
gluttony castle

Gustave_Ain · Terror
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2 Chs

Apollo and the stone eye

We let these two talk and go to a place not far away, about two blocks away from that neighborhood, and there was a man walking down the street with his chest puffed up, lifting his head up proudly and growing up, and his black hair pulled back to be neat and steady, and he was wearing a black glove in his right hand and not wearing anything in his left hand, and it was scary about him that one of his stone gray eyes, and what was most scary about that man other than his body shape was his laugh, he had I laughed all over his face, literally splitting his face from ear to ear with his eyes wide as if he was on the most beautiful day of his life .

That man arrived at a dilapidated house at the beginning of a street at the end of the neighborhood, away from the noise and people, and entered the garden of that house and stood directly in front of the door and raised his right hand and hit the door while knocking until the wood of the door shattered before someone opened it to him, he did not open the door but!

That young man came in and raised his hand and the smile still split his face and hit the first wall he saw in front of him, and it was a wall of generation and wood, and he broke the side of that wall, and then he cleaned his glove with his left hand , and the house was literally a garbage dump, there's nowhere to even walk in, the smell is bad to the strongest extent, as if there was a dead body in it ،

A two-year-old child came out of a room in front of him while he was snoring to get past the garbage, and then reached in front of that man and looked at him, that Nomad bent down to the child, held him by his hand, raised him to his chest and said with a long laugh, ha ha, where are your parents, beautiful child !! He ended his sentence with a laugh like the first.

The kid looked at him and didn't say anything, and then that young man said, what's your name, Kid !! Ha-ha .

The kid said, Zak, Zak .

Your Name Is Zach Ha ha is a wonderful name and he put his hand on the baby's hair, patting it .

It was here that the man heard the sound of feet coming from above, running fast, then he heard a sound from the wooden stairs and found out that it was another 14-year-old boy .

That kid said, Who the hell are you !! And who broke down the door !! Let go of my brother from your hand !!

The two-year-old pointed at that boy and said, Zach ! Zack !

That young man said and his smile never disappeared, ha ha, so his name is Jack ! And he looked at Jack and said, hi, jack, nice to meet you, I'm Apollo ! Ha ha ha .

That boy stood there a little surprised and then he said, Give me brother, he didn't do anything ...

Apollo said, Haha of course he didn't do anything and I wouldn't have killed him unless I was hungry and lucky for you that I had eaten a few hours ago ha ha !

Apollo lowered the child to the ground, but the child did not move from his side .

Zach said, Come On, Come on, it's me, it's me ! Get away from that guy .

Apollo said, Ha Ha if your name is a conclusion, what a great name ! I wish I had it ! Ha ha, and he bent down to little Ebram and extended his hand to shake him, and Ebram shook him normally .

Zach was standing nervously, not knowing what he might do to get his brother next to him, so he stepped among the garbage, grabbed his brother's hand gently and pulled him towards him .

And here Apollo heard another voice, there is another person in the House ! Ha ha , Apollo said .

Zach looked at the room from which AbRam had come out and rushed to her, stumbling and standing out of the garbage and tension .

When he tried to enter before him, Apollo put his hand crosswise in front of the entrance door and hit the left cage of the door, and it broke and the House pole crashed with it and the Iron bent .

Zach backs away and bends over to Abram, hugging him and hiding his face .

Apollo came into the room laughing, ha ha .

And he looked at it, and he didn't really find anyone, and the room was with no place to hide, just a mattress on the floor with a bunch of clothes on it .

Apollo stepped into the room , put his leg on the bed and made a squeaking sound, here Zak shouted " Don't walk on it !! Please, and the tears are almost coming out of his eyes."

Apollo turned around and there were two possibilities, either the person is hiding inside the bed, and this is a possibility that is rejected because Apollo ran over part of him if he makes a sound to me other than squeaking, and the second possibility is that Zak knows something that Apollo does not know or sees .

Apollo said with a laugh, ha ha, if you are protecting something or someone, it's better to come and face me with the truth, ha ha .

Zak came out of the room wiping the tears in his eyes and went to bed and put away the clothes, so he has a scene of an infant with only skin and bone in his body, he has no voice to scream, but a slight whimpering, he has no effort to move his hands or feet .

Zach held up that baby and said, he's my second brother and he's looking at Apollo .

Apollo laughed and he said, Ha ha, what a beautiful child, you are really wonderful children, ha ha ha, but when you put the clothes on him, weren't you afraid that Ha Ha would choke, and he stepped forward and opened his arms to take the child from Zak and actually took him and lifted him and he was too small for Apollo, almost not seen .

Apollo said, Ha ha, what is the name of this wonderful little one .

