
Glory of the fallen

In a world where spiritual energy is the norm, Vladimir stands out as an anomaly. Despite being a genius spiritualist, mastering all aspects of it, he is viewed as a freak. Yet, Vladimir finds solace in his uniqueness, seeing the rejection as a perfect fit for him. As he embarks on adventures, he grapples with both the challenges of his extraordinary abilities and the societal perception of his difference.

Atomic8Purgartory · Fantasia
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7 Chs

A journey to embark on

Vladimir's POV

I sat there, listening to the geezer catfish yapping about who knows what. After all, my brain doesn't allow for gibberish to be retained; I am expensive, needing to conserve space in my mind. First now that I have fully merged with this body I need to refine the information that I have. I was born six years ago, taking over from the initial owner of the body a year after its birth. Since it was fate to die, I probably did it a favor by taking its place.

This new world I now inhabit is called Etherealis. It's said that in this mystical realm, spiritual energy shapes reality, and extraordinary powers lie dormant within every soul. The world I left, Eleceed, was filled with mana, making it harder to live there than on mundane Earth, both of which were doomed to end.

According to the thick energy here, I would say it's where the ley lines intersect; otherwise, it wouldn't be filled with such dense spiritual energy. They call the pure energy in nature Aetherium, while the energy within people is called lumina, although that's pretty weird. People who can harness that power are called mystic warriors and the ethereal titans both with different categories. It's a more complicated world than the ones I've previously been to.

As I glanced behind me, people stared, flinched, and ran. This world is no big deal unless I'm well-informed about its workings. What's weird is that in this very village, Celestial Heart, everyone looks the same despite having different family names. Not only that, but I feel as though my vitality is being sucked out every day, and it may not be visible at first glance, but my hair keeps losing color. The hostility people have toward me is even more suspicious. What makes me feel even more uneasy is the fact that even if you can see the gate to the outside, you can never get through, no matter what. Well, whatever. It would have been boring if they made it too easy for me to figure out.

* * * *

Mr. Klaus looked at Vladimir, who seemed to be deep in thought. After a few more minutes, Vlad stood up and stretched his body.

"Aww, how sad. Vlad is mad that I was laughing at him," Sera lamented with her eyes sparkling.

"That's not true. This bastard isn't the least bit fazed. Just look at him being all stoic, fucking genius," Kai corrected her.

"Ahem, Vlad, it would be sad if you would go now since I had intended to..."

"Talk about spiritualists, mystics, or whatever?" he interjected eagerly.

"Why, yes, indeed! But how did you...?" I started, taken aback by his uncanny intuition.

"Well, it's about time, catfish!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

In that moment, I caught a glimpse of the spark I had been yearning for, a flicker of genuine interest dancing in his eyes. It was the look I had hoped to see, a sign that perhaps there was still a bridge to be built between us.

"Well, I suppose I can forgive his earlier mischief, just for today," Mr. Klaus thought to himself gleefully.

"So let's start with basics of the basics. You know that there are four stages, right? That's if you wish to be a mystic warrior, of course," he dramatically said.

"Yeah, yeah, keep going," Vladimir said.

"Hey, why are you telling him? Is it because you picked up this trash somewhere and now you feel like you need to spoil him with something that none of us have?" Kai's roar turned red in anger.

Mr. Klaus looked at Vlad in disbelief as the words stayed stuck in his throat. Vlad turned his head to Kai in a menacing way, his eyes clad in rage. 'Oh boy, he's dead. How should I prepare for the funeral? I am poor!' Mr. Klaus swallowed hard as he tried to calm the boy. The boy then betrayed his expectations.

"Hey, who do you think you are to interrupt my classes with something so childish and obvious? Who asked you to tag along anyway? You know I let you do whatever you want anyway, anywhere, with whomever, but if you dare try to get in my way with your petty talk. Ha! Who knows what will happen?" The smile that no one could ever believe came from a child was vivid on Vlad's masterfully sculpted face. And after that, the tension became so thick it could be cut with a knife. At that, Kai shuddered and sealed his lips as everyone was left speechless, even the passerby.

"What the heck? Are you just going to keep staring? Catfish, get on with it and don't make me wait any longer," he slightly raised his chin to indicate the continuation of the conversation.

"Ahem, now as I was saying, since we all have spiritual energy inside us, we can all arguably feel it. Although we all have it, not all of us can harness it. Although we can harness it, we do that in different ways!"

"Okay, we know about that. It's too basic, so fill me in on the mystics part. How do they get to become mystics and ethereal titans?"

"Oh, you are so impatient, child. Okay, as you already know, there are four stages for every kind of practitioner. First, we have the Dawning stage, then the Luminal stage, the Radiant stage, and lastly the Ethereal stage."

"Alright, let's break it down. In the Dwaning stage we've got spiritual alchemy, which is like transforming ourselves inside out. Then there's the soul and body merging level, where our inner and outer selves come together. Now, three more levels: awakening, reflection, and integration. I won't be telling you about what the other stages entail unless you are done with the first stage. But it a piece of cake!" He exclaimed.

"What? But soul alchemy, isn't it pretty hard?" Kai inquired with his lips trembling.

