "

"Mom, Don't call her. I will send you all the photos you want. " Aiden interrupted her. 

"Why, Did you have a fight? "

" We broke up. "

"Why did she do that to you? "

"Don't assume like that. It was me who broke up. She changed recently and I felt like we can't be ourselves around each other. "

There was silence for some time. 

" I believe you. " She said. Now there was a big change in her tone. 

They talked for some more time before ending the call. He then took his black formal shoes and polished them. After that he went to bed and started reading online novels, slowly falling asleep.