
Global Descent: I Can Purchase for free in the Lord's Mall.

In the wake of a cosmic upheaval, the entirety of Earth's population finds themselves transported to a mysterious and untamed realm—a brand new plane ripe for exploration and conquest. Among them is Liam, an ordinary individual thrust into an extraordinary situation. In this new world, every inhabitant has been granted the opportunity to rise as a lord, commanding their own unique armies and territories. However, fate is not kind to Liam. While others receive powerful troops and resources, he is bestowed only the lowest tier of soldiers, a blue slime, seemingly chosen randomly. Despite this disadvantage, Liam discovers a hidden advantage—a mysterious ability to access a "cheat" once a week, which allows him to purchase one item for free in the mall once a week. With this newfound advantage, Liam sets out to defy the odds and carve out his own path to dominance in this cutthroat landscape. But as he rises through the ranks, he attracts the attention of powerful rivals and dark forces lurking in the shadows. Alongside his ragtag army, Liam must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront mythical beasts, and outmaneuver cunning adversaries in order to survive. I suks at making thumbnails, don't mind me. HEUHEUHEUE

ToTallyNoTmE · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 3: Building a castle, the world of game.

Chapter 3: 

Hichken7: Will we never be able to go back?

Dariotthatsme: Why should we go back? this world is much better than our world. We are lords! Hahaha, I managed to summon a C-class archer as my initial troops and once I collected enough basic resources, I could finally build my castle!

TheFoolornot: The first floor, stop daydreaming already. There's no hope of going back. Keeping that mindset is dangerous, sooner or later, that will be the cause of your death.

Hichken7: I am just at a loss, I am sorry.

Following suit this conversation was a bunch of talk, well, mostly bragging about their initial troop being better than the others. Ranging from the highest Dragon troops that were summoned by Lady Fiyra, known as one of the 5 S rank troops to the lowest of a tree, yes, a tree. 

"It seems my luck isn't that bad compared to whoever summons a tree as their initial troops" 

Liam shivered at the thought of this, that would simply mean a death end being slapped to your face early on. Especially at the times when all lords are still in the early exploration stage.

Like Liam, for the first day, all of the lords are still huddled up within their summoning building. Either exploring their troop's characteristics or shivering in fear not knowing what other fate shall befall them. 

At the very least, for most of them, they were still able to retain their pitiful lives up to this point several hours into this world.

Unlike those who were unlucky. From time to time within the global chat, some people would yell to ask for help. While in most cases they were hunted down by wild monsters while trying to explore their surroundings.

And by the time someone noticed the message, the Lord's name turned grey in ashes. Meaning that he had died...

"sigh... bravery or timid, both sides have their advantage. But too much of these two might bring unwanted results... such as..."

Liam overlooked the greyed-out name of the lord who just asked for help just now... 

And murmured.


Afterward, Liam continued to scroll through the global chat for quite a bit. Searching for useful information from the mouths of people from all over the world. 

And for quite some time, he was mesmerized by the vastness of this world that they were transported to. In essence, this world is just a game in the end. 

Among the many lords that had spoken within the chat, there was this one particular person who stood out from among the rest. 

Ask me: Make sure to let your troops gather resources as quickly as possible, this world is on a constant speedrun. The higher we go, the more rewards we will gain, but that will depend on our performance. Remember to prioritize resource gathering and when you have enough of the basic resources, a notification will tell you when you are ready to build your own Lord castle. And here's a tip for all Lords, instead of building it on a random spot, place the blueprint directly above the summoning building, and then the foundation will be much more solid.

Reading all of this, Liam finds himself quite confused about what the person is conveying. Lord's castle? Resources?

Feeling quite strange, he then kept on looking over the messages that had been sent from this person. The more he read, the wider his eyes became. 

"Alliance building? Barack? Lord's castle?... Resources point?"

"I see, no wonder I didn't see any territory when I got transported here. You will have to build it on your own"

Based on what he had read, if a lord wanted to establish a territory, he would need a certain amount of basic resources until the system had deemed him ready to build a castle. 

As for the concept of a castle, it is way even more strange when he read through the chat explaining the essence of this feature for the lords. A castle is a building that functions as the heart of a certain Lord's territory. It functioned as the image of how it would be depicted on the outside. 

Yes, it is an extremely strange concept for Liam to grasp his head around it.

Once the castle is built, a bubble of energy will envelop the castle and the surrounding area up to 1km in range with the castle being in the center of the circle. 

From the outside, if a person were to discern it with his own very eyes, all he would see is a gigantic castle over 1km in diameter and several hundred meters high.

isn't this the game mechanic of Clash of Kings and even Lord's Mobile?

Liam thought to himself with a sense of realization

'then it would make much more sense that way to view it in this form. I had played that game once, so I should be able to navigate my way around this new feature quite easily'

Not only that but once the castle is built, the power system will also take effect immediately. Allowing the lords to gauge their current battle power based on the amount of their troops, research levels, building powers, and more. 

