

        In 'Glance,' love and fate collide in a story of second chances. Follow Zavier, a man scarred by betrayal, as he finds unexpected love with Tessa. But Tessa's heart is divided between the man who saved her and her departed best friend. In this emotional rollercoaster, 'Glance' explores the power of forgiveness, redemption, and the unbreakable bonds of the heart. Dive into a tale of love's twists and turns that will keep you turning pages until the very end On a misty, moonlit night, Zavier found himself on the edge of destiny. Beneath the canopy of stars, he stood overlooking a tranquil lake, its waters mirroring the shimmering night sky. In that serenity, his thoughts were consumed by one memory—a single glance. It was the glance that had ignited a fire in his heart, the moment he met Tessa. In that gaze, he found not just a reflection of his own longing but also a promise of a love deeper than any he had known. Little did he realize that this glance would become the first chapter of a love story written in the language of whispered secrets and stolen kisses. As he breathed in the fragrant night air, Zavier made a vow to himself—to cherish and protect this love, to build a life with Tessa that would forever be a testament to the power of that one enchanting glance.

Blue_Beauty7 · Urbano
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27 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven

💙Final Chapter💙

"I'll be right back, babe", Zavier said hurriedly and left to go to the man's side.

Tessa watched him leave with suspicion and confusion. Why does the man look so much like Zavier? Is it true?

Zavier walked to the man and kept himself together after a long time. It was really his father!!

"Dad?", Zavier called to confirm and the man nodded in confirmation.

"Son", The man answered. The man was teary-eyed but that was none of Zavier's concern. How could he plan his death and show up all of a sudden?

"What are you doing here?", Zavier asked with coldness. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"Son", Mr. Black called but Zavier raised his hand to shun him.

"Don't call me that", Zavier raised his index finger to warn him.

Raymond went towards that place and was also shocked as well.

"Dad?", he also repeated Zavier's word of surprise.

"Are you real?", he shook him violently till he got what he wanted from him.

"How have you been?", Mr. Black asked with tears brimming from his eyes.

"What are you doing here, dad?", Raymond asked with a frown. He wasn't happy either, but what can he do at the moment? It was all bad when their mother came over.

"Susan?", Mr. Black went to her and hugged her tightly.

"Jack?", Susan called out and returned the hug. She doesn't care whether she should believe it or not. What she cares about right now is that her husband is here and she can touch him. She ignored the coldness of her sons and hugged Jack tightly.

This time, people drew towards that direction to hear what was happening. They even want to get a glimpse of the man even though they don't know him.

"I was framed, Susan", Jack said and began to tell his story.

"Are you sure that was what happened?", Susan asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, love", Jack nodded his head in agreement. Zavier didn't bulge but Tessa could see that he was emotional after hearing the story.

"But…but why didn't you call? Why didn't you call me? Why did you just show up out of the blue?", Susan hit his chest many times to vent her anger.

"I'm sorry", Jack apologized. "They would kill me", Jack whispered and the crowd gasped.

👥 Who would kill him?

👥 Did you hear that?

👥 Ahh!!

"Round off the event Ray. I'll call you", Susan said and dragged Jack with her. Tessa watched everything with a sad heart. She doesn't know if it was a good thing or not.

The event was rounded off soon. It was a success but people couldn't stop talking about the thing that happened that day. Tessa didn't speak much on their way home. She placed her hand on Zavier's lap to make him feel good.

"Should I drive?", she asked and he nodded.

They changed positions as soon as possible. Tessa took the wheel and joked, "You should be happy I didn't fix nails today. We would have gotten into an accident long ago"

Zavier laughed a bit. That was what Tessa wanted. He was thinking too much.

She took a sharp turn into a rough path. Zavier was confused and asked, "Where are we going?"

"The place of healing", Tessa replied. That place was the place Zavier took her to the first time she heard of her mother's death. It was a cliff. The cliff had fresh air and a nice scenery. They could see some places from there.


"What?!!", Kim screamed and got up from the bed. "Are you sure??!! What hospital is that?!", she asked and began looking for a decent clothes to wear.

