
Go Home a Like Turtle

WPC #304 (...) Go home at a snail's pace. It seems to be the watchword of the X-Monk survivors. Go home. It is the before and after of a tripolar life: Plant-Animal-Human. You will know how the characters live or lived at home. With or without their spirits or demons. With gifts and kindnesses that help them to continue. And Bierny opens her heart to listen to her friends and give timely advice and help. They are short stories of the intermediate places between the lost home and the new conquered home. Patience and Hope. Soon you will arrive at a firm and safe place appropriate to your circumstances. The third novel: (WPC #308) Academy Artesan ProCreation, belongs to the saga: GenX2022 along with the novels: https://www.webnovel.com/book/academy-artesan-procreation_23934150405486205 Second novel: Go Home a Like Turtle: (Two 1,500-word Chapters twice a week: Thursday and Monday) (WPC #304) https://www.webnovel.com/book/go-home-at-pace-turtle_23822104806738905 Third novel: XMonk Apocalypse Primate: (A 1,500-word Chapter once a week: Wednesday) (WPC #302) https://www.webnovel.com/book/x-monky-apocalypse-x-primate_23770584306263105 The edition/update of the 2021 novels, between Saturday and Sunday. BitLove, DarkMan, X Prays... And if you like the characters and their characterized stories, there are a series of illustrations of all the novels on the Instagram account: @genxprays. Discord: #9340 Fanpage: facebook.com/genxprays WhatsApp Business: +51 933 123 278 Patreon / PayPal: genxconectados Thank you for your reviews, votes, collections and comments on the WPC #304.

GenXPrays · História
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62 Chs

«Case Nº 1» The parallel universe of Taraon Saulo:

<In the bipolar universe of Taraon Saulo>

There was Taraon, his blood dripped from his head, to the height of his temple, he was kicked so many times by a uniformed man that one of his ears burst. He feared the worst.

A uniformed man said:

But has the problem already passed? Although I think it's complicated.

In the struggle of the capture, feeling Taraon faint, looking for something to cling to so as not to fall abruptly, he hung on the weapon of the officer who was intervening.

Upon waking up, he saw the scene, lines above. Taraon: He had a gun in his hand. Two details could save him "from a double sentence." First: the people who watched the scene expectantly. Second: the gun had not been fired.

Taraon, he had no powder residue on his hands. At least not this time.

{Novel: XMonk Apocalypse Primate}

Hardly, his parents: TDriv and Alieny, managed to transmigrate into human, for the return home; it gave them the chance to reconnect with their human family. One of his sons: Taraon Saulo, was in his first steps "towards social darkness"; unlike his daughter, Sasry, who is Case No. 2 and whose life: remained hidden from these, and from other realities for being Agent 3R.

To Taraon Saulo: -The fight on the side of the XMonk, as Agent SM-. They had left him exhausted and with a certain bodily weakness. His sister Sasry is in charge of helping Bierny in the informative fight about the case of her brother Taraon Saulo. A confrontation can be reached: dangerous, belligerent and conflictive; between brothers, such as: Agents of good and evil.

[Reader friend]

You can, -help moderate: these and other cases-. You only have to answer the questions that will be left at the end of the chapters. We can consider your contribution: adding a character or Reader Agent (3R / SM). Facilitate dialogues as an Agent 3R: if your answer is positive or facilitate dialogues as an Agent SM: if your answer is negative. It is not about knowing and displaying the truth or promoting lies: but, we will quote it, as: the reader's point of view.

[Reader friend]

You can, -help moderate: these and other cases-. You only have to answer the questions that will be left at the end of the chapters. We can consider your contribution: adding a character or Reader Agent (3R / SM). Facilitate dialogues as an Agent 3R: if your answer is positive or facilitate dialogues as an Agent SM: if your answer is negative. It is not about knowing and displaying the truth or promoting lies: but, we will quote it, as: the reader's point of view.

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