In a way, once the castle is unlocked, a myriad of features will be presented to the lord to play with. Such as building barracks to recruit troops, summoning citizens from a portal to increase population and even building a temple to obtain buffs. it's a total game world but once you die, you can never return.

having said so much, Liam felt his blood boil a little, after all, who wouldn't like to become one of the strongest lords in this brand-new world? 

"Now to gather resources, I will leave it to you guys"

Liam said with a soft smile on his face while looking towards the army of slime in front of him. Sensing that the Lord had a job for them, the slimes excitedly wobbled their "hands" around. 

Seeing this scene, Liam could only laugh at the slime's reaction and said.

"Make your way towards the surrounding area of this building, and I want you to gather as much wood, stone, and food for me. Can you do this task?"

Hearing Liam's words, the slimes wobbled in response. 

"Good... but make sure to prioritize your safety first above anything else, understand?"



Seeing the slimes leaving the entrance of the building, Liam could only pray for there to not be any dangerous monsters around the area he is currently in. 

As for his safety, he doesn't need to worry about it since a Lord from the global chat has discovered that this building can repel or even prevent monsters from getting close to it. Meaning that as long as Liam stayed inside, nothing would try to harm him.

He sighed and couldn't help but think whether his slimes might be able to pull off this task or not. After mulling over it for a couple of seconds, Liam decided to let it be.

"They have the tool's form that I taught them, so it shouldn't be a problem to cut down trees or to mine stones"

"As for the concern of their intelligence, it shouldn't be a problem too, they might act like that, but in 

He said in a soft tone, leaning his side against one of the pillars within the hall as he stared to the side where a window existed, depicting the forest outside of the building.

Seemingly feeling hungry again, Liam could only settle on the few dried fruits left inside his pocket as his ration of nutrients for now. At the very least, it could last him until tomorrow morning. 

And by the time his slimes going to bring back their harvest soon, he then can finally let his worries go. There must be some fruits that they can grab from this forest, Liam believed so since it is logical to think that way.

it didn't take long, as soon enough, a notification rang out inside his mind.

[Gained 1 woods]

[Gained 3 woods]

[Gained 3 wild fruits]

Hearing this, Liam couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"It seems they are doing quite a good job out there" 

He smiled.

Liam decided to take a break and head towards the bedroom. 

As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the new information he had discovered about the castle and the other features of this world.

 It was overwhelming, but he also felt excited to explore and build his territory. 

Once he reached the bedroom, he sat down on the bed and checked on his slimes. Every Lord can do this, but at most, they can only gauge whether the summoned troops are in danger or not.

They were still out gathering resources, so he decided to continue exploring the global chat and also the trading market.

 As he scrolled through the trading market, he noticed that many lords were looking for specific resources that they needed to build their castles or upgrade their buildings. 

While the rest were still in the stage of resources gathering the same as him. 

"It seems many Lord have built their castle already, I am quite late on this matter"

Liam pondered and continued scrolling through the chat, It was not until several hours had passed, then a different notification sounded in his mind.

[The lord has met the basic requirement to build a castle, requiring 300 wood and 300 stones]

[The blueprint had been sent into the Lord's panel, and the method to use it will be directly instilled into the lord's mind]

Hearing this, Liam couldn't help but get excited. Hurriedly open the lord's panel and there it is, two extra columns at the bottom of the panel.

[Lord of the human race] [Earth, Human]

[name]: Liam Adermin's

[age]: 18/80

[Lord level]: 0 

[Exp to the next level]: 0/100

[Lord Class]: None

[Base troop]: Slime (common) (rarity: E) (level : 0)

[Description]: a normal slime, the lowest form of monster that you can encounter in the wilderness.

[Skill]: [The art of morphing, adapt]

[Summon space]: 10/10

[Items]: Castle blueprint[Legendary]





Seeing this, Liam immediately claimed the item, and in a flash, a purple blueprint emerged in front of him. Liam hurriedly grabbed and opened it, and again another light flashed by, and a stream of information appeared inside Liam's mind. Instructing the method to use the blueprint.

After several seconds, Liam regained his clarity as his eyes returned to normal from being in a daze. Grabbed the blueprint firmly inside his hand and headed out from the entrance of the building. 

Recalling the askme lord's advice from the global chat, Liam then faced his body towards the building, opened up the blueprint within his hand, and muttered. 

"Use the item"

[Ding, the required resources will be automatically deducted from the Lord's panel]

[Ding, detected a summoning building within the designated spot the Lord's wished to build the castle]

[Is it integrated?]



A roar boomed in front of him, as the blueprint turned into a group of light particles, floating towards the summoning building and wrapping it tight. 

Soon enough, a cocoon of light appeared, enclosing the whole building with a floating timer above it. 

"5 minutes?"

"Then let's just wait for it to finish... "

Liam said while closing his eyes and his arm crossed over his chest.