
Global Descent: I Can Purchase for free in the Lord's Mall.

In the wake of a cosmic upheaval, the entirety of Earth's population finds themselves transported to a mysterious and untamed realm—a brand new plane ripe for exploration and conquest. Among them is Liam, an ordinary individual thrust into an extraordinary situation. In this new world, every inhabitant has been granted the opportunity to rise as a lord, commanding their own unique armies and territories. However, fate is not kind to Liam. While others receive powerful troops and resources, he is bestowed only the lowest tier of soldiers, a blue slime, seemingly chosen randomly. Despite this disadvantage, Liam discovers a hidden advantage—a mysterious ability to access a "cheat" once a week, which allows him to purchase one item for free in the mall once a week. With this newfound advantage, Liam sets out to defy the odds and carve out his own path to dominance in this cutthroat landscape. But as he rises through the ranks, he attracts the attention of powerful rivals and dark forces lurking in the shadows. Alongside his ragtag army, Liam must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront mythical beasts, and outmaneuver cunning adversaries in order to survive. I suks at making thumbnails, don't mind me. HEUHEUHEUE

ToTallyNoTmE · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 25: The nearest city, rudolf's report

Yes, there were no smelted iron ore on the market other than these ones. Though Liam didn't mind the extra steps of smelting these iron ores himself. 

"The next goal, find a fixed output of smelted iron resources from somewhere. "

"And the best choice is to find it through the human cities established by the aborigines of this world"

Liam murmured softly with a thoughtful look on his face, shifted his gaze to the side, and ventured. 

"Elera, snap out of it already"

Liam's voice cut through the haze of Elera's thoughts, jolting her back to reality. Startled, she blinked rapidly, trying to regain her composure as she focused on his question.


Elera stammered, her voice betraying her lingering shock and confusion.

Seeing Elera's flustered state, Liam sighed inwardly, realizing the magnitude of the changes they were experiencing. He softened his tone, offering her a reassuring smile before continuing.

"I want to ask you, where is the nearest human city to our location?"

Elera's mind raced as she tried to recall the information she had learned about the surrounding area. She wracked her brain, searching for the details she needed to answer Liam's question.


She exclaimed, her expression flustered as she struggled to gather her thoughts. Her eyes darted around the room as if searching for the answer in the air around her.

"The nearest city to our current place... it should be..." 

She trailed off, her brow furrowing in concentration as she tried to remember the exact location.

After a moment of hesitation, a spark of recognition flashed in her eyes as she recalled the information.

"It's called Ardenia City"

 She exclaimed, her voice gaining confidence as she spoke. 

"It lies to the east of our domain, about 10 days' journey by horseback. It's a bustling city, known for its markets and trade routes."

Elera's words flowed more smoothly now, her earlier flustered demeanor was replaced by a brand new one.

"If you need to visit the city, my lord, I can make the arrangements for you. I can be the guide"

She offered, her gaze meeting Liam's with sparkles of light within.

Liam simply smiled back at her willingness to do so. Though, Liam didn't plan to go there personally. 

He's a lord, not a diplomat. There is someone else that suits this job other than him.

'Maybe sending Rudolf or Adhart would solve the issue. As for safety, I will just send a couple hundred level 5 soldiers to accompany the convoy, alongside 10 giant knights. That is more than enough to deal with any potential threat'

Liam considered this due to the average strength of the city lords of the aboriginal of this world.

 From what Elera had explained to him before and also several checks within the pinned messages of the global chat regarding the Aboriginal's strength, most city Lords' strength can be varied based on their city locations. 

The deeper it is towards the center area of the domain, the stronger the city Lord will be. Because what lies deep within the city is the vein of aura that spreads underground all over the continent. 

Likewise, the closer it is to the center of the root of this vein, the higher the aura concentration of the place which will be beneficial for these city lords to cultivate. 

'And roughly around the area that I am currently in, the city Lord of the Ardenia city is at least around level 7 or level 8'

'My giant Knights possess the strength of level 10, it is more than enough to deal with any issues'

Liam confirmed this with a decisive look.

