
Global Transformation: Only i'm a True Dragon

On the day of the beast Awakening Ceremony our protagonist Max Darkwing awakened his low Talent and Beast form System of a small gray colored lizard of the lowest grade. laughed at as the weakest of the whole school. But none of them knew he has the biggest potential. R-18 Content will be marked before begin that reader can skip these parts. (This is my first Book and English is not my first Language but i hope you will like it.)and i would aprecciate any donations to me https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/FrederikKallweit

Rewave · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 5 Mass slaughter in the Forest

Max still in his Dragon form sprinted exited over his Discovery into the direction where the boar came from, to find its Herd. After running a bit more than one kilometer reaching the top of a small hill from where he spotted a small herd of fourteen boars. After checking there Realms which ranged Early to middle 1th Layer of the Body Tempering Realm and a bigger one at the Middle 2nd Layer of the Body Tempering Realm which was clearly the Leader of the Herd. Planning to Lure them away one after another from the side of the hill and turned to the side, to move down the hill when he suddenly discovered a Boar appearing in a small corner on the right of his field of vision out of nowhere, leaving him unable to React before it hit him in the side throwing him down towards the herd of boars below. But he got a glimpse of its Status giving him a big surprise.


Name: Shadow Boar

Realm: peak 1th Layer Body Tempering

Potential: D-

Attributes: Darkness (Shadow)

Skills: Stealth (D) (Hides ones presence from others up to three minor realm), Shadow Movement (D) (User can travel trough shadow for a short period), Dash (E-)


He got careless because off his discovery and forgot do check for other beast in his surrounding: "Dammit how could I become so careless in a forest full of beasts!!" Max screamed in his mind bevor landed on the foot of the hill next to the boars, coursing his bones in one of his hindlegs to break letting him roar in pain. The boars gave him no time to recover and started to surround him while the Leader was still sleeping. Max used Roar of the true Dragon too weaken the herd bevor striking at the Boar closest to him cleaving in in half, killing it in instant. Before barely escaping the Attack of another one. Luckily these boars weren't so smart and hit each other with there Dash skill when they tried to attack him at the same time, throwing a few disoriented boars to his feet which he killed with some quick bites and claw slashes but the of the last one bit him in the left front leg weakening him even further, just before he could finish it off. And just after taking the last one down he saw the Leader who just woke up with eyes full of hatred for him, for slaughtering its kin. After closing down to him it suddenly doubled in size before using its Dash skill, when it suddenly smashed into something causing it to fall down head first and slid just in front of Max, allowing him to easily kill it with a quick blow. Max limped past the leader and checked with what it had collided, it was the Shadow boar from up the hill but it looks like it died on impact with the Leader. Letting max sight in relief, knowing that he was to injured to continue to fight and this coincidence saved his life.

He transformed back and took out some bandages and stopped the bleeding on his arm and leg before thinking towards the corpses and cut out the Beast cores and placed them into the pouch, before searching for a save space. After searching around the hill he found a cave just big enough for him to enter and just big enough to sit inside. He squeezed inside and sat down into a lotus position and tried something what usually only people in the Essence gathering realm can do which is the circulation of true Essence which he replicates by using his true dragon might and circulated it through his body. Already after finishing the first circulation, he felt his regeneration being accelerated, but didn't noticed that his body was being strengthened at the same time as his body was recovering. After he felt slightly better he took the beast cores out of the pouch and placed them in a row in front of him and swallowed the last one directly. He started to circulate his Chaos Devouring Technique to absorb the beast cores and when ,which circulated stronger as the circulation path connected with his full body circulation which let its circulation path spread through his body when a small black spark appeared on the spot where his True Dragon might always disappeared to which continuously absorbed the surrounding Essence. After finishing absorbing the core he took a look at the Black spark which was still there even after stopping his circulation, so he wanted to test if it is harmful or not. After doing some tests he found out that the black spark continuously absorbed the surrounding Essence which accelerated his cultivation and his regeneration. He can't stop Its function at all, only suppress it function to only absorbing the Essence touching his skin making it almost unnoticeable for others and it didn't do anything else.

After being completely certain that the black spark was harmless he started to circulate his Technique with his True Dragon might (from now one will be shortened most of the to just TD Might) again, causing the sparks absorption again to speed up again before he swallowed directly 2 beast cores at the same time which he quickly absorbed when he noticed multiple changes in his status.