Zach fell to the ground and started crying, saying, they didn't give him a name, they said they were going to let him die like that .

My brother will die of hunger while he is still a baby ! Tears were streaming from his eyes and his voice was breaking in pain .

Apollo laughed out loud, covered up Zak's crying until Zak fell silent , and then Apollo said with that smile covering his face, ha ha, why would he die Ha ha let me tell you a little secret, Kid Zach ! When I was a baby, I was like this brother of yours, ha ha ha !

Zach stopped crying listening to Apollo's words, and then he said, shaking because of the pressure he was under, ' you mean my brother won't die?' ...

Of course he won't, ha ha, and on the sign for that I'll call him ( little Apollo / Apollo Junior ) .

Then he went on to say, ha ha, but you didn't answer my question, weren't you afraid that he would choke when you covered him .

Zach said, it wasn't me who did it ...

Apollo turned back and looked at the door, seeing AbRam watching them from the corner of the door .

Apollo said, Come on, conclude ! Are you the one who did that Ha-ha .

He stepped forward and stood next to Zach and said, ' I thought the parents were at home .

Correcting AbRam's words, Zak said he thought my parents had come home and wanted to get rid of my brother .

Ha ha ha, Apollo laughed and his laughter lasted longer than usual and then he said, Your Parents need lessons on taking responsibility, ha ha ! .

Apollo heard a voice coming from outside, the voice of people coming home and here, Zach gave little Apollo and told them to wait for him in the room until he came back .

Apollo went out into the living room and continued to trample the garbage under his feet as if he weighed a whole ton .

Apollo came through the front door and he didn't see anyone outside the door, and as soon as he came out there were two men on his right and a woman on his left with a knife in her hand .

One of the men was holding an iron pipe and the other had a rifle in his hand .

Apollo stood among them laughing, ha ha ! You've really screwed up ! Where is my money Ha ha ha ! And the guy raised the gun in Apollo's face and said, Mr. Apollo, I didn't expect you to visit us at our house ! Where are your guys now, huh? (chuckles)! .

Apollo lifted the gun with his hand and bent it like a rubber stick and grabbed the man by the neck, the second man attacked him with the pipe on his arm, so the pipe burst on Apollo's arm, Apollo laughed and said, Ha ha ha I brought a man with you who was also overpowered ! Haha, he reached out his right hand to the man with a pipe and grabbed him, he skinned his face and cheeks from his skull and the man fell screaming and writhing in pain, then Apollo lifted the man who was holding the gun and turned it on the woman and threw it at her while laughing .

Unfortunately, I'm not even given second chances ! Ha-ha .

The guy said, Wait, I have children ! And the woman also started crying and said, and we have children, please .

Children Apollo laughed out loud and said, You don't have children anymore ! Ha ha and grabbed the man by his foot and lifted him up and grabbed his other foot with his other hand and hit him between the legs with two kicks, in the first kick the pelvis was broken and in the second the bones pierced the stomach and then he lifted him out of his jacket and grabbed him by the neck and pressed it until his muscles and skin were severed until he grabbed only his spine and bent it, it broke and that man fell dead .

Without Apollo noticing, the woman had fled inside the house, and Apollo entered and stepped through the wall of that room, knowing that she was going to threaten him with killing one of the children's parents .

Apollo laughed out loud and said, ' Zach, can you hear me?' I've killed your father now ! And it's your mom's turn ! I know she's going to threaten me with one of you, and she's right next to the window and the back wall, hold on ! Ha ha ha .

The woman inside was terrified and she was holding a knife and holding Zak by the neck by the window already and here she thought he was going to come at her from the window so she stepped from the wall separating her and the living room .

Apollo put his ear to the wall and listened to her movements, then he hit the wall and he took his hand out of it and grabbed her by the neck and pulled his head out of the crack in the wall while laughing .

Apollo pulled her through that fracture with force until that Wall fell and grabbed her and threw her into the other wall and ran to her laughing and hit her and her body smashed the other wall and her bones were shattered and penetrated her rib cage, feet and hands .

He turned to the children while he was cleaning his clothes from all the mess he had caused and the dust, and then he looked at the door and found that the man who had skinned his face was running away, so he grabbed a bottle of wine that was on the floor and threw it into him and it settled between his guts completely and he fell to the ground .

Apollo said, 'so, kids, we got rid of your parents' problem and there's no hard feelings between us, is there?' Ha-ha .

Zak shook his head with a " yes " .

Apollo laughed and said, and for your good behavior I will give but a prize ! Ha ha ha , you are invited to be a part of my family, you can consider yourselves my children from today on ha ha ha ! Let's go get something to eat !