Luke was involved in an accident and her attention is needed at the hospital. She was the one Luke called when they demanded a guardian.

Kim drive to the hospital like a mad woman and got there in no time. She defied the traffic regulations before she knew it. When the traffic warden raced after her to stop her, she apologized profusely.

But she continued driving like a monster was after her life. She parked carelessly and ran to the ward he was admitted in.

"I'm here for Luke Carson", Kim said quickly and panted for breathe.

"Ehm…he's in ward 9C on the left", the nurse on duty answered.

Kim ran as she looked for ward 9c. When she saw the ward, she quickly moved the sheets to see her love.

She broke down in tears and covered her mouth with her hand. She sat on the floor and cried harder. A doctor and a nurse came into the ward to pass some information.

"Luke Carson died three minutes ago. It seemed like he loved you so much. You must be his girlfriend or sister. Which are you?", the doctor asked.

"G-girlfriend", Kim spoke.

"You could have seen him alive if you would have come earlier. All things work together for good. His car was badly crashed. It was a miracle to get him out of that damaged car. Come, let me show you the car", the doctor offered but Kim refused to see the car that made hrr boyfriend like this.

She refused to get up from the floor. How can death do this to her? How?!!!

She traced his bloody face with her fingers. The doctor and nurse sympathized with her and left her alone after some time.

No! He's not dead!!

She shook him violently and hit him violently but his facial expression didn't change. He remained the same. That was when Kim accepted the fact that he was dead and she cannot bring him to life.

She left the hospital with a heavy heart. She also drove with sadness. She didn't look left or right but continued driving straight. That was when the unexpected happened.

A truck hit her car and spinned it around for a long time till it crashed into a wall.


"Is it done?", a familiar voice asked over the phone with anticipated response.

"Yes", the person on the phone answered.

The other person was pleased and said, "Great job! I'll send you the balance right now. I'm so happy. Thanks for getting the job perfectly done"

"Hope I do business with you again", the person on the phone replied with a sly smile.

"I would let you know if I need your service again", the person with the familiar voice replied and laughed out loud after the call was disconnected.


Tessa ran to her best friend and hugged her with love and warmth.

"I'm so sorry Kim", Tessa wept and hugged her tightly. Zavier was standing few meters away and watched the two best friends converse with each other.

Orlando's call came in so he went to answer it and left there.

"You lost the baby, Kim", Tessa broke the sad news to her with tears in her eyes.

Kim was shocked but she revealed a shocker news to Tessa.

"That's isn't my headache right now. My concern is the death of Luke. Luke is dead!!!", Kim yelled. Tessa stared at Kim's expression very keenly. She wasn't lying or anything. She was crying bitterly. Tessa didn't know when tears started falling down her cheeks

"Luke as in…Luke Carson?", Tessa asked and Kim nodded.

"B-blood", Tessa sheirked and raised Kim's blanket a little. She gasped and began crying again.

"It's fine", Kim assured her but Tessa was having none of it.

"It's not fine. It's not. This was not how I left you Kim. Luke won't be happy to see you like this"

"Luke? Luke is dead!! He's gone!!!", Kim screamed and Zavier rushed in.

"What's going on here?", he askes looking confused for a little bit.

"I've got bad news, Vi", Tessa said as she stroked Kim's hair.

"Luke's dead", Tessa broke the news. Zavier looked broken. He has been hearing all sort of news lately.

The only news he heard recently that was good was the success of his brother's company. Today, the dead came back to life. Also, today, a living joined the dead unexpectedly.

Zavier laughed out loud. He laughed so much that both girls thought he was crazy for a bit.

Tessa didn't know who to hug and who to stay with

Both had a bad day but Kim's own was much worse.

She hugged Kim tightly and cried with her. Zavier went to sit outside the ward and began to think. He began to sniff and cry after some minutes of staring into nothingness.


Jun ho approached the crying girl on the bed but said nothing. He watched her cry for a long time without interrupting her. He guessed that she needed space so he stood there for a statue for a long time.

When he saw her sobbing quietly, he knew that she had calmed down a bit and tapped her shoulder softly. She quickly cleaned her eyes and sniffed. She smiled and asked him what he wanted.