'And also... '

Liam added in with a cold glint flashing within his eyes. 

'I never planned to talk peacefully with them. Since my fist just happens to be bigger than theirs, then just lay down voluntarily for me to achieve my goal'


As Liam finished his meal amidst the gentle chirping of conversation from Elera by his side, he rose from the dining table.

 Several maids trailed behind him as he made his way toward the grand throne room, the opulent surroundings echoing with the soft rustle of their footsteps. 

To his surprise, Elera remained close by his side, her presence a bold declaration as she followed in his steps. Seemingly to assert her sense of presence within his eyes.

Liam glanced towards her, his expression mild yet curious, which seemed to fluster her momentarily. However, she quickly composed herself, puffing up her chest and meeting his gaze with determination.

Unsure of her intentions but not wanting to dismiss her, Liam nodded and continued on his path, allowing her to tag along.

Upon entering the throne room, Rudolf and Adhart, who had been awaiting Liam's arrival, immediately rose to greet him. 

"We have seen the Lord"

"We have seen the lord"

 Liam acknowledged with a respectful salute, his demeanor shifting effortlessly as he took his seat on the throne.

Elera stood obediently among the maids, her presence not going unnoticed by Adhart and Rudolf. 

A flicker of enlightenment passed between them, though they quickly refocused their attention on the matter at hand, ready to attend to their lord's needs. As for the matter of Elera, it seems they will have to treat this girl more differently than before from now on. Perhaps, a new mistress will appear soon.

"My Lord, I seek approval for my report under your command"

Rudolf ventured in with a respectful tone.

Liam nodded in approval as Rudolf stepped forward to begin his report, gesturing for him to take precedence. 

Adhart, understanding his lord's command, respectfully retreated a few steps to allow Rudolf to speak unhindered.

Rudolf, with his frail yet commanding posture, turned to face Liam.

Clearing his throat, he began.

"My Lord, under my careful management and the tireless efforts of our people, we have successfully cleared all the trees and stones within the castle's vicinity. This has created ample space for further construction."

He paused briefly before continuing, 

"Additionally, we have constructed a dozen more units of houses, modeled after the standard set by your crafts, my Lord."

"As a result, everyone has been comfortably settled in, with plenty of housing available for the upcoming summons scheduled for today."

Liam listened attentively to Rudolf's report, his hand rested casually on the chair armrest, and he muttered in response.

"in advance that I will inform you, the number of people that will be added in today will be several times more than the current total of people that we have"

Hearing Liam's remarks, Rudolf hesitated for a moment, knowing that such a large amount of people would cause a severe lack of houses and also disproportional management. 

As Rudolf was about to add in his thoughts, Liam continued with his words.

"But fret not, I will be personally building the remaining houses for the upcoming population increases. And your job is to manage these places properly"

"Yes, my lord"

Rudolf happily nodded back, knowing that with the lord's help, the issue of severe lack of housing could be easily cracked down in a single day. 

Thus resolving the lack of manpower in other aspects by freeing the construction sector alone. Suddenly, many more ideas came to his mind for the management issue. 

Though Rudolf planned to mention it in the last part of his report. As Rudolf continued with his report, Liam's attention shifted to the building panel, dragging his gaze toward the summoning portal.

With a decisive gesture, he directed resources to upgrade it directly from level 2 to level 5, using several speed-up cards in the process.

As the number dropped to 271, Liam contemplated the implications.

"So it doubles the amount of summon every time I upgrade the building. Interesting..."

 Liam mused to himself. With the summoning portal now at level 5, he could summon over 1600 people in total. The magnitude of this number struck him. Liam realized that sooner or later, his territory would be dealing with tens of thousands of people under his command. 

'And perhaps, there will be a time when hundreds of millions of people exist sulmitanoiusly'

'Just how many houses are needed by then, I couldn't imagine'

Calculating the necessary infrastructure, Liam felt a bead of sweat form on his brow. Designing a proper city plan atop the existing foundation would require careful consideration and planning.

