
Global Lifespan Lottery: Only I Can Designate the Reward

The doomsday game has arrived, and lifespan has become the only currency! The various fate wheels that pop up after defeating monsters must be rotated at the cost of your lifespan! Some people spend ten years of their life to extract the elixir of longevity and extend their life by a hundred years! Some people spend a hundred years of life, develop powerful abilities, and change their lives against the will of heaven! Some people spend a thousand years of life to unleash a wave of terrifying beasts, endangering the people of a city! Jiang Yi finally gathered a million years of life and turned the golden turntable. But he was obliterated by a golden light and was reborn back to the early days of the apocalypse! Just when he thought that rebirth would be just another journey of gambling on life, he unexpectedly discovered that after rebirth, he could actually designate wheel rewards! This is crazy? ! Isn't this equivalent to--others study diligently, but he has the answers to the exam? ! Others were worried about their lives, but he was invincible at the beginning? ! Protagonist: Jiang Yi

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

### Chapter 14 Jiang Yi’s Weapon: A Shovel!

Jiang Yi looked at the voice and realized that the ridicule was not directed at him.

But for Luoshan.

I saw Luoshan's eyes shining, like a hungry wolf pouncing on a pure black composite bow with excellent texture.

The kid who just laughed at him crossed his arms and waited to watch the show——

That compound bow was indeed the most sophisticated of these inferior weapons.

Among the many members of the death squads, no one dared to choose that bow.

The main thing is that it is too heavy!

Even the best of the kamikaze squad would be exhausted within a few minutes while fighting with such a heavy bow!

Ordinary people who have not experienced special training will get tired after just a few steps of picking up that bow and give up on their own initiative.

The sarcastic boy was waiting for Luo Shan to feel the weight of the compound bow and embarrass himself in public.

But I didn't expect——

Luoshan lifted the compound bow as easily as he lifted an ordinary light sword!

He even waved the bow with one hand, looking excited!

This scene made the boy who made the mocking speech dumbfounded!

"Impossible! This bow? Isn't it the one in front of me?"

This scene caused a lot of eyebrows.

Many members of the death squads looked at Luoshan as if they were seeing a ghost!

Even Sun Hao, who was responsible for supervising everyone's selection of weapons, was shocked.

He took a few steps forward, looked at Luoshan for a few times, then frowned and said in a commanding tone:

"Show your data panel!"

The data panel is a piece of digitized information that everyone will have after the end of the game.

This data panel will generally only be displayed to the user when it is called up.

Unless a player actively chooses to display it, others cannot see it.

Generally speaking, it is extremely impolite to force others to show their data panels.

In this doomsday game, the principle of respecting the strong is obviously greater than the so-called politeness!

To Luo Shan, Sun Hao is the strong one!

Therefore, even if he didn't want to, Luo Shan couldn't resist at all.

Soon, his data panel was displayed in public——

[Name: Luoshan]

[Level: 0]

[Life span: 11 years and 158 days]

[Talent: None]

[Occupation: None]

[Skill: None]

[Status: None]

[Strength: 1 (+5)]

[Physique: 1 (+5)]

[Speed: 1 (+5)]

[Spirit: 1 (+5)]

[Combat power: 108]


"All attributes +5! Combat power over 100?!"

"This, this, this! This tattooed guy is actually a hidden boss!!"

"What a bastard! This kind of all-attribute +5 in brackets is time-limited! When the time limit passes, the effect in the brackets will disappear! This guy is just an ordinary person with all attributes of 1. !"

"Even if there is a time limit, he is already very strong within this time limit!"

Many people looked at Luoshan with envy!

Even Gao Chang's expression was a bit horrified and unnatural!

The boy who had just mocked Luo Shan retreated to the back of the crowd in shame.

Sun Hao looked at this scene thoughtfully.

He frowned and was about to ask something, but Jiang Yi suddenly stepped forward and said loudly as if he had been wronged:

"Boss Sun makes the decision for me!"

"This Luoshan, he ate all my blood-eating Gu!"

"Then he got a BUFF of +5 in all attributes! This BUFF should have belonged to me!"

Jiang Yi's words were filled with indignation!

It seemed that Luoshan had robbed him of the opportunity that belonged to him!

Luo Shan was confused at first.

However, he was not stupid and quickly realized Jiang Yi's thoughts.

So I followed his words and cooperated with the performance: "If you eat it, eat it. Is it possible that I can still vomit it and give it back to you?"

"Besides, this effect of +5 all attributes has a limited time limit!"

"It's not a permanent ability, so there's nothing to worry about!"

This posture looked like Luo Shan and Jiang Yi were about to fight.

Sun Hao rolled his eyes at him and shouted sternly: "Okay! Stop arguing, both of you!"

"Luoshan, right? Although this effect of +5 all attributes has a time limit, it can still be considered your opportunity."

"If you can seize the opportunity, you might be able to grow up quickly."

"If you can't grasp it..."

Sun Hao shook his head and stopped talking.

His eyes fell on Jiang Yi again.

It was obvious that the look he just looked at Luoshan was somewhat kind and friendly.

The tone is also much more patient than usual when dealing with tumor worms.

At this moment, when he turned to Jiang Yi, his attitude returned to being cold and indifferent: "Jiang Yi, right?"

"You said you wanted me to make the decision for you?"

"Ha! Innocence!"

"You have to know that in this doomsday game world, fists are the only last word!"

"The fact is that the blood-devouring Gu was eaten by Luo Shan! He obtained the effect of +5 all attributes, but you - you are still a waste!"

"As a waste, you must have the consciousness of being a waste! You are not qualified to point fingers at the strong!"