"I- We're having a meeting downstairs and we've been waiting for ten minutes now but you didn't come so I thought something happened", Jun ho explained his reason for coming to her room.

"Oh that, uhm, I actually forgot. Something came up", Cassie smiled bitterly.

"You mean your father incident", Jun ho said and her eyes widened a bit.

"It's okay. I heard from Tessa", Jun ho quickly spoke up. "And besides, it's everywhere"

"I know. People can talk about it. I don't care", Cassie hissed.

"You don't"

"Yeah. You should go tell them that I'm not attending any dumb meeting this night. I'll like to be alone", Cassie gave her order for Jun ho to carry out.

"Are you ordering me right now?"

"Yes, pretty boy"

"Who's your pretty boy? Chen or me?", Jun ho asked.

"You, of course", Cassie answered and he smiled.

"If you…need someone…to stay by your side", Jun ho stammered. "I'll be here but if you don't, I'll take my leave", he concluded.

"No-no-no. Stay here with me", Cassie pulled him towards her and made him sit with her.

"I won't do anything to you. I promise", Cassie said when Jun ho stared at her keenly.

"What?", she asked with her brows raised.

"Nothing. It's just that you're…beautiful", Jun ho replied. That statement made her blush real fast.

"Really?", Cassie asked and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Of course", Jun ho replied.

"I've always been wondering. What's wrong with your eyes? But today, I've seen that you've finally been able to see that I'm very beautiful", Cassie went on till Jun ho burst her bubble.

"Actually, I was talking about this", he picked a pink teddy behind her. She scoffed and took the teddy from him.

She punched the teddy very hard till she was satisfied.

"You've gotta be kidding me! What the heck?", she blew her hair with her mouth.

"I was just kidding. You're pretty", he admitted and pecked her lips quickly.

Cassie got excited for a little bit and made up her mind to kiss him when she could.

At least, that will make her feel good for a little while. But it seemed like Jun ho liked it because he didn't scold her after they kissed.

Instead, he continued kissing her like there was no tomorrow. He began to explore her body and kiss every nook and inches of her skin. Moans and screams of pleasure were heard from the room after some minutes.

~2 years later~

Kim learned to move on with her life after accepting the fact that Luke was dead. She also found out that Kelvin was the one responsible for the death of her late boyfriend.

He found out that Luke is in dirty business. He kills and do shit and warned him not to go near his sister. He warned him to stay away but Luke couldn't listen. He didn't stay away so Kelvin had no choice than to kill him.

Kim met a nice guy at the hospital she's working in. He's Greg. He's also like Luke but he's more attractive than him. Kim was drawn to him after some months and they began dating.

Vivian is pregnant with her second child for Raymond. Raymond spoils Vivian to the core. Angelo also takes part in being Raymond's favorite. The first child for Raymond was named Nathan while the second child in Vivian's womb would be named Anastasia.

Raymond had come to forgive his father. No one was short of forgiveness so he had to. Z and A company was left in Raymond's hand after all the dirty work had been revealed. Jack's name was cleared after some weeks.

The suspect really turned out to the one dirty. The criminal and his accomplice were sentenced to prison for some years for blackmailing and the rest. Mr. And Mrs. Black lived in love, harmony and peace. Their grandchildren came to visit them from time to time.

But among all grandchildren, Ryan was the favorite. All of them loved him even with his attitude. They even loved him more because of his coolness.


Austin married Anna after some months. They relocated abroad because Austin had a huge offer. Anna didn't want to leave him for the time being so she decided to follow him there. The two relocated to New York for some months for Austin's business. Their child was so cute and couldn't help but cling to Austin every now and then.

Anna would get angry and drop the child with Tessa claiming that Austin was cheating on her with the baby.

Tessa laughed out loud when she heard that from Anna. She couldn't believe that she really got angry at her daughter.


Today was Tessa's graduation at the university. Zavier was the first person to arrive. She was pleased and extremely happy to see him. He looked so hot that she wanted to plug out all the eyes that stares at him.