 Without wasting time, he set to work, envisioning the layout of the area with houses properly arranged carefully. Under Liam's focused gaze, he meticulously charted the blueprint of the city, ensuring every aspect was meticulously planned for efficiency and comfort. 

His vision encompassed not just housing, but a design that fostered camaraderie and well-being.

Breaking down the area into designated zones, Liam allocated space for essential amenities like markets, roads, and more. Street spaces were laid out thoughtfully, wide enough for easy traversal yet intimate enough to encourage neighborly interaction. 

Each house found its place within this carefully orchestrated symphony of urban planning, positioned to optimize sunlight and airflow while maintaining a sense of privacy.

Rudolf, standing nearby, was astounded for a moment by the Lord's odd silence during his report. However, he didn't doubt Liam's presence as he kept on presenting his reports in full detail. Having full trust in Liam's leadership.

Naturally, Liam noticed Rudolf's subtle changes of expression. Secretly acknowledging Rudolf's professionalism. 

Liam forgot to mention that he possessed more than enough mental strength to handle multiple tasks single-handedly. Listening while doing other things at the same time is not a problem for the current him. 

With the aid of his speed-up cards, construction progressed at a rapid pace, each house materializing according to Liam's meticulously crafted plan. 

As the final structures took shape, a vibrant tapestry of community emerged within the territory landscape. Liam's meticulous planning had transformed the once barren land into a thriving hub of activity.

The four main roads intersected in the middle, creating a [+] shaped area where the bustling heart of the city lay. 

Along these roads, housing filled every available space, creating a sense of warmth and vitality. Liam had ensured that for every five buildings, there were ample alleys, allowing for easy navigation and fostering a sense of intimacy within the community.

In the center of it all, Liam had strategically placed the blacksmith and the summoning portal, acting as the two pillars of buildings among the common buildings. 

Other buildings, such as the stable, the barracks, and the alliance hall were relocated to the inner area of the wall, optimizing space and security by placing them close to the castle.

As Liam surveyed the cityscape, a sudden desire to witness the full picture of each building seized him. With a thought, he commanded the map to unfold before him as his eyes set their sight upon this territory of his.

The barracks expanded dramatically, evolving into a small mansion with an open roof above. From his point of view, Liam observed soldiers tirelessly training in the center, the illusion of training created by the system.

Similarly, the stable underwent a remarkable transformation. Once a modest structure, it now stood proud and imposing, capable of housing a large number of horses and other beasts of burden. 

But it was the wall that truly captured Liam's attention. Rising to over 30 meters in height, it stretched over half a kilometer away from the castle, encircling the heart of the territory on all sides.

 As Liam gazed upon it, he noticed the intricate designs adorning its surface – statues and murals depicting the legendary giant dark knights.

As expected, as the level of the buildings grows, the features will be varied from one to the other. And it seems to be following his giant knights' direction, suiting the designs into this genre.

Each building bore these unique features. As Liam turned his attention to his castle, he beheld a majestic structure that dominated more than half of the area within the walls, towering over the surrounding landscape. 

The castle exuded an aura of grandeur and power, its imposing silhouette casting a formidable shadow over the land.

The outer walls of the castle were adorned with intricate carvings and designs, depicting scenes of battle and triumph. Giant knight statues stood guard at each corner, their stoic faces watching over the domain with unwavering vigilance.

Within the castle grounds, lush gardens flourished in the background, adding a touch of natural beauty to the otherwise imposing fortress. 

A spacious backyard and courtyard provided ample space for leisure and relaxation, adorned with colorful flowers and foliage that added a splash of color to the surroundings.

As Liam's sight ventured deeper into the castle, he marveled at the grandeur of its interior. The grand hall, once impressive, now loomed even larger and more imposing, its high ceilings and ornate decorations creating an atmosphere of awe and reverence.

