
Global Lifespan Lottery: Only I Can Designate the Reward

The doomsday game has arrived, and lifespan has become the only currency! The various fate wheels that pop up after defeating monsters must be rotated at the cost of your lifespan! Some people spend ten years of their life to extract the elixir of longevity and extend their life by a hundred years! Some people spend a hundred years of life, develop powerful abilities, and change their lives against the will of heaven! Some people spend a thousand years of life to unleash a wave of terrifying beasts, endangering the people of a city! Jiang Yi finally gathered a million years of life and turned the golden turntable. But he was obliterated by a golden light and was reborn back to the early days of the apocalypse! Just when he thought that rebirth would be just another journey of gambling on life, he unexpectedly discovered that after rebirth, he could actually designate wheel rewards! This is crazy? ! Isn't this equivalent to--others study diligently, but he has the answers to the exam? ! Others were worried about their lives, but he was invincible at the beginning? ! Protagonist: Jiang Yi

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

### Chapter 1 After ten years of hard work, you will get a hundred years!

"Brothers! Breaking news!"

"Chen Liang just drew a long pill from the green turntable!"

"What the hell?! The green turntable needs 10 years of life to rotate, right?"

"The key is, the long elixir drawn from the green turntable can increase your life span by at least a hundred years, right?!"

"Ten years of hard work and a hundred years of spare time! This wave is a real profit!"

"What a pity, hey..."

"It's a pity that Chen Liang is just like us, just a tumor worm raised in the Lotte Club!"

"As the Tumor Worm has said, it is a lifespan storage bank for the enemy! Whatever we draw out from our own lifespan, no matter whether it is bad or bad, we have to hand it over to the club!"

"The long elixir that Chen Liang drew will only be ruthlessly taken away by the club! There is no way it will fall into his own hands!"

"Hey, don't be so pessimistic..."

"Although the longevity bug has a humble status and the things pulled out by the turntable do not belong to you, you don't have to face the beast directly!"

"Even if the ferocious beast is drawn from the turntable, the boss of the club will be responsible for dealing with it, so the tumor worm has no worries!"

"Anyway, I think it's pretty cool to hang out in the Lotte Club and be a tumor bug. At least your life won't be threatened..."

"Even like Chen Liang, the club will give rewards to those who draw the long pill!"

"After Chen Liang draws out the Long Pill, he should be able to live in a single room with a better environment! He will no longer suffer from hunger in the future!"

"Tsk! What's there to be envious about living in a single room? What's there to be proud of being a tumor worm?"

A gangster with tattoos on his arms was lying lazily on a straw mat, his eyes full of contempt.

"Those of us, Tumorworms, do not have to face the threat of ferocious beasts and monsters, but living in this dirty underground garage is basically just eating and waiting to die!"

"Our lifespan will only be consumed continuously during the process of starting the turntable. There is no chance to extend our lifespan!"

"Sooner or later, if you do this, your life will be over!"

"Look at that piece of trash in the northwest corner. He only has a life span of more than a year. He doesn't even dare to turn the carousel. How many days has he been hungry?"

"If we continue to mess around like this, there is a high probability that it will be his turn to end up like that!"

"Let me tell you, we should follow Gao Chang's example!"

"Gao Chang draws a reward of +1 for all attributes from the carousel and becomes an official member of the club directly!"

"Although after becoming a formal member, you will inevitably have to go out and fight monsters...but you have the ability to control the carousel rewards on your own!"

"If you're lucky, you might be able to grow up and change your destiny forever!"

The tattooed man couldn't hide his excitement when he mentioned the words "change your destiny against the will of heaven".

However, another man wearing black-rimmed glasses sneered and retorted:

"I heard that on the wheel where Gao Chang drew all attributes +1, the other nine options all had negative effects! The effect of +1 on all attributes did not even account for 0.1% of the wheel!"

"Gao Chang was able to draw a bonus of +1 for all attributes from that turntable. It's just like the smoke rising from the ancestral grave. I don't know how many lifetimes he has cultivated this blessing!"

"In this Lotte Club, the wheels that can be used for our longevity lottery draw are basically the kind of garbage wheels that have a particularly large proportion of negative effects!"

"Wanting to pull something out of the garbage carousel and change your life against the will of heaven? It's simply a fool's errand!"

"Gao Chang's situation is just an exception! It's not something we ants can imagine!"

When the tattooed man heard this, he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Indeed, the idea of changing one's fate by turning a wheel is very beautiful.

But it's so unrealistic!

The fate of these tumor worms raised by the club...

There is a high probability that they can only eat and wait to die!

Those with poor luck can at most just draw the elixir like Chen Liang and change to a poorer living environment.

In the future, when my life is over, I can also be more dignified...

Oh, what a world.

Weak people do not deserve dignity and fantasy!

"What are you guys talking about? The atmosphere is quite depressed?"

A powerful voice suddenly came from the direction of the entrance to the dirty underground garage.

In an instant, all the "longevity bugs" lying lazily on their respective straw mats stood up.

Welcome as warmly as you would a minister:

"Brother Liang is back?!"

"I heard that Brother Liang took out the Long Pill? Is it true?"

"Brother Liang, the welfare benefits should be improved this time, right? Will he not come back to our underground garage again in the future?!"

Chen Liang, who is admired by many stars, is just a young man who looks like a college student.

He looks ordinary and smells sour that he hasn't showered in half a month.

But at this moment, his face was glowing and he even burped.

Faced with the compliments of these low-level "tumor bugs", he raised his chin slightly and said proudly:

"It was indeed a fluke that I pulled out a green-quality Chang-Elixir!"