'Can't they look away?', Tessa wondered as she rolled her eyes.

The members of the sevens also showed up for qher. Some of them came specifically for Kim because of Luke. They felt sorry and bought her a lot of things.

As usual, the girls went crazy after seeing the sevens after a long period of time. They were screaming their names, taking a video of them and taking their pictures without their permission.

Zavier took a picture with Tessa. The girls went crazy when they shared a deep kiss.

Tessa was blushing through out the drive home. Zavier noticed and had to ask her why she was blushing.

"Did you or did you not dress up for me?", Tessa asked.

He smiled ans kisses her knuckles softly with warmth.

"I love you", he said.

He had proposed to her a week ago and she said 'yes' to him. He was really keeping himself right now not to make love to her.

It's been some years that he's just been touching her and kissing her. Nothing has gone beyond that but today he doesn't know if he would guarantee that judging by the way she's looking.

She's so… damn!!!

She's beautiful!!!

'Beautiful' can be an understatement for her beauty.

Zavier watched as his dick twitched in his trousers as she zipped her gown a little lower.

"Let me guess. Kim did your makeup", Zavier raised a brow. She nodded her head like an obedient rabbit.

"Kim be doing wonders to you everytime I see you. By the way, I didn't know Cassie was dating your friend"

"Oh my boyfriend, Jun ho. I knew-", Tessa cut herself short when Zavier looked at her with a glare.

"Jun ho had been dating her for some time now", Tessa corrected herself.

He nodded and continued the drive. The house was quiet and everywhere looked sparkling clean so Tessa had to speak up, "Ryan is on holidays so I took my time to clean this place"

He nodded and took a bottle of water from the cooler. He drank it and covered the bottle with the cap.

"Vi!!", Tessa yelled from the room. "Come, help me with the zipper!", she yelled and struggled to zip down her gown.

Zavier quickly dropped his phone and car keys on the table and went to her quickly to avoid her nagging. These days, she nags at him at every slightest thing. Not that he enjoys it but he loves it when she naga at him.

"Just help me with it. It's so frustrating", Tessa said and took a deep sigh.

Zavier slowly zipped down the gown and took a deep breath each time he did. Tessa noticed that he wasn't zipping the gown as fast as she wanted and turned around.


"What's the matter?", she asked softly.

He didn't reply but traced her skin with his fingers. "You're so delicate. Why are you tempting me, Tess?", he asked and kisses her skin.

Tessa flinched but she loved the feeling she was getting from Zavier's touch.

"D-don't s…stop Vi", Tessa moaned as he continued to plant kisses on her skin.

"Shouldn't I? I don't think you're ready for that", Zavier muttered and finally unzipped her clothes. Tessa let the gown fall to the ground and displayed her bra and undies on her body.

Zavier gulped as he stared at her perfect perky breasts and the lace pant on her. Tessa held his hand and muttered, "I'm ready"

Zavier didn't know what to do. He's really going to give in now. What will he do with this girlfriend of his? Look at her body looking like a perfect sculpture carved by the most skilled carver in the world.

Tessa kissed his lips and began to touch him down there. He grew hard as soon as Tessa touched his dick.

He quickly held her hand to stop her. "Are you sure, Tess?", he asked and looked into her eyes.

"We don't have to do this if you're not ready", he said softly and stroked her hair.

"I'm ready Vi. I love you", she said and planted a deep kiss on his lips. Zavier took over and began to kiss her everywhere. He began to suck her breasts with passion and delight. He took off his clothes and began to tell her how pretty she was.

He nibbled and sucked on each breasts till she was satisfied.

"I'll be gentle", he said as he took off his trousers. He took out a condom from his pocket. When he saw the look in Tessa's face, he said, "I came fully prepared. You always seduce me so I have to be careful".

"Have you been…taking that with you for many years now?", Tessa asked and he nodded truthfully.

Tessa felt bad and watched him wear the condom to his length.

"Will it fit? Will it hurt? I'm…I'm scared", Tessa said in a go.

"It's okay to be scared, Tess. It would only hurt for some time. I promise to be gentle. I swear", Zavier said and rubbed his dick on her juicy pussy. She was getting the pleasure a little bit until Zavier began to enter her.

