
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

Mr. Anderson?

"Mr. Anderson!" we both exclaimed.

In response, Mr. Anderson simply smiled and stepped forward, approaching us. He extended his hand, requesting the document held by Celine. "May I?" he asked.

However, Celine took a step back and drew her sword. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the main forces?" she questioned suspiciously.

"Celine, what are you-"

"Step back, Zent! The person in front of you is not Mr. Anderson!" she interjected.

Just as she finished her sentence, a sinister grin spread across the face of the impostor. A set of sharp, jagged teeth was revealed, accompanied by a pair of eyes that were now completely black. "Well, well, how did you know? I must say, I expected you to realize it,".

"Where is Mr. Anderson?" Celine demanded, her grip on the sword's hilt tightening, her knuckles turning white as she fought against the fear welling up inside.

The figure in front of us laughed, a laughter that sounded like two voices speaking in unison with brief milliseconds of delay. "Don't worry, he's safe with the others. Let me escort you to meet them," he said. His right hand extended, smashing through the wall behind them and creating an opening.

Black fluids oozed out from it, dripping onto the red carpet but remaining intact, slowly pulsating as if they had a heartbeat. "Why are you evading?

Don't you want to be with the others?

They are in such... delightful dreams." His right hand retracted back to its original position before extending again, only to be struck by Celine's sword, colliding with the bookshelves.

The books scattered and fell, turning the once neat room into a mess.

The figure laughed again, this time using his left hand to attack, sweeping the carpet and flipping over the king's desk.

Celine and I jumped to evade, only to be struck by the right hand, which now held our throats against the wall, squeezing tightly, making it hard to breathe.

In my fading vision, I saw the figure grinning widely, extending his left hand towards Celine, demanding the document she held. "Give me the document in your hand if you don't want to end up like them.

You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to open this door, this cursed door that has tormented me for years, waiting and waiting!

But now, everything will be different. The plan can proceed once again, and the master will be overjoyed! And the world will bow beneath the World Devourer!" The creature laughed loudly.

"So, it was you, all of you, who caused the palace to become like this. I don't know whether to say you're brave or brainless. You just admitted that you are the reason the palace looks empty and lifeless now! The other races won't stay silent, you will pay for it!" Celine retorted confidently, which only made the creature's laughter grow louder. "W-what are you laughing at?"

"Your foolishness," it replied. "Did you think we did all this without careful planning?

That's your biggest mistake, underestimating us and treating us as a group of troublemakers. You've underestimated us far too much." It took a step closer to a large map displayed on the wall, examining it for a moment while humming, before pointing to a specific area.

"Halbert," a long black liquid formed from its arm, pointing to another area. "Alvent." More liquid emerged from the main arm, pointing to each area on the map. "Retra, Olvar, Malra, Renus, Fernova—everything!

Everything is within our grasp! Just like what's happening here, and soon, simultaneously!

We will conquer the world!"

"So, your previous attacks were just a diversion?" Celine asked.

"What attacks?" the creature countered.

Suddenly, from outside, four individuals entered, smashing through the windows. Two of them ran towards us while the other two engaged the creature.

The four individuals entered abruptly, shattering the windows. Two of them ran towards us, while the other two engaged the creature.

The creature still wore its characteristic grin.

When its right arm was severed from its body, touched by the black-gloved hands of the newcomers, it fell down wriggling like a worm in the heat. Only then did its grin vanish, replaced by intense anger as Mr. Anderson's face split into five parts, revealing a monstrous figure beneath. The thick black liquid, faceless and with sharp teeth, growled before fleeing down the corridor after launching a diversionary attack.

"We must capture it!" one of the two individuals who had been chasing exclaimed.

"You two stay calm; we will handle it from here," said the man who was currently administering healing magic to Celine.

Celine thanked them and then asked, "Who are you two?"

The woman who was treating me replied, "You can consider us a group that opposes the World Devourer. We apologize for stealing your prototype and causing chaos. However, we had to do it to convey that the World Devourer is a real threat and must be eradicated from the face of this world."

Celine appeared to want to ask something else but refrained, mindful of the current situation that didn't lend itself to further discussion. "How can we assist you?" she asked instead.

The two individuals exchanged glances and then shook their heads slowly. "To be honest, there's nothing you can do. The creature we encountered is not an opponent that can be faced using ordinary weapons or magic. You can only rely on this," the man answered, pointing to the glove.

"I know it belongs to you, and we will return it, but not now. We still need it to confront them. We're relatively fortunate compared to other races who are currently struggling to face that creature. All we can do is hope that they're safe."

We heard an explosion from afar, an explosion that shook the palace like an earthquake.

We rushed outside, searching for the source of the explosion, and found the creature standing in the middle of a spacious ballroom. Behind it, there was a group of bodies submerged in bright purple liquid.

Those bodies were the palace inhabitants, including the king, queen, and the original Mr. Anderson.

The creature took a step back towards them, wary of the encircling individuals wearing prototype gloves. It then plunged its left hand into the liquid, wearing a wide grin on its face. "Step back! Or I'll eliminate them!" it threatened.

"Damn it! We can't let it prey on their souls!" The two individuals ran forward, splitting up, one on the right and one on the left, then hiding behind a pillar, waiting for the right moment to ambush.

Celine sighed in frustration, disliking the helpless situation that made her feel powerless, unable to do anything. "They need a distraction. We can create that distraction."

I nodded in agreement and followed her inside, confronting the creature that now held control. It looked at us, growing more excited with a widening grin.

"Good, you've come at the right time. Hand over the document and I'll release them. If not, I will devour each of these unfortunate souls and use them to destroy the city. How about it? Not a bad offer, right?"

"Do you think we will give it to you?" Celine replied angrily.

The creature laughed upon hearing her words. "Don't you realize your current position and yet you want to negotiate?"

"I am fully aware of that, and I know the reason why you're asking me to hand it over to you. It's because you can't take it, isn't it?" Celine's guess managed to surprise the creature and undermine its confidence.

"Seems like I'm right. That's why you were waiting for me to open the door to His Majesty's office, because for some reason, only I can open it. And that's also why you didn't kill us there, when you had the chance to take this document." Celine slowly pulled out the document from her pocket, displaying it to the creature that now resembled a wild beast eyeing its prey.

His gaze was completely fixed on the document, unaware of the two individuals approaching from behind.

"I guessed that was also the reason why you pretended to be concerned about the young lady, deliberately bringing her doll to lure me into the unfamiliar cave where the golem was located. It heightened our suspicions about the palace after you 'showcased' the doll that you claimed belonged to the princess.

Providing support to us and finally deciding to investigate so that I would open the door to the Royal Chamber. It was truly a meticulously orchestrated plan. Isn't that right?" She was met with a small laughter from him.

"I admit you are clever, to have figured out my plan. However, you have forgotten the most important thing," he looked up, where the princess was trapped in a small cage of black liquid, which I'm sure felt cramped even for the princess.

"You have overlooked the most crucial aspect, assuming that everything is fine without seeking further information, and now Luna Anderson's life is in my hands. Ah, ah, if anyone moves or "Or the cage above will immediately close in, crushing her body. And don't think I'm unaware of what you planned."

Two black liquids swiftly captured the two individuals who were about to attack from behind, slamming them to the floor. Blood pouring from their heads, then he threw them across the room.

"I've told you, haven't I? Everything is in our hands. You won't be able to stop us. Get ready for this world to be devoured!" he exclaimed gleefully, then turned to look at the two of us. "But before that, hand over the document while I am still speaking calmly."