
Global Lifespan Lottery: Only I Can Designate the Reward

The doomsday game has arrived, and lifespan has become the only currency! The various fate wheels that pop up after defeating monsters must be rotated at the cost of your lifespan! Some people spend ten years of their life to extract the elixir of longevity and extend their life by a hundred years! Some people spend a hundred years of life, develop powerful abilities, and change their lives against the will of heaven! Some people spend a thousand years of life to unleash a wave of terrifying beasts, endangering the people of a city! Jiang Yi finally gathered a million years of life and turned the golden turntable. But he was obliterated by a golden light and was reborn back to the early days of the apocalypse! Just when he thought that rebirth would be just another journey of gambling on life, he unexpectedly discovered that after rebirth, he could actually designate wheel rewards! This is crazy? ! Isn't this equivalent to--others study diligently, but he has the answers to the exam? ! Others were worried about their lives, but he was invincible at the beginning? ! Protagonist: Jiang Yi

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

### Chapter 2 I want to apply, the turntable lottery!

Level 0 ...

1 year 038 days of life ...

Then, this environment is a bad underground garage!


Jiang Yi's hand trembled slightly!

He finally realized ——

He looks like ...


When I returned, the end of the day was almost starved when I starved to death at the underground garage of Lotte Club!


Realizing this, Jiang Yi, who had just woke up, almost didn't faint anymore!

Is such an opportunity "heavy"? Of course it is so good!

But this time is not too much at this time, isn't it time?

Can't he let him reunite until the end of the doomsday game?

Then he can stuck a madness!

Even when the doomsday games come to the end of the game.

Then he can also seize the opportunity and change your destiny!

Even, even before Changya Dandan was stolen by Chang Jian'e.

Then he can also use the ability to refine Chang Dan, and it is mixed with the wind!

Even if it is not good, before he was desperately rescued Tang Konain's villain who reported his revenge, he would be regarded as a revenge of previous lives!

Can result ...

The time point of his heavy puppet is when the end of the day has come for a month!

Changya Dandan Fang, the Jing Jing was stolen by Chang Ji'e!

The roommate Tang Ke, who was revenge, was rescued by him!

These two forgotten villains are still mixed with water!

And what about he is different?

At this point, he not only became the bottom -level life tumor, but he was dizzy and dizzy.

It is also for the earliest effort, leaving only a life span!

What is enough for a life span?

Just draw a minimum white turntable once!

Moreover, don't say a life span.

In his state, he was starved to death a day!

This Nima?

What kind of hell starts? Intersection

Such a heavy puppet, it is better not to be heavy!

At least in the previous life, he reversed the situation.

Although the hatred is not reported, it is not too bad.

But what about now?

What? Do you say that the road to re -engraving in the previous life is not enough?

But God knows how difficult and painful the road that Jiang Yi had walked in his previous life!

That's one, don't put your head on the trouser belt, you will fart at any time!


At this time of the previous life, when the underground garage was half -dead, how did Jiang Yi break the situation?

In fact, in the past life, he was desperate.

Of course, Chen Liang's dog bone, of course he would not go.

Like them, the life tumor that is raised by the club.

As long as you are willing to pay a life span to pump the turntable.

No matter what you take out, you can get the guaranteed material reward given by the club.

In the previous life, he couldn't stand it, so he applied to the club for a turntable lottery with the last life span.

Even if you die, you will be a dead ghost.


I don't know if his luck is good or bad.

His turntable raffle ...

Like Chen Liang, he also took out Changyan Dan!

However, as a life tumor.

Naturally, he could not belong to himself.

Like Chen Liang, he was forcibly taken away by the club on the spot.

Originally in accordance with the regulations of the club-

He extracted Changyan Dan for the club and should be improved by rewarding welfare benefits.

However, Sun Hao, who was responsible for the Life Tumor Lucky Lottery, found that he had only 38 days left after the prize.

So Sun Hao felt that it was unnecessary to give a person who has only 38 days left to raise the dead.

After all, such a dead person has gone to the final value at all!

Jiang Yi in the previous life noticed Sun Hao's careful thinking in advance.

In addition to his despair, he made a bold decision!

He decided to kill the club's death team!

With the advent of doomsday games, all kinds of power groups, large and small, should be stunned.

Lotte Club, in the huge Jiangcheng, can only be regarded as a three -run force.

But even the three -year forces are quite specified.

In the club, the membership level is clear.

At the top of the pyramid is the core member of the strong combat power.

In the middle, there is a certain combat power and value, a formal member.

The bottom of the pyramid is willing to fight, but it does not necessarily have combat power. Members of the death team, commonly known as cannon fodder.

But even cannon fodder can be regarded as anyone.

Some scums that are completely abandoned by the world will even be used as cannon fodder!

When Jiang Jiang expressed his willingness to enter the death team, Sun Hao directly mocked:

"If you want to die, I can send you to death now! And dare to die, nor is anyone who wants to enter!"

Takamoto, Jiang Yi's life should have been settled.

However, fate is to tease people.

At that time, Gao Chang happened to pass by bypass.

He stopped and looked at Jiang Yi for a while, and said to him, "I managed a deadly dead team.

As a result, Jiang Yi entered the Gao Chang's Dare Dead Team.

Gao Changxuan is the same as Jiang Yi, and is the lowest and slight life tumor.

However, he was lucky, and he took the full attribute +1 reward from the fate!

Other life tumors thought he had changed his life as a formal member of the club.

But in fact, the high attribute +1 is uninteresting, without combat experience, and the strength is not enough to become a formal member of the club.

The formal members do not want him.

In the end, he was arranged to be the captain of the Death Team.

However, even members of the dead team have experienced actual combat and have been licking blood on the tip of the knife.

Gao Chang just entered the death team, neither combat experience nor the aura of the captain.

So in the death team, it is not very mixed.

There are very few members who are willing to follow him.

Jiang Yi followed Gao Chang, and it was really "daring to die"!

He didn't remember how many times he had been, and passed with death!

I don't remember how many times, the blood of the beasts, the blood of the teammates, sprayed it on his face.

And he seems to be numb!

From the expression, to the heart, it is all wood!

That kind of dark years, after the Jiang Yi, I dare not think about it, how did he come over ...

But anyway, in that day, he ended up after all, and he came out!

In the previous life, he spent a full month, desperately, saving life coins, and saving club points.

Before he finally rushed to his life, he exchanged from the club to a white -quality Changyan Dan.

After taking it, it increased by 2 year life.

And he has always knew ...

The Changyan Dan he purchased from the club ...

It was made by Chang Ji'e!

How ridiculous!

He actually fell to the point of buying Changyan Dan made by enemies!

But no matter how humiliated and depressed, what can he do?

He has to live!

Now, ...

Those pain and humiliation in previous lives ...

Do you have to go through the experience?

Even if he is willing to go through again.

But the question is, when he goes to the turntable lottery, can he still draw Changyan Dan? Can I be successfully invited to enter the death team?

Even in the death team, can you survive so fluke?

It's like a butterfly effect.

The difference is thousands of miles.

Even if it is heavy ...

But a little careless, he may be gone at any time!

It is even possible, not as long as the previous life!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi only felt sad!

It's too bad to hate my heavy time!

But there is no way.

They come, the security.

Jiang Yi took a deep breath and suddenly struggled, getting up from the straw mat.

Chen Liang frowned with the dog legs next to him: "What are you doing?!"

Jiang Yi ignored Chen Liang, but turned his eyes to a aunt who was outside the garage, and raised his voice hard:

"I want to apply, the turntable lottery!"