
Global Lifespan Lottery: Only I Can Designate the Reward

The doomsday game has arrived, and lifespan has become the only currency! The various fate wheels that pop up after defeating monsters must be rotated at the cost of your lifespan! Some people spend ten years of their life to extract the elixir of longevity and extend their life by a hundred years! Some people spend a hundred years of life, develop powerful abilities, and change their lives against the will of heaven! Some people spend a thousand years of life to unleash a wave of terrifying beasts, endangering the people of a city! Jiang Yi finally gathered a million years of life and turned the golden turntable. But he was obliterated by a golden light and was reborn back to the early days of the apocalypse! Just when he thought that rebirth would be just another journey of gambling on life, he unexpectedly discovered that after rebirth, he could actually designate wheel rewards! This is crazy? ! Isn't this equivalent to--others study diligently, but he has the answers to the exam? ! Others were worried about their lives, but he was invincible at the beginning? ! Protagonist: Jiang Yi

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

### Chapter 8 Luo Shan: The gears of fate begin to turn!

 "Strictly speaking, there is actually one way -"

"Use the Upgrade Life Card!"

"How to get the Upgrade Life Card, there are two ways!"

"The first way is relatively simple, which is to use a blue or higher grade turntable to draw."

"Of course, the turntable itself must have the option of 'Upgrade Life Card' to draw it."

Luo Shan was shocked when he heard this: "For a turntable of blue or higher grade, wouldn't it consume at least 100 years of life?!"

"100 years of life, only to upgrade 1 level... This, this is too magical, right?!"

Gao Chang was very surprised. He nodded in agreement: "When I heard the news, I had the same idea as you!"

"But on second thought, maybe poverty limits our imagination? Maybe for those powerful bosses, a hundred years of life is nothing!"

"Anyway, for us level 0 players, this first way is not simple!"

"As for the second way, it's even harder!"

"Do you know where the death rate of the death squad comes from?"

Luo Shan quickly guessed from what he said: "Is it related to the second way?"

"That's right!"

"At this stage , our entire Jiangcheng area is isolated in a vast ocean!"

"In addition, all the lakes, rivers, and even a pond in Jiangcheng... have become channels for beasts to invade!"

"Beasts can invade our world through these channels, and we can actually counterattack the beast world through those channels!"

"According to Brother Liao who told me this, there are endless dangers and endless opportunities in the beast world!"

"There, even if you don't draw a lottery, you may get an upgrade card!"

"Including Brother Liao, he was also a member of the death squad before. Member! It was during an exploration of the beast world that I got an upgrade life card and upgraded my level, which opened the door to the new world and made me a formal member of the club! "

"And Brother Liao also told me not to be discouraged!"

"Although the death squad has the word "dare to die", the mortality rate is indeed high."

"But every member of the death squad is actually a reserve member of the club!"

"Compared to those longevity worms that are destined to die, after joining the death squad, there is really a chance to change your fate!"

Gao Chang spoke passionately, and Luo Shan was also excited.

Only Jiang Yi, who had really experienced it, was unusually calm.

Because he knew that the brother Liao mentioned by Gao Chang was just making empty promises for him!

Or, the entire club was making empty promises for the members of the death squad!

The beast world?

Actually, in the later period, that place was called the Realm Battlefield!

According to the summary of the later players, even the lowest level Realm Battlefield requires at least a Level 5 player to have the most basic survival ability!

But what about now?

Level 0 players actually dare to explore the Realm Battlefield!

If this is not called "dare to die", what is it called? !

Later, perhaps in the more distant future.

For example, a hundred years later, some history teachers may tell students like this-

A hundred years ago, when the Doomsday Game just came, it was countless predecessors and martyrs who explored the Realm Battlefield with their blood, and only then did we have our world!

Now the death squads who dare to explore the Realm Battlefield at Level 0 may become the brave and fearless martyrs described in the history books of the later period!

As time goes by, these most ordinary people may be beautified by history.

It's just a pity that it's just beautification.

Not even a name will be left.

With a sigh in his heart, Gao Chang, who was leading the way, had already brought the two to the door of a villa.

It was a little dark at this time, and Gao Chang lowered his voice unconsciously: "This is the villa of my team."

"The team originally had seven people, and now including you two, it is nine people."

While talking, the three of them entered the villa

The villa was quiet and there was no movement.

In the living room on the first floor, there was a sturdy man who was doing push-ups next to the sofa.

Luo Shan was a man who knew how to deal with things. Seeing that the strong man seemed to be very powerful, he couldn't help but want to go up and say hello and get close to him.

But before he could move, Gao Chang pulled him.

"Well, I'll take you two to your room first."

Gao Chang's voice was still a little low, and he took the two to the fourth floor of the villa.

The room he assigned to Jiang Yi was a cloakroom with only five or six square meters.

The room assigned to Luo Shan was a study with eight or nine square meters.

At the same time, he also told the two: "The members of the death squad are not as easy to talk to as I am. If you have nothing to do, don't move to disturb them."

Luo Shan felt strange: "Then don't we need to get to know each other with the existing members?"

Gao Chang felt embarrassed when he heard this.

Because when he first joined the death squad, he also said this to other members.

Just like before the end of the world, a new member and a new group should always introduce themselves, right?

But when he took out the set before the end of the world and wanted to get to know each other and build a good relationship with the members,

The other members looked indifferent.

One of the buddies said to him bluntly: "Is it necessary for the dead to know each other?"

It was a cruel remark.

But it was also true.

Because the buddy who said this died the next day...

Gao Chang was not going to tell Luo Shan such cruel words.

He thought about it, and then put on a little airs as a captain, pretending to be profound: "The members of the death squad need to prove their strength first before they are qualified to know each other."

Luo Shan didn't think much about it.

Jiang Yi knew that the correct way to say Gao Chang's words should be-

The members of the death squad need to prove that they can survive before they have the opportunity to know each other.

Otherwise, they are too lazy to know each other with a dead person!

Gao Chang also told the two some precautions and the fact that the team will go on a mission at 9 am tomorrow, and then left.

After he left, Luo Shan pulled Jiang Yi and whispered:

"Do you feel that the atmosphere of our death squad is a bit strange? It's very depressing..."

Jiang Yi glanced at him and said lightly: "If you can live for a few days, you should also be so depressed."

When Luo Shan heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He couldn't help but feel a little regretful...

Is his decision to join the death squad really correct?

Just thinking about it, he suddenly heard Jiang Yi's voice again:

"Luo Shan, do you want to change your fate against the will of heaven?"


The phrase "change your fate against the will of heaven" was on Luo Shan's lips almost every day.

Those worms in the underground garage also laughed at him more than once.

So at this moment, when he heard Jiang Yi suddenly say this, Luo Shan subconsciously thought that Jiang Yi was also laughing at him.

But many years later, Luo Shan would often recall this moment and Jiang Yi's words.

Whenever he thought back, he couldn't help but sigh--

He who always shouted that he wanted to change his fate, didn't realize it at the time...

The gears of his destiny started turning from this moment!