
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

ARC 3 (The Academy)


"Stay quiet there, Eizen. I've told you before, you mean nothing to Nior."

They walked away, leaving an eighteen-year-old teenager lying weakly on the ground with a battered face. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, accompanied by a dazed look.

Slowly, they stood up, wiping away the blood with the back of his hand as he could sense their presence. The woman came running over, coming to help them, as usual.

Eizen sighed, knowing he couldn't make her stop. Even though he deliberately endured blow after blow so that Nior would leave them alone. Why did she become even more attentive?

He truly didn't understand how the girl's mind worked.

Other girls wouldn't even glance their way, especially after he were treated like trash by the most popular boy in the academy.


And... There she is.

Running over here with clear concern on her face, she carried a first aid kit to quickly attend to it.

Her beautiful blonde hair swayed from side to side with every step she took. It shimmered under the sunlight, just like its owner.

That's the reason Eizen didn't want Nior to spend time with him. His life was too dark and cruel for someone as bright and gentle as her. Eizen didn't want Nior to get into trouble just because of him.

"Are you okay?" She asked, already holding both cheeks, checking here and there, then quickly opening the kit to take out alcohol and cotton.

As usual, Eizen could only remain silent, watching her do all of this. He truly didn't have the strength to refuse Nior. One of the reasons, whenever there's a chance, he always avoids her.

Eizen realizes, no matter what happens, he can never refuse Nior, who has managed to touch his heart. A heart he thought had grown so cold that it no longer held warmth, yet it still harbored embers within.

"I'm okay, Nior. I've told you, this is just a minor wound," he said, trying to calm the girl who was now gently applying alcohol, causing Eizen's face to flush.

"No! This isn't a minor wound. You must treat it immediately before infection sets in. I truly don't understand how Edgar's mind works," She poured more alcohol, pressing it onto the wound on his face, making Eizen wince in pain. "Oh, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay," he replied softly.

"Does he think I'd like him just because he's popular and strong? All he's done is hurt you."

"But, he's your friend, Nior."

"Ex... friend."

That's true. They both were childhood friends who were inseparable. Whatever they did, they were always together. At least, that's what people said. Who would have thought that Edgar had fallen in love with the woman in front of him? Something Nior had never expected.

Even though they spent so much time together, Nior only regarded him as a friend. Nothing more.

Only one person managed to truly touch Nior, and that was the man in front of her now. Someone who was always perceived as cold and indifferent by others, yet held a deep gentleness within his heart.

How did Nior know?

When she was walking alone in the city, after disguising herself, of course. Because she could never roam the city without guards or without Edgar's supervision. Nior was grateful for that. However, she also wanted to enjoy some time alone.

By chance, she encountered Eizen who was helping the impoverished townspeople. And for the first time, Nior saw Eizen smiling with genuine happiness.

His eyes sparkled as he assisted them, chatting and joking with them.

While at the academy, he always appeared somber with a dark aura surrounding him. That's why none of the students wanted to get close to him. They were afraid that Eizen might be harboring a terrible secret.

He also frequently disappeared from class, only to reappear a few days later with wounds on his face, earning him a bad reputation.

Curious, Nior naturally began tailing him. Every time Eizen disappeared, she could always find him in the poor district, helping the people there. Whether it was carrying goods, cleaning yards, or teaching young children who couldn't attend school.

Then, every night, Eizen would undertake missions as a Bounty Hunter. Dangerous missions aimed at pursuing criminals.

For a human knight in Tier 3, it was suicidal. Most of the criminals were in Tier 4, with their leaders even reaching Tier 5.

But, that was one thing Nior still hadn't realized. Eizen wasn't a Tier 3 knight. He was a Tier 5. At his young age, he had reached a level usually only attained by those aged twenty-five and above.

Another reason he hid his true identity.

If news spread that he had reached Tier 5, it would cause a massive uproar and could lead to him being hunted by Fernova. He had achieved such a level not just because he was a prodigy, but also due to the support of his parents, who were now no longer with him.

They both were part of the Heretics, betrayers. They joined only to save the life of their infant, who was weak and deemed unlikely to survive much longer.

The Heretics had rescued the child, simultaneously granting extra power so that once grown, Eizen could join and assist them. However, upon realizing the Heretics were not benevolent, both of Eizen's parents fled, sacrificing their lives after placing him in front of a baker's house.

Their sole legacy was a beautiful silver locket with a blue gemstone at its center.

To this day, Eizen continued to wear the locket—a memento that made him feel close to his parents.

That was also the reason Eizen couldn't recklessly use his dark magic. Whether he liked it or not, he had to employ regular magic like everyone else, which led him to only reach Tier 3 in power during strength tests, while other students had already reached Tier 4.

"Will you truly never forgive him?"

Nior's hand paused in motion. "I've told you not to bring that up, haven't I?"

"I'm sorry... I just, I don't want to be a destroyer of rela-"

Suddenly, Nior stepped forward and planted a kiss on his cheek.

As if an electric current surged through his body, Eizen's eyes widened, his heart racing at lightning speed. His mind went blank.

All he could feel now was the soft touch of her lips on his cheek, before she withdrew, blushing.

"Do you... still not understand?" Nior asked, full of hope.

Trying to contain the emotions swirling within his heart, Eizen brushed his hair back with his fingers, averted his gaze, unable to look directly into her eyes. "I... you've cornered me, Nior."

Her smile blossomed.

His chest felt so warm with feelings that grew larger by the moment. Nior's tears flowed, and before he knew it, she had leaped into his arms, embracing him tightly while hiding her face in his neck.

Nior inhaled, a happy smile gracing her lips as she felt the warmth of the man who had made her heart race every time their gazes met.

Unbeknownst to them, they were currently being observed by a few students who had started running to spread the story. It didn't take long for the rumor to circulate within the school and eventually reach Edgar's ears.

The glass he held shattered in his grip.

Edgar truly hadn't expected that his childhood friend would choose someone who held no significance within the academy. Someone with no future and who only knew how to escape.

Now, he was certain. Eizen must have done something to influence Nior to be this way. It was impossible for someone as beautiful, elegant, and noble as Nior to want to be with someone who didn't even have parents.

How could she find happiness with someone who had no future?

Edgar stood up, hurrying to inform Nior's parents about this so that they could intervene, to take care of their daughter before she was further influenced by that man.

"Just watch, Eizen. I will prove that you're unworthy of her, now and forever. There's only one person for her, and that's me. Nior belongs to me."