"So, according to the way you are saying it, it means that the first stage won't be that hard and lengthy. That means soul alchemy doesn't necessarily mean what's in the books, but you have to get the end results irrespective of what you have done to achieve your goals. So, basically, you have to consider other factors for example, meditation can seem like it's the key but it's not the only thing. Interesting."

Mr. Klaus had his jaw drop; he was appalled at his great insight.

"Indeed! Meditation is like a special key. It helps us be calm, listen to our hearts, and find inner peace. It's important in our journey of understanding ourselves better. But, as you said, its not the key," he smiled slyly.

Vlad seemed to be pondering, a thoughtful expression creasing his brow.

"When will I start?"

"Well," Mr. Klaus began, matching his contemplative tone,

"As for when to start," he continued, "Well, that's entirely up to you. There's no 'right' time, really. Whenever you feel ready and inspired to start, that's when you can begin."

He paused, letting the idea sink in, then added, "And remember, you're not alone on this journey. Like you said consider every factor. So when is it?"

"Come on, you really have to ask?" There it is, that devilish smile of his.

* * * *

Vladimir's POV

I glanced at Mr. Klaus, who told me we had to visit the village chief. This guy he might seem like a push over but everything seems as if he had calculated before. What does he want? What's his objective? First everyone in the village looks the same but different height and voices for age and gender differences. Now everyone doesn't use Lumina and I am the only one who gets that privilege? My reason for living is none other than living itself. But it gets complicated if a person deliberately toys with me and take my life for granted. I have no interest whatsoever in trying to play a role in somebody else's set up. No matter who it is I will...

It seems like today it will be the beginning of my journey into this world's supernatural abilities, where spiritual energy was harnessed instead of mana to wield powers and perform extraordinary feats. The most remarkable aspect of this world wasn't just the dense spiritual energy saturating the atmosphere, but the eclectic blend of medieval European houses, sophisticated African huts, and East Asian architecture. For someone like me, accustomed to a more orderly world, this mishmash was utterly preposterous!

This world, known as Etherealis, boasted unique features unlike any other realm I had encountered. The trees, animals, and all. I can't wait to get out of this place, alive even.

Lost in contemplation, I accidentally bumped into Mr. Klaus, who had stopped in front of a house resembling the sophisticated huts, though it was breathtaking in its own right. Two imposing men with swords hanging at their waists stood guard before us, their presence daunting.

"State your purpose for visiting!" the burly man demanded, eyeing me with suspicion. "(Whispers) Look at this kid," he added in a whisper loud enough for me to hear, his tone dripping with condescension. How childish of him to talk down to a six-year-old.

"Ahem, I wish to see the village chief. I seek his guidance for this young lad's spiritual journey," Mr. Klaus declared confidently, his demeanor unwavering despite the imposing guards.

"So you wish to see the village chief? Ha! So you think he has time for that thing you brought into our abode? Look! His red hair says it all!" He mocks with no shame whatsoever. I dont know anything about how Etherealis is as a whole but in this village the common thing is that everybody has ordinary brown hair and eyes anything other than that is considered an abomination.

"Bayford! You know you shouldn't really act so petty just because you are jealous!"

What? What did he just say? I dont know about that but did you really have to say that? But I am an anormaly I shouldn't exist in this world! Well I have never seen that side of him too.

"What?...I...I am...not jealous or anything!"

What? It actually worked? So they are jealous of me? But why? Are they hiding something from me?

"Well then let him in! Its none of your business anyway," he roared. The calm and composed Catfish got ticked off today! Well that came as a shock.

"Please exuse my surbodinate, he isnt well taught, I will make sure to rebuke him." The slimer man bowed his head forcing the bulky one to bow too.

* * * *

Vladimir's astonishment grew as the exchange unfolded before him. The bulky man, Bayford, had hurled insults at him with no regard for tact or decency, yet beneath his mockery, there simmered a jealousy he hadn't anticipated. It was a revelation that left him questioning their motives and the secrets they harbored.

As Mr. Klaus intervened, diffusing the tension with an unexpected defense, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Bayford's sudden outburst, coupled with the slimier man's forced apology, hinted at deeper complexities lurking beneath the surface of this seemingly quaint village. Despite their attempts to mask their envy with false apologies, Vladimir's quick wit allowed him to see through the facade, leaving him wary of their true intentions.

Amidst the confusion and intrigue, Vladimir couldn't help but wonder what secrets this village held, and how his presence threatened to unravel them. As he stepped forward, he resolved to tread carefully, knowing that in this world of supernatural abilities and hidden agendas, trust was a luxury he couldn't afford.

* * * *

As I stepped into the house, a sense of foreboding washed over me. Sitting before us was a young boy, just a year older than me, yet exuding an energy that sent chills down my spine. How could someone who hadn't even awakened their abilities emit such a powerful presence? The answer lay in the fact that he was no ordinary child—he was special, endowed with a heightened sensitivity to the supernatural.

Despite my unease, I squared my shoulders and met the gaze of the boy before me. His eyes held a depth of knowledge and power far beyond his years, and I couldn't shake the feeling that our encounter was destined to change the course of my journey in this strange and enigmatic world.

As Mr. Klaus began the introductions, I remained on guard, my senses alert to every nuance in the atmosphere. Whatever lay ahead, I knew that I would need to rely on my intuition and innate abilities to navigate the challenges that awaited me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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