The main hall stretched out before him, its corridors branching off into countless rooms and chambers, each more lavish than the last. 

The furnishings had been upgraded to match the castle's newfound splendor, with opulent tapestries, elegant furniture, and intricate decor adorning every surface.

Four towering spires rose up from the castle's core, reaching heights of up to 500 meters. Their spiraling architecture added to the castle's sense of majesty, their peaks strechted high towards the sky.

From afar, the castle resembled a fortress of doom, its dark stone walls and imposing towers casting a foreboding presence over the land.

 Giant statues of dark knights adorned each corner, their menacing visages serving as a warning to any who dared to challenge the lord of this domain.

Seeing the current appearance of his castle, Liam couldn't help but blurt out. 

"Holy... now that looks badass"

"is that how others gonna see how my territory looks like from afar from now on?"

Thinking of this, Liam zoomed out from the map using his fingers, dragging his sight towards his castle. Looking over the imposing sight of his domain with a glint of light flickering within his eyes.

And yes, if a person were to discern his castle from afar or even from the map panel. All they would see is a massive fortress of darkness the size of kilometers filling up the energy bubble. 

Imposing also signifies strength and power. Added in with the name of the lord below with the castle's level next to it, Liam believed no one could rival his domain from now on in terms of appearance. 

Although all lords know that this scene is nothing but an illusion, every lord has a tactical understanding regarding this. Try to make your castle look as badass as possible for others to look at it.

Because this is the representation of the face of the lord, and everyone took this matter seriously. 

As Rudolf concluded his report, Liam's attention snapped back from the panel to focus on his advisor. With a nod, he acknowledged Rudolf's efforts. 

"You did very well, Rudolf. I am impressed"

 Liam praised, his tone carrying genuine appreciation.

"My Lord, I am undeserving of such praises"

 Rudolf replied humbly, bowing his head in deference.

A smile played on Liam's lips as he responded.

 "Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed. You have served me well."

Before Rudolf could respond further, Liam continued, his tone carrying a hint of excitement.

 "I have completed building over 3000 units of houses on the outside. More than enough to house over 1600 people in today's summoning"

Rudolf's eyes widened in astonishment at the revelation. The sheer magnitude of constructing such a vast number of buildings in such a short period left him momentarily speechless.

Without pausing, Liam pressed on, revealing even more of his accomplishments.

 "I have also rearranged all of these buildings into a proper city urban planning with clear marks and spaces, ample for further expansion manually from your side."

Rudolf could hardly believe what he was hearing. Liam's strategic foresight and efficient execution were truly remarkable, surpassing all expectations. 

"T-then, my lord, how about the buildings from before?"

 Rudolf's excitement was palpable as he pressed forward with his questions. 

"Are we going to integrate them into this planned city?"

Liam regarded Rudolf with a calm demeanor before responding.

 "You don't have to worry, it's already done."

Upon hearing Liam's assurance, Rudolf's face lit up with excitement.

 "My lord is wise for such a feat! Such vision!"

Liam felt a slight twinge of embarrassment at the direct praise, but he maintained his composed exterior on the outside. Being praised by an old man in this way, Liam couldn't get used to it for awhile.

"I have already sent the order down for the buildings to continue summoning people once every 24 hours" 

He explained. 

"From now on, you will just have to wait for the summoned people to appear and immediately resettle them into these houses."

"And make sure for there to be no mishaps or any issues to occur"

He paused briefly before continuing, his tone firm and decisive. 

"And with more manpower appearing, accelerate the amount of construction and expansion on your own. If you need anything, you can appeal to Adhart for military aid."

"Yes, my lord"

Rudolf replied humbly, nodding in understanding and gratitude for Liam's guidance and support. 

As Liam was about to dismiss Rudolf to the side to hear Adhart's next report, Rudolf hurriedly ventured. 

"My Lord, I have one more matter to discuss with you, something of great importance."


I got sick yesterday, srry for the late update.

ToTallyNoTmEcreators' thoughts