
God's beloved daughter

Amadea was created by god to be perfect in almost every way but the family she was born into abused her until she left and ended up dead in the street. Wanting to see his daughter grow and be able to shine her best he sent a clone into another world so he could create a family and bring her soul over. Join us on Amadea journey of friendship betrayal will she settle on a simple life or aim for the stars only the gods know.

murdasquaddark · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Chapter 22 Date

As I looked around in the dark I slowly walked in ready to attack at a moment's notice. I rounded a corner and just as I was about to try and turn on the lights I felt someone push me up against the wall. As I opened my mouth to scream in shock my hands got pinned above my head and my lips were sealed by another.

Smelling Apaels sweet scent, I let her deepen the kiss as I squirmed against the wall wanting my body to be engulfed in her embrace. Her tongue showed no mercy as it invaded my mouth filling it with the flavor of strawberry and chocolate. My body felt like it was burning up and I started to go limp from pure bliss. Since I was only about 5 foot 5 right now Apael had to lean down but as my body grew weaker and I felt like jelly she reached down lifting me up her tall frame bracing my back against the wall.

Letting out a soft moan I wrapped my legs around her waist letting her take complete control of my body. If she even wanted me at this moment I would not be able to hold myself back. I felt her pulling her mouth away from mine leaving a trail of saliva. Letting out a soft whimper of disappointment I rubbed my hips against her. "Happy birthday my little birdie…" After she finished speaking, she gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I can't believe it has been another year only a couple more years and I will be an adult once I hit 15. But at least I can still enjoy some great sweet moments like this with Apael. "T-thank you Apael." I buried myself in her arms and just let myself get comfortable. She walked me to the bathroom before undressing me and teasing me.

"Looks like my girlfriend is growing in more places than height" I blushed brighter than a tomato as she filled the tub with warm water and helped me in. She still acts like a maid at times and helps with daily tasks like this. I don't know when it happened but during these months of our relationship, I somehow found myself being dominated. Always at her mercy being pinned down and kissed. She treated me like a prized treasure but she did not mind being rough with me.

Before I realized it the bath was over and she was dressing me up. She put me in a long flowery dress she put on socks that went up to my thigh and put my hair into one long ponytail. Finishing up she put an apple pin in my hair and helped me put on some high heels. "Apple why are you dressing me up so much tonight? Are we not just going to go to bed?"

"Of course not silly we need to celebrate and what better way than to go out into the city and have a date!" that's when I noticed she was not in a maid outfit or lounge clothes. She was wearing a black and red suit. Her tall 8 foot frame made me look tiny but also made me feel safe. My tall demoness looked strong and domineering. She reminded me of how a CEO was described in my old world tall with cold eyes only showing warmth to the one they love. Reaching her arm out towards me I slowly took her hand.

My steps were wobbly since I was not used to walking in heels. She took me out of the academy with long strides. I kept struggling to keep up and that is when I saw the evil smirk on her face. I tried to drop her hand and run but I could barely walk let alone run away. That is when she reached down lifting me up in a princess carry. "My my my looks like my little birdie is having trouble walking. It looks like I will have to carry her in my embrace." she let out a soft chuckle as I began to pout.

Letting myself fall to my fate I laid my head on her chest listening to her calm strong heartbeat. My eyes felt heavy as I slowly drifted to sleep. All the training I had been doing finally caught up to me making me exhausted in my own little nook in her arms.

I felt someone gently shaking me so I opened my eyes to see I was set down in a chair at a nice restaurant. There was not a single other demon in the whole place. The tablecloths were black with red roses. The entire place was lit with dim candlelight adding a charm to Apaels face. It made the whole atmosphere feel ambiguous like we had to hide away from everyone.

But I preferred being alone not wanting anyone to see her. I guess we both are the jealous type since she made sure no one would see me in such a beautiful dress." Where are we Apael? It looks so fancy." I grabbed a glass of water and took a sip.

"We are at the most prestigious restaurant in the capital. I rented the whole place don't worry about the cost. I told Mon we wanted to celebrate your birthday. But I did tell him about the security concern so he asked Koil to close the place. Apparently, he owns the place."

I nodded. I guess if this place belonged to our people there is no reason to worry about cost. "You look amazing Apael. I can not thank you enough for such a nice dinner." My smile must of been especially bright since it looked like Apael could not look away. Soon a single big plate of monster meat was placed in the middle of the table.

Apael moved to a seat next to mine and that is when I noticed the only silverware on the table was in her hands. She cut off a piece feeding it to me. Blushing softly in the low light must have made me look even more charming. As I bit into the meat the flavor burst. It tasted like the most tender juicy steak I have ever had. But after a moment the flavor changed into a sweet chicken before stopping on the flavor of bbq pork. "This is amazing! How does it go through so many different flavors?"

Apael took a bite after feeding me and smiled. "It is a specialty of Koil. He makes the herbs with his own sinergy infusing it to make the flavors change. But I still needed my little birdie sauce." I never knew Apael could be so shameless with her flirting. She licked the fork before feeding me another piece. Adding her sweet flavor to the meat made it so much better so I returned the favor of licking the fork.

After dinner, I felt stuffed and satisfied. I thought we were going to head home but she started leading me towards the mountains in the distance. It took a couple of hours and it was getting really dark and it was oddly chilly up the mountain. Apael set up a blanket in a clearing and pulled me down with her on it. I lay in her embrace staring up at the night sky. This was a very magical night for me.

It was the first date I ever had and it was amazing in every way. The stars were different than what I was used to. They shined red and violet reminding me of rubies and amethyst. I rested my eyes as I clung closer to Apael. "I love you. Thank you for an amazing night." Slowly I fell asleep in her warm embrace.