
Getting the Slave Status

Jin and the gang was walking towards the Dining Hall while being noisy. Mostly because of Ruby cursing and screaming at her twin brother.

She managed to break free of Yang's hold earlier and she marched towards Jin for another session of yelling.

"Pouring a bucket full of cold water on your sister felt really freakin good right?! You really loved that prank do ya?! Oh wait it wasn't a prank! It was you being a genuine sadistic tramp that likes to get people to work themselves to death! You even said that you would break my legs if I don't continue! What kind of 'soothing' words was that?! You were actually threatening me! Why would you do that to your own sister?! It must really feel good to be the one with power huh?! Was it fun to torment your friends and sisters?! You smelly sadistic scum!"

"Oh my Lord. Is this really Ruby?" Jaune said with fear while watching the raging little red.

"Woah! Look at her go!" Nora said in amazement.

"Hey Ruby, I think you should tone it down a bit. Your being really loud right now. Its still early in the morning." Ren said.

Jin just smiled helplessly, "Just let her, if she's really angry or something like that. Then she just needs to vent it out. I don't really mind if she takes it out on me. Its my fault in the first place."

Ruby was still ranting about his treatment on them last night and she was still cursing and insulting him for all of it.

Jin just mentally sighed at their actions and he decided to let her do whatever she wants on him today.

'How many times should I apologize to quench her anger?'

Right now Ruby was back at Jin's side and she was pounding at his shoulders once again. And after ranting for so long, she still had alot of words to say.

"You can't just pour a bucket of cold water on me while I'm unconscious! What if I do that to you! What if I pour some cold water while you're asleep?! Let's see how that makes you feel! And why would you USE your semblance on me, huh?! THAT FREAKIN HURT! That really hurt! I was all wet because of the water and you also decided to electrecute me?! Are you dumb?! Do you want me to die?! What the hell were you thinking?! How could you do that to me?! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME!? Me! Your own twin sister! Talk about the 'I would never hurt you' crap you promised to me years ago! You lying piece of sh-.."

Just as Ruby was going to say a swear word from her rant, Yang closed in again and covered her mouth before proceeding to grab her arms and pull her off Jin.

"Ok, alright." Yang said as she dragged off Ruby while looking around.

There was alot of students that were watching their noisy group. Some just outright ignored them, and some were laughing at Ruby's swear words and cursing, while some were disturbed and they frowned at her actions.

Many first year students saw Jin and they all either moved away or avoided themselves from getting seen by him.

This was the man that tormented them last night. The man that would yell at the students if they would slack off and harm the students if they won't listen.

"We are attracting alot of attention in this early in the morning. So Ruby, please stop." Yang said.

"She'll never get over that cold water thing." Weiss said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, she always points that one out." Jaune said.

Blake watched Ruby, who was again causing a tantrum while in Yang's clutches, before she turned to Jin. She then approached him and advised.

"Hey, Jin. How about telling her that you would do anything she wants for today. Sure, she may go a bit overboard, but.....I think you have to do it if you wanna earn her forgiveness."

Jin mentally sighed as he thought for awhile, 'Well, I guess I can handle it, even if she does go overboard. It won't really harm me or anything. At best, she may just act like a princess brat and order me around to do something for her.'

"Ok then..."

Jin then turned to Ruby, who was still glaring at him, and he approached her. Yang already knew his intention so she just let her go.

"Ruby....." Jin said while closing in on her with a smile.

Surprisingly, she didn't go on with her rant or started raining curses at him. Ruby just snorted as she crossed her arms and turned her head away from him with a pout.

She was truly angry at him and it seems that her anger would'nt go naturally anytime soon unless if it was quenched by something...or someone...

"Ruby, come on. At least look at me..."

She only responded by turning her entire back to him. Jin just smiled helplessly as he scratched his head.

"Look, how about I do anything you want for today. You can treat me as....like a butler that would do anything you order for you."

Ruby raised an eye brow and she slightly smiled. She then turned back to her twin brother and she said.

"Anything?" She slightly smiled.


"Fine! But you won't be like my butler! You will be my slave!" Ruby exclaimed as she vigorously pointed at him.

Pyrrha's left eye twitched in bewilderment, "Huh?..."

"Wait what?..." Yang said as a question mark appeared on her head.

"Ey...." Nora blurted out as she froze while walking and turned to the girl with a red cloak.

"Well, well, well. Elder Red is gonna be Little Red's dog for today....Hehehe..." Weiss said as she smirked cruelly and looked at Ruby.

Ruby similarly looked at Weiss and they made eye contact. As if they read each other mind's, they already understood each other's intentions.

They were going to work together to get back at this scoundrel of a man. They would vent out all their frustrations on him in other ways....

Yang could sense that the two were having some devious plans for Jin, but she didn't say anything. She was just waiting for the Elder red's response.

Jin just helplessly smiled and he decided, "Sure, why not."

Ruby's mouth slowly curved into a dark smile as she immediately ordered, "Good! Now for your first job! Carry me to the cafeteria!"

Jin scratched his head, "Fine."

Ruby clicked her tongue and pointed at him, "What do you mean by 'fine'?! Master! Call me Master damn it! Say 'Yes Master'! You have to prefer to me ALWAYS as Master!"

"Ugh, Yes Master...." Jin groaned before picking her up bridal style.

"What kind of reaction is that?! You should be happy to serve your Master!" Ruby screamed at him.

"I knew this would happen..." Yang said with a face palm.

"I guess....whatever that makes her happy?" Nora said with an unsure tone.

Jin just had a helpless smile as they approached the entrance of the Dining Hall. Jaune got in front of the group and he opened the doors for them.

But the moment he did so, almost all of the first year students saw the now Ruby carrying Jin, and they stopped eating.

"Its him...."

"Oh my god...."

"Its the Demon...."

Many of them had the faces of terror and their bodies were now mildly shivering. They could still remember how this seemingly nice man transform into a Demon Sergeant from hell to torment them.

They could never forget what happened that night. All of them were equally subjected into that 'Torture Training' and they were powerless to avoid it.

"Ah, they're all afraid of you now." Jaune said before turning to Jin.

Jin sighed again, "Well, its bound to happen."

But, many of the non first year students were looking at him with hearts on their eyes. They always saw him wearing that fancy attire for weeks now and they still couldn't get tired of looking at him.

It was always an eye-candy for them. Such a handsome man wearing such a charming attire was too devastating, plus each of them has talked to Jin and they already know how romantic he was.

Almost all of them already tried to get him privately to their dorm rooms. There were even many teams that consisted of female members that tried to snatch him, kidnap him or even blackmail him to get him to come with them to their rooms.

Jin noticed the other stares of the female students and he turned his head to them before doing his signature confident smile. He knew every single one of them and he has talked to all them.

Ruby venomously glared at the female students and she grinded her teeth. She then turned to Jin and commanded him to get him to turn his attention on her.

"Hurry up you slimy slave! Don't you look and get distracted by those other women and focus on serving me! Find me a seat and get me my food! You already know what I want for breakfast, so get going! Chop Chop!"

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