
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

Not Them Please!

The Captain chased from behind. Captain Varren tried to hold him back along with the troops, despite the difficulty of facing Glory. However, they were still able to put up resistance for a reason.

The Captain could no longer use Glory to its fullest. Blood continued to flow out, dripping down.

He remained indifferent. His eyes were fixed on the transparent cube in his hand, with a gaze like a hungry beast.

Me and the three elven siblings kept running forward, protected by the overwhelmed troops facing the pirates' numbers. They had indeed lost their additional strength due to the diminishing effect of Captain's Glory.

However, their large numbers still made it difficult for the elven troops. Especially since they used long-range weapons that were faster than arrows. The cannons were still being fired, although not as frequently as before, creating huge explosions that threw the elves off balance, although they were not severely injured.

It seemed that the pirate Captain not only provided additional strength to his crew but also their weapons, which now less effective against the elves.

I gave them additional strength to their body armor so they could withstand the relentless pirates who refused to surrender, constantly chasing us with the intention of taking the Glory in our hands.

I asked the three siblings not to turn back, to keep looking forward and lead the way to the northern gate, followed by the Prince who also provided assistance, although it didn't bring much change as his main focus remained on us.

How long does this man think we'll just run away?

We will only flee if we fail. Otherwise...

What sets me apart from him?

I am doing the same thing. Sacrificing the elves for their own lives and intending to escape.

Just like him.

I'm just a hypocrite.

Damn it.

I tightly shut my eyes, trying to push away those thoughts because I couldn't bear the burden if the three of them had to leave this world. I don't care what they say about me. I have to bring them to a safe place, please let me do this just once.

They are too precious to me.

"Even if they only spend a temporary time with you?" Z asked.

Of course!

Because of our short time together, I must save them. They have suffered for far too long on their own, why should they go through something like this again?

Isn't it enough?

Must they be sacrificed?

I won't accept it!

Even if it's fate, I will fight against it, I will confront it. I WILL NEVER ACCEPT IT!

Z sighed, lowered his arm, and stepped away from the tree. "Do whatever you want. But never ask for my help if something bad happens. I want to see how long your conviction can last."

I grumbled in annoyance, unaware that Z was actually smiling.

I continued the journey, facing the pirates who managed to escape the troops and slammed their heads into the road and nearby walls. All of this happened because of them. If only they didn't exist, the situation wouldn't have become this dire.

If only I were much stronger...

No, there's no point in thinking about that now. We must reach the northern wall soon before the Captain gets closer. Fortunately, he is held back far enough behind, so I'm confident we have time to clear the air and pave the way for the kingdom's inhabitants to escape.

Afterward, we have to hold off the pirates using everything we have, including our lives.

As the gate started to come into view, we quickened our pace. I lifted the three young elves and ran there using Z's power, leaving the others far behind.

Upon arrival, I set them down and hurriedly walked out of the gate with Glory firmly in my grasp. If Glory really can do anything as it is said, then this should work too.

I lifted the transparent blue cube, envisioning clean air without any toxins or darkness. Slowly, Glory began to shine brightly, giving us hope. The three elven siblings smiled joyfully, lifting their heads and giving me a look filled with happiness, which I returned with a warm smile.

My heart felt at ease knowing they didn't have to be sacrificed. We could still spend time together, eat together, laugh together, play together!

And I'm certain the princess will be overjoyed to meet them. She will surely become their friend, someone who ultimately sees them as family.

The troops arrived, slowing their steps and falling silent as they watched the bright light ahead. The Prince, who had initially been so willing to sacrifice the three siblings, also smiled with the burden lifted from his shoulders.

Deep down, he didn't want to do it either. But for the people of Elecya, he had no choice but to take the path he despised.

Captain Varren began to appear behind, while blocking the Pirate Captain, who was also getting closer. His face now looked pale, most likely from blood loss or due to excessive use of Glory, or perhaps both.

I don't care.

What I care about now is checking if the area ahead has indeed been cleared.

