
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

Lady Hel (Part 3)

Seeing the scenery in front of me makes me feel something I've never felt before. It's difficult to explain this feeling in words. One thing I know, this feeling makes me feel as if I'm standing above the sky, looking at every life as if it were an ant ready to be stepped on.

I know it sounds bad...


It's not even bad.

It sounds so cruel.

However, when you can control nature like this, something you fear happens inside you, in your heart. Slowly creeping up, announcing its inevitable arrival.

Observing Glory shining so brightly, giving me strength beyond reason. Now, I understand why there is always the saying,

"With great power comes great responsibility."

With this, you can do anything you want. Anything.

Especially hearing her screams, asking me to stop when she herself has caused suffering to others. A sense of satisfaction takes over my heart, wanting me to torture her further, longer, and more painfully.

Is this what villains feel?

A satisfaction from the pain of others?

Maybe the Queen find peace from it?

Well, I don't really care as long as I can make her understand that what she's feeling now is still not enough to pay for what she's done.

If I didn't have Glory, perhaps the Queen would have attacked other lives. Taking their souls to resurrect the now monstrous child. Already merged with darkness.

But if you think about it, they are just two individuals experiencing a tragic fate. What they do next determines whether they are good or evil.

The Queen doesn't accept it, she wants others to feel the same suffering so that she knows she's not alone in experiencing this torment. Because no one wants to be alone, right?

No, nobody wants to stand alone in a world so vast and full of life. But feeling that the people around you are not connected to you, being in a different world, a world filled with colors.

And you?

Empty. Grey. Meaningless and void.

Isn't it terrifying?

Just because the feeling of pain, she wants to spread that feeling.

It's the same, when you watch videos every night, searching for something that makes you feel comfortable, feel at peace because you know you're not the only one experiencing it. There are others who feel the same way.

Sometimes, you even compare it, trying to survive with thought that other people's lives are still much harder.

Isn't that a bit dark?


Just because of that one word, humans lose their sanity. They do things they never thought they would do.

"How long will you pretend to be a philosopher?" Z asked angrily, making me laugh at hearing it.

Sorry, sorry.

I'm just carried away by the atmosphere around us right now.

Look ahead, how those four tornadoes are momentarily pulling her in four different directions. Did the Queen ever think that what she's doing is more or less the same as what she's feeling now?

"What do you mean?"

The feeling when you feel torn apart, witnessing with your own eyes how your family, your lover, your friends, your companions, and everyone who has been part of your life are killed.

And it didn't happen just once.

How many lives have disappeared because of her actions in their world?

Just imagine that when you realize it, the Queen does it because she wants to fill the emptiness in her heart.

It doesn't mean that what she's doing now is any less terrible.

"Everyone will change, Zent. When they are faced with something so extraordinary, something that makes them so desperate, even someone you know so well will become like a stranger."

Including me, right?


Stop pretending not to know, Z.

I have changed a lot, very different from when I first arrived here.

Don't you see what I'm doing now? What I did before?

I too, have changed, Z.

"You're doing what should be done. If it weren't for you, others could suffer, and you know very well that they cannot be forgiven. Don't you see what's happening to the people?

They don't even care about little children!

It's only right that they die. People like them don't deserve to have what's called life," he replied sharply.

Wouldn't that make us villains in the eyes of others?

"Since when do you care about what others think? Besides, it doesn't matter if they see us as villains, someone cruel and so on. This world cannot be fixed with just kindness, Zent.

This is not a fairy tale where you can solve everything just by being good. Better us, than someone else doing it. I know it sounds bad, but who else will stop them?

You were the one who formed Scattered Brains, and you were the one who stopped Sarah in Alfcity."

However, I couldn't save them.

"There are certain things in life that we cannot control, Zent. Glory also can't do everything, just like us. Everything has its limitations, including yourself."


I observe the four giant tornadoes accompanied by raging storms. If I saw this on Earth, I might have considered it the apocalypse. But now, I'm sitting calmly on top of the gate, feeling the wind trying to pull me into it.

I just need to overcome those limitations, right?

"What you me- ZENT!"

I leap over there, letting the wind carry me high up in the air, getting closer and closer to the tornado. The wind, which was just strong at first, now feels like a thousand needles moving at high speed.

The glass on my face mask starts to crack, surprising me a bit.

When I finally reach a high enough point, I extend my right hand forward, closing my palm tightly and turning the four tornadoes into ice.

No longer feeling the pull of the wind, I can sense my body starting to fall downwards, which is then lifted upwards with the help of a grappling gun.

I bumped there, hitting the thick ice, which feels quite painful, causing my face mask to completely shatter, and I have no choice but to take it off. But immediately, I'm struck by the freezing cold air.

I change my cloak into wool material to withstand the piercing cold that feels so intense on my body, then exhale, creating a white vapor.

My smile widens as I remember my childhood, the first time I played in the snow.

Below, the Queen rebels, trying to break free from the ice while groaning.

I press the second trigger on the grappling gun, bringing me down to face her, and it turns out her face is much larger than I anticipated. The Queen stares at me, so sharply that I worry with just that gaze alone, I could die.




"Why do I have to do it?"

The Queen roared loudly, causing the ice tornado to tremble, and it made me slightly worried that it might suddenly shatter because I no longer knew how to face the Queen using what.


"Do you think I'm not freezing here?"

Her expression changed, as if she was looking at someone who had lost their sanity. "You..."

She let out a long sigh.

"I don't know what to say to you anymore."

Wait, does this mean the Queen has given up? Did I succeed?

I observe the face that now looks resigned to the situation, as if I am the worst thing that has ever happened in her life. "You're not joking, are you? Or trying to deceive me again?"

"What's the point of deceiving someone who has lost their sanity? I'll just be slammed like before."

"You think I can slam you now in the form of smoke?"

Suddenly, the Queen stared at me sharply. "I STILL HAVE A BODY!" she shouted.

I observed her from top to bottom, seeing how almost her entire body had turned into ice, with black smoke still oozing out. "Where? You're just smoke now. You had a magnificent body, but now, meh."

The Queen's eyes twitched.

I could feel her anger slowly reaching its peak. But what came out was a sigh, a sigh!


Whether I liked it or not, I also joined in. "Alright, alright, what do you want?"


"Will you continue like this?"


"You know we don't have a relationship, right?"

"Why not?"



Could it be that her brain is consumed and not her soul?