
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

Not Again

Three artillery pieces are seen in front, almost identical to the artillery used in my previous world. The only difference is the bright glowing runes on both sides, shining in a bluish hue.

I never expected to see artillery in the magical world, which made me wonder if there are other Glory users here. Someone from the same world. Someone who survived the previous hell.

The knights gather in front, blocking the way with swords ready in their hands. They charge forward, launching a relentless series of attacks that make it difficult for me to counter, as I have to avoid each sharp bluish energy they produce.

Then, from behind, more knights come, intending to surround me for an easier defeat.

Something that, unfortunately, I had anticipated.

I deliberately let them approach before finally striking the ground with Glory, creating a shockwave that sends them flying far back.

Once it was done, I immediately continued running towards the three artillery pieces in front and used Glory to create three missiles that launched and exploded, destroying the artillery.

However, the knights didn't give up. Instead, they advanced once again, charging from two different directions, wielding swords that now emitted bluish light, a sign mana were in the optimal condition.

As they swung their swords, creating more than ten sharp blue energies, I swung Glory downward, using its energy to propel myself upwards, avoiding the massive explosion below.

Then, I swiftly glided over there, smashing Glory into the ground, creating an anti-gravity area that sent them soaring high in the air, making it easier for me to destroy their bodies as I restored gravity to normal.

I repeated this several times until they were completely unable to stand up. In other words, they lost their lives.

Afterwards, I intended to enter the palace to see what was truly happening inside because I could sense a powerful energy emanating from there.

But the knights had already surrounded me, leaving me no room to breathe even for a moment.

It was as if they were ready to die as well.

Glory began to shine brightly, emitting a terrifying sound resembling the hum of a laser weapon charging up.

As envisioned in my mind, hundreds of swords were created, aimed at them and launched like bullets. Some swords they managed to withstand, but many pierced through.

Step by step, I walked, passing by the fallen bodies now strewn about. Blood dripped, creating a puddle. No knights were in sight; they had all become lifeless bodies lying silently on the ground.

However, when the hand of one of them tightly gripped my leg, I realized that the real battle had just begun..

I kicked it off, leaping forward towards the wide area leading to the front gate. I stood there, knowing that even if I were to run, I would still have to face them.

Slowly, the knights stood up, blood flowing downward. Drop by drop, it fell with each step they took, walking as if they were crippled. Their energy seemed to have almost disappeared, granting them only enough strength to capture their targets ahead. Their eyes had transformed into a green light, with every vein in their bodies emitting the same color.

A battalion of undead.

Intentionally, I allowed one of them to strike my arm to verify if they were indeed undead as I suspected. Claw marks could be seen on my right arm, accompanied by a dim green glow.

However, the glow did not spread, remaining stagnant. This meant that these undead beings did not possess the ability to multiply their numbers through attacks or bites. Their purpose was solely to serve as mindless monsters easily controlled.

Initially, I wanted to use machine gun to eliminate them. However, seeing them wearing armor, I felt it would be challenging to penetrate, especially since I didn't know if the armors were still imbued with magic or not. And there was no time to find out.

There's one method that I truly didn't want to use, fearing that my soul could be severely wounded.

But you know what? I no longer care. I'm sick facing all of this.

A line formed on my left and right sides. The line opened, revealing five transparent blue hexagonal patterns with visible electrical currents flowing on the outer edges.

With a single command in my mind, each hexagon emitted a beam of large lasers that successfully annihilated the undead forces, leaving nothing behind but a large crater filled with fire and smoke.

As I felt blood dripping, I quickly wiped my nose and inspected the back of my hand. Indeed, thick red liquid was present there.

I suppose I went too far in using Glory, experiencing the same consequences as the Captain. But compared to him, what I'm currently using is much stronger than his.

Does the soul capacity differ for each individual?

I still don't understand how this soul extraction process works. Hopefully, I can meet Hexas again. I need additional information.

Just as I was about to take another step, Mr. Anderson appeared not far ahead. Electricity surged out from within his body, his chest heaving rapidly, indicating that he was using his full power to ascend up here.

But why? Wasn't there nothing down there?

Even the three artillery pieces behind us were already destroyed.

Did I miss something?

"Zent, we need to retreat as quickly as possible," he said between breaths. "Our opponent this time is much more troublesome than before. We don't know how, but most likely it's related to Glory. They can create objects we've never seen before. One of them was the weapon you destroyed behind us."

Why would someone from my world attack them?

"I'm certain that someone is from my world. The weapons Mr. Anderson saw, they all originated from there. Unfortunately, we couldn't use them because the city that got transported here didn't have a military base; only the police could use weapons like pistols and such... Ah."

I forgot that Mr. Anderson doesn't understand modern weaponry.

"Well, the bottom line is, I'm convinced that he is from the same world as mine. It's another reason why I am suitable to be his opponent."

However, Mr. Anderson shook his head in disagreement. "Even though he has the same level of military intelligence as you, I still won't agree for you to confront him now.

There are still too many things we need to consider, and by you attacking like this, it ruins some of our plans. They will move much faster than we anticipated. The only way to face them is by following the plan and not recklessly charging in like a madman," he said firmly.

"Why do we need a plan when we can directly strike them with our power? How long will you let yourselves be trampled upon?

I won't allow them to act tyrannically again, even if he is one of the survivors from my world. Once was enough. Now, I will retaliate, and no one can stop me," I replied coldly, then continued walking, only to be blocked by him.

A long sigh escaped his mouth.

"Zent, I don't know what you've been through in these past two weeks, but-"

Before he finished speaking, I used Glory to strike his body, sending him crashing into the gate wall. I watched the muscular figure slowly fall down, then continued my steps to find the main perpetrator.

There's no point in following a plan.

Absolute power is everything.

And I will use the power bestowed upon me, not just by one but by two Glories.

I took out the second Glory from the leather shoulder bag given to me by one of the elf residents.

Through this cube, I will bring everything to an end. I will annihilate them all, make them feel the same suffering!

I gather energy and unleash it towards the two doors ahead, shattering the palace doors into tiny pieces.

I can't wait to see their bodies experience the same fate. If they dare to treat lives as mere playthings, then they should be prepared to face their karma.

Well, I'll bring that karma upon them until this sense of emptiness in my heart disappears!