The twins took the lead, followed by their older brother. Considering they could essentially breathe inside, they should feel much fresher with the air now. Unlike before when they fell ill due to the air being toxic for the elven race.

The Prince stepped alongside me, eager to find out the answer. The troops behind us shared the same hopeful gaze. They, too, didn't want to resort to the second method. But for their family and loved ones, they were forced to.

Just like me, who chose to sacrifice them all to escape with the three adorable children ahead.

If this succeeds, then we don't have to be the evil ones who are willing to commit atrocities. It will be a miracle that restores us to our former selves, making us good people again without the deep black stains in our hearts.


When the twins started coughing, that hope vanished.

The burden that had been lifted crashed down on our shoulders again, causing the troops to use their swords to remain standing. I myself had to hold onto the gate's wall to avoid falling. Just like the Prince, on the right side.

My hands trembled violently, unable to contain the immense disappointment. I felt an urge to trade their lives with my own. I didn't want them to sacrifice themselves; it would be better if it was me, already filled with sins.

Not them!

The Prince tried to stand tall despite his trembling body. He turned to me, a dark expression on his face, the countenance of someone who had closed off their heart with a pair of once-bright but now dull eyes.

Hope had completely disappeared within him, leaving behind a darkness that forced him to swing his sword, hitting Glory far ahead, close to the twins.

"Sorry, Zent, but we have to do this. We're forced to. It's the only way for Elecya to survive. Think about how many lives are waiting for news that they can start a new life. Would you rather sacrifice them for the sake of those three?" The Prince said coldly.

My heart felt like it was being sliced, the pain and tightness making it difficult to breathe. Sweat flowed profusely, and my head couldn't think clearly, aware of what would happen next.


Both of my hands clenched so tightly that I could feel liquid starting to flow from them. It fell slowly, forming a puddle on the ground.


Knowing this conversation wouldn't lead anywhere, I intended to run and grab Glory, but the Prince's sword pierced my body. Pain spread from the wound as blood flowed down, drop by drop, like a faucet.

The three siblings screamed, calling out my name and running closer, but they were forced to stay still as the Prince withdrew his sword and pointed it towards them.

"Ren! Do it!" he shouted.

Then, from above, Ren jumped down, carrying something round made of glass with two golden rings inside. He glanced at me, unable to meet my eyes that now stared at him with a sense of betrayal.

"Forgive me," he said.

He walked toward the Prince and handed him the object.

"So, this is why both of you appeared on the wall? You planned it from the beginning?" I asked weakly, unable to believe that something like this was truly happening.

"No! We-"

The Prince held the young elf's shoulder, saying, "Let me handle this." He took a few steps forward, only a few meters away from the three elven siblings. "At first, we had no intention of doing this, just making a plan.

But when you appeared and explained about them, an idea emerged in my mind. A dark idea that even I didn't know could come from within me. Perhaps this is what a leader must do, especially when both of my parents are no longer here. I must bear that responsibility.

In your eyes, we may look like villains, but if you were in my position, I'm sure you would do the same, Zent.

I know that an apology means nothing now. But what I can give you is a promise that I will make the kingdom of Elecya far better than before in return. I will strive until my last breath and won't stop until you acknowledge that the path I've chosen is the best for everyone."

The two rings inside the glass sphere began to spin rapidly. Shortly after, a bright light appeared in the distance, which I believed was Ren's doing from that early morning when I saw the moving shadow and the Prince appeared at the perfect moment to distract me.

Perhaps Ren is now affected by that toxin and is forced to do this for certain reasons. But I still cannot forgive them.

Not now, not ever.

Therefore, I step forward. Ren shouts a warning to the Prince, who quickly moves aside.

Drawing strength from an unknown source, I slam the ground with force, creating large and sharp earth spikes that successfully injure the Prince, causing him to kneel while holding his severely wounded left side.

The elven troops run out, surrounding me and pointing the tips of their swords.

One of them says, "Sorry."

Only then do I realize that their swords are trembling as well, unable to bear the weight, once this is over.