Sun Hao's words were quite serious.

The kamikaze team watching on the sidelines also whispered about something.

If you are an ordinary person, you may feel aggrieved at this time.

He even said harsh words: "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty."

Jiang Jiang was a man in two lifetimes, and his heart had long been forged into steel.

And he knew that Sun Hao was right.

This doomsday game is indeed about the strong being respected!

Big fists are the only last word!

He believed that if he revealed the secret that he also had +5 attributes at this moment, Sun Hao's attitude towards him would also change.

Therefore, rather than saying that Sun Hao is targeting him, it is better to say that he is targeting the weak!

Jiang Yi had no idea in his mind.

Sun Hao's words made Luo Shan very embarrassed.

When he was hesitating whether to say a few nice words to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi took the initiative and said, "I made a mistake about the blood-eating Gu."

"But I still hope that Luoshan can give me some compensation..."

As soon as he said these words, Sun Hao's face turned cold again.

Just as he was about to rebuke again, Luo Shan unexpectedly said, "Um, you, if you need my help if you need anything, just say it!"

"As long as it's not too outrageous, I can agree."

Luo Shan himself said so, so naturally Sun Hao wouldn't say anything more.

Jiang Yi glanced at Luo Shan.

I thought in my heart that this guy was not a tiny bit better than Tang Ke, Chen Liang and other ungrateful white-eyed wolves.

Luo Shan didn't think his behavior was very noble.

After all, he was able to have this BUFF of +5 in all attributes, but it was all because of Jiang Yi!

It's human nature to be grateful, right?

Of course, if Jiang Yi made a particularly excessive request, he would definitely refuse without hesitation.

After all, it is human nature to repay kindness, but it does not mean that he is a saint who can be kidnapped by morality.


Jiang Yi's request immediately stunned everyone in the venue!

I saw him lifting a shovel from the pile of weapons.

Then he said to Luoshan seriously:

"You happen to have high attributes, please help me sharpen the tip of this shovel."

? ? ?

Luo Shan immediately looked like an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

Other onlookers were puzzled at first, and then felt...

Is Jiang Yi deliberately humiliating Luo Shan with this request?

This kind of broadmindedness, this kind of magnanimity, is this too low? !

Even Sun Hao felt that Jiang Yi was too dishonest and was about to beat him again.

However, Jiang Yi repeated to Luoshan seriously: "I am not joking, but I am really planning to use this shovel as a weapon."

"But I don't think the tip of this shovel is sharp enough, so I want you to help me sharpen it."


Luo Shan knew the inside story, so he felt that the possibility of Jiang Yi deliberately humiliating him was not high.

Furthermore, his expression was quite serious at the moment.


"Are you really prepared to use this shovel as a weapon?"

Luo Shan had a strange expression.

Jiang Yize nodded seriously and confirmed again.

Luo Shan thought for a while and then nodded: "Okay, I promise you!"

With that said, he turned around and asked Sun Hao if he had any grinding stones.

Sun Hao couldn't figure out what these two people, especially Jiang Yi, were doing.

However, if things could just change like this, he didn't care, so he borrowed a grindstone from Luoshan.

Just like that, another little time was wasted.

Jiang Yi and Luo Shan then walked to the other side of the battle line with their weapons in hand.

Many people saw that Jiang Yi's weapon was a shovel, and their expressions were hard to describe.

With him in such a state, naturally no one would be willing to team up with him.

Luo Shan, on the other hand, easily held the compound bow and came close to him and whispered: "How about we form a team? I...I will take you?"

Jiang Yi gave Luo Shan a faint glance.

Luo Shan didn't know why, but he felt extremely stressed.

He is now more and more convinced that Jiang Yi is the rumored strong man who once led the Hanjiang University students to fight out of the beast tide!

Although it is a powerful ability, it does not last long.

The aura on your body cannot be deceived!

Sure enough, Luo Shan was not surprised when he heard Jiang Yi's rejection:

"All your attributes are +5. You can fight two Black Widows by yourself without any problem. How about teaming up with others?"

This is what rejection means.

Luo Shan then wisely stopped mentioning the team formation.

However, he kept an eye on it and deliberately chose a position next to Jiang Yi in the defense line formed by the death squads.

At this time, the beast tide had not happened for a long time.

Many ferocious beasts have not had time to spread here.

So their defense here is relatively relaxed at this time.

I watched at Luoshan Station for a while, then suddenly drew my bow.

Just hearing a "swish" sound, a sharp arrow shot straight into the head of a black widow!

Then there was a "bang"!

One arrow to the head!

Luoshan raised his chin proudly, and at the same time he was so excited about this feeling of power all over his body!

When he was a tumor worm before, he thought it was good to be a tumor worm, at least it was safe and there was no threat to his life.

Now ...

He finally understood why, even though the death rate was so high, those members of the death squads were unwilling to become cancer worms again!


This feeling of having power...

Really cool!

Unbelievably cool!

If the former Luoshan wanted to "change his destiny against the will of heaven", it was purely because he played too many games and his soul burned.

So, now he has a seed that wants to become stronger deep in his heart!

He wants to gain power!

He wants to be strong!

He wants to hold his fate in his own hands!

Become stronger! Must become stronger!

Jiang Yi, who was standing by, also saw the change in Luoshan's mentality.

He thought for a moment and then asked Luoshan: "Have you ever practiced archery?"

Luo Shan shook his head: "It doesn't count as practice. I used a slingshot to shoot birds in the mountains when I was in elementary school. When I was in junior high school, I even made a homemade crossbow..."

Just as he was speaking, his expression suddenly changed and he shouted to Jiang Yi: "Be careful!!"