She sunk her nails into Zavier's back to show her pain.

"I'm sorry, babe", Zavier kissed her tears away and adjusted his lenth well into her. When he was sure that it was well, he began to thrust properly in her.

She cried out but slowly, the pain faded away to be the one of pleasure. She screamed his name when he thrusted deeper into her. She began to cry once again. Zavier kissed her and started to tell her sweet words.

"Za….za..vier", she moaned out his name. Zavier loved the way she was saying the name and told her to continue saying his name.

"D-don't…stop. Ah!", she sunk her nails deeper into his flesh.

They went on and on till night fall. Zavier changed the bloody sheets and kissed her forehead. He covered her with a clean blanket and joined her to sleep.

~In the morning ~

Tessa watched her man cook breakfast for her shirtless. She drooled and licked her lips. She purposely wore a single that was transparent. It was actually a long singlet that stopped by her tight. Her breasts stood independently and faced Zavier.

Zavier turned around and found out that she was gawking.

"Care for some?", he asked but she shook her head.

"What would you like to eat?", he asked.

She walked to him and poked his chest lightly.


Zavier looked at her serious face and smiled, "What do you mean?", he pecked her cheeks. Tessa touched his dick to express herself. Zavier almost dropped the glass plate he was holding when Tessa touched his dick.

"You're so naughty!", he flicked her forehead.

"I want it again. Fuck me!", she ordered and began touching him. He dropped the glass plate on the slab and turned off the gas.

"No! You can take your orange juice from the freezer", Zavier told her but she didn't bulge.

She pulled his head and complained, "My legs hurt so much that I almost collapsed on the way. I'm so sore"

Zavier watched as she nagged at him and complained.

"...but I want it. Fuck me!!", Tessa went on with her words and jumped on Zavier. Zavier reluctantly carried her to the room and made love to her again. He also wanted it because he can never get enough of her.

"Kim's gonna burst out when she hear that I'm no longer a virgin", Tessa said as she played with Zavier's hair.

"I'm glad I took it. I am so honoured to have it", Zavier said and wrapped a hand on Tessa's waist.

"One more! I swear this is the last time. I have a condom left", Zavier said and began to touch Tessa down there.

Tessa wanted to give in but she couldn't. That's what he say everytime and she continued to give in to his demand but this time, it is a no!

"I'm really sore. I think I'll be fine in a week's time", Tessa said.

"Or more", she added. Zavier sat up and looksd at her in a weird way.

"Are you that sore? I'm sorry. I was rough", he apologized.

He really looked cute when he was apologizing so Tessa had to tell him that she was joking and wasn't hurt that much.

They ended up playing on the bed and pulling each other's hair. They got married after two months and gave birth to a baby girl named Cassandra.

~4 years later~


"What's your order, baby girl?", a waiter brought a book and pen to take Cassandra's order.

"I'm not a baby! I'm not a girl", Cassandra yelled angrily.

"Yes, you are", Ryan butted in.

"Please shut up!!", Cassandra told Ryan.

"I'm not not your baby, Cass! I'm your uncle!" Ryan shouted.

"Uncle my foot!!", Cassandra said and pouted her lips.

"You can just give her the regular baby food. Milk and something. Or you can give her just milk so she can sleep. She's a talkative", Ryan told the waiter. The waiter smiled at Ryan.

Cassandra watched the two and slammed her hands on the table.

"I'm a lady and I get to choose my food", Cass said.

"Shut up baby!!"

"Nine year old uncle my foot!!", Cass yelled and pulled Ryan's hair.

Ryan also retaliated and pulled Cass's hair. Cass screamed and admitted that she was baby so Ryan would leave her hair. She cried as her head banged.

Cassie watched the two blicker and smiled. "That's how Ryan was when he was younger, calling himself a man"

Jun ho nodded and replied, "I'm the realest man here"

Cassie rubbed her tummy and smiled at him. He really was the realest man for being able to put two babies in her womb at a go! She shared a kiss with him and smiled at herself for being fortunate at last!!!