"Boss Sun agreed on the spot to increase my benefits!"

"I, Chen Liang, will never come to this underground garage again."

"I came here this time because the feast as a reward for the club was so rich that I didn't finish it all by myself. The rest will be given to all the brothers!"

"Oh ho ho!!! Brother Liang, what the hell!" A burst of fierce cheers immediately sounded in the underground garage, as if Chen Liang was their father again!

These tumor-bearing bugs often don't have enough to eat or clothing to keep them warm.

Only when the turntable is turned on in the life span can materials be exchanged from the club.

Being able to enjoy Chen Liang's leftovers is a great joy!

Sure enough, when the dining cart rolled in, even though the plates on it were filled with leftover leftovers from Chen Liang's meal.

But the tumor bugs in the underground garage were swarming in like refugees who had not eaten for half their lives.

Some were so hungry that they even started grabbing them.

This noisy sound.

Finally, a thin young man was awakened in the northwest corner of the garage.

Jiang Yi narrowed his eyes with difficulty.

I just feel weak and weak all over.

There is still a sour and rotten smell in the air.

What the hell?

Wasn't he obliterated by a flash of golden light when he spent a million years of life to activate the golden turntable?

How could he still be conscious?

Could it be hell?

The environment in this hell is really bad.

Jiang Yizheng was thinking, but suddenly a figure blocked the light in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, something seemed to hit him.

The thing had a fragrant smell that made Jiang Yi's mouth secrete saliva uncontrollably.

At this time, his mind was somewhat clear.

I was so awake that there was only one word left in my mind——


So damn hungry!

He clearly felt the feeling of his whole stomach shrinking into a ball and his chest touching his back!

He doubted he could eat an entire cow!

Just as he was thinking about it, the figure who stopped next to him said unintentionally:

"Jiang Yi, for the sake of watching your classmates, Brother Liang, I specially brought you a dog bone."

"Although I chewed it until only the bones were left, these are the bones of a silverback jackal, and they are rich in nutrients!"

There were other voices nearby shouting:

"Oh my god! Brother Liang is really jealous of his old classmate! Such nutritious dog bones are reserved exclusively for Jiang Yi!"

"This Jiang Yi is really lucky!"

The tumor worms further away whispered:

"Why do I feel that Chen Liang and Jiang Yi are having some sort of feud?"

"Of course there is a festival! Didn't you see that there is no meat on that dog bone! This is just an insult to Jiang Yi!"

"I heard that when Chen Liang and Jiang Yi were in college, they seemed to have chased the same girl..."

"I'm not chasing the same girl. It should be said that Chen Liang harassed Guo Jiang Yi's girlfriend."

"Tsk, tsk, do you know who Jiang Yi's girlfriend was at the time?"


"Chang Jiao'e!"

"??? What?! Chang? Chang Jiao'e?! Is it the Chang Jiao'e I know?!"

"Is it Chang Jiao'e who ranks first on Jiangcheng's ranking list?!"

"The four major forces in Jiangcheng are treating them like guests, and the only one who has mastered the method of refining the Long Pill is Chang Jiao'e, the number one alchemist in Jiangcheng?!!"

Chang Jiao'e's title is quite astonishing.

So much so that at this moment, no one dares to believe it——

Such a proud daughter of heaven who is so high up and has unlimited future.

Have you ever interacted with the shady tumor insect in this underground garage?

But if you think about it carefully, it's not unbelievable.

After all, the advent of the Doomsday Game and the Wheel of Fortune is only a month away.

In this month, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Human circumstances are also vastly different!

For example, this Chen Liang, I heard that he was still a rich second generation before the end.

As a result, in the end of the world, they were reduced to the lowest level of tumor worms. They had neither enough food nor clothing to keep them warm, so they had no choice but to eat and wait to die!

For example, He Zheng, the president of Lotte Club, was said to be just an ordinary doorman before the end.

It turned out that he was one of the top 100 powerful warriors on Jiangcheng's combat power list!

Chang Jiao'e was in her current situation only because she had unlucky luck and pulled out the long-lasting elixir recipe from the carousel.

Therefore, it would not be difficult to understand if, before the end of the world, the proud girl of heaven had such a good-for-nothing boyfriend.

Thinking of this, many "stupid bugs" in the garage couldn't help but come over to see what this waste Jiang Yi looked like.

He looks quite handsome.

But it looks like he is too weak.

He probably only has a few days to live.

The tumor worms are commenting secretly in their hearts.

But suddenly I saw——

That good-for-nothing Jiang Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

That look, like a ghost, scanned the crowd.

He even shouted to Chen Liang in disbelief: "Chen...Chen Liang? Are you Chen Liang?"

"You, didn't you starve to death long ago?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Liang's face turned extremely ugly!

"Damn it! I have to live a miserable life! You bitch is the one who is about to starve to death!"

While cursing, he kicked away the dog bone thrown next to Jiang Yi, "Starve to death, you bitch!"

"Don't think I don't know, you only have one year left to live!"

"A mere one-year lifespan, even the fate wheel, is only enough to activate the lowest level Qise wheel!"

"In a few days, I'll be waiting to collect your body!"

Jiang Yi was completely confused when he heard Chen Liang's cursing voice!

A horrifying thought flashed through his mind.

Then he shouted from the bottom of his heart: Data panel!

Immediately, after a doomsday game came, the data panel owned by everyone appeared in his field of vision.

[Name: Jiang Yi]

[Level: 0]

[Life span: 1 year 038 days]