Name: Max Darkwing

Realm: 2nd Layer Body Tempering

Progress: 27% (+4)

Foundation: 101,5% (+1%)

TD Might: 0.2 (+0.1)

(The numbers in the ( ) represent the amount they increased)


Even though he didn't increase much in cultivation he weirdly felt much stronger which he

found out came partially from his body which he would call, got a light increase in its quality and the increase in TD Might. Even after consuming all the beast cores other than the two of the leader and the mutated boar he only got small increases of Cultivation and Foundation but no increase in TD Might. He started with the core of the mutated one as it was weaker in cultivation. He felt after consumption a light strain on his body which he almost missed if he didn't closely sensed into his body the whole time.

But he was extremely surprised another line appeared on his status below his Technique called Devoured skills which shows skills he acquires by Devouring beast cores by a small chance, the first one he acquired is the stealth (D) of the shadow boar. Max quickly took the Boar leader beast core and swallowed in hope of getting its ability to double its size as it would help him to fight above his realm and grade by compensating for his comparable small size to Beastmaster of S grade and above, even Maries beast form

Is 3.5 Meters tall which is considered to be of the smaller side at her Potential.

After he finished absorbing the core, he suddenly felt very sleepy unable to keep his eyes open for long, just enough to check some of the changes in his status.


Name: Max Darkwing

Realm: 2nd Layer Body Tempering

Progress: 100% (+73)

Foundation: 124% (+22,5)

TD Might: 0.9 (+0.7)

Devoured ski...



Max suddenly awoke from his sleep feeling something pressing on his body from all sides. Max used all his strength to free himself causing the dirt surrounding him to burst in all direction. When he max finally noticed he had transformed in his sleep and two horns where now protruding on the back of his head and two wings having grown on his back letting him let out a sigh of relief knowing that he now finally looked like a proper dragon, like the ones in the myths and not just like an unproportional Lizard and that he has already completely recovered after his sleep. Max Transformed back and checked how long he was asleep on his phone, he just slept to the early morning of the next day losing him not much time. He quickly found out why he fell asleep while checking his status, which he couldn't finish the previous day


Name: Max Darkwing

Realm: 3th Layer Body Tempering

Progress: 1%

Beast Transformation: Primordial Chaos Divine True Dragon(Phase: youngling)

Length: 3.1 Meter (+2.60)

Hight: 1.4 Meter (+1.20)

TD Might: 1 (+0.1)

Devoured skills: Stealth (D), shrink (E) ( users body can shrink by half, which also lowers strength by half upon use). Transformed by resonating with users Bloodline during growth and Transformed into Size adjustment (S+) ( allows user to adjust his size by shrinking, but caused strength to lower the more user is shrunk (Passive)



Sadly it wasn't a skill to increase in size, but also it isn't as necessary as before with his huge increase in size and being able to shrink isn't as bad since the higher the realm is the bigger the increases in sizes are, which makes it hard to fight in some places without causing massive destruction to the surrounding Infrastructure, like when a beast tide occurring the most buildings get Destroyed by careless Beastmaster and not by the invading beasts.

Max continued his hunt for ten more days reaching the early 7th Layer and Increasing his size even more, but he used his skill to reduce his size back to how it was when he reached the 3th Layer, before discovering a Natural treasure guarded by a beast. He checked the treasure and the beast if it worth to fight for it or not, as he didn't want to get in fights who are not worth it.


Name: Flaming blood Wolf

Realm: middle 7th Layer Body Tempering

Potential: S- (Blood Parasite SS+)

Skills: Flame charge (B), Flame Breath (B+), (Blood Parasitize (SS-) user can take targets body over, by entering its Bloodstream and replacing the blood with its body),Fake (allows user to control what other can detect about the users status.)


Name: Bloody spider lily

Grade: (SS--)

Growth: Needs constant nurturing with blood to grow.

Effect: Increases purity of blood Essence, allowing its consumer to double physical strength with each breakthrough up to the Essence gathering Realm where the effects start to dimmish and only ad half.


Shocked over both, as not long ago a bigger City close by was Destroyed after its City Lord was parasitized with his early Essence core Realm causing 90% of the city being Destroyed by him before he could be eliminated by the people dispatched by the Academy's with a lasting fight of a full week. And the Bloody spider lily is so rare it usually is only found as low graded natural treasure as the Condition for its growth is harsh and for one of this grade is almost impossible here and usually are obtained by people in the Essence core Formation Realm and those below don't even get the chance to obtain them as they are the ones with the least side effects after consumption.


To be continue…