
Give Me A Break

Vic and Meghan are childhood best friends. Both vowed to take care of each other when they were still young. Soon… both of them grew up, sharing happiness and sadness together. As Meghan grew up as a pampered child, she always gets everything she wants. But for Vic, he grew up in a hard way as everything must be done by himself so he became matured and independence. Meghan moved into Vic’s house when she had a fight with her housemates for one silly reason, she wanted to go to Paris with them but they gave her lots of excuse not to go along. She felt hurt and went straight to someone whom she knew won’t make her in pain, Vic. Even though Vic told her for millions times not to act so childish but she stubbornly refused to move back. As her best friend, he just shrugged it off, maybe already knew her since young and let her taking the empty room in his place. Like a happy little girl, she agreed to follow few rules made by him. One, don’t make the place in mess. (Meghan always throws her belonging everywhere but because of this rule, she has to collect back all the things as Vic refuses to pick them up or he will pick them up but straight away throws them into the dust bin.) Second, don’t bring anyone to the house especially boyfriend. (Vic doesn’t like anyone especially man to come into his house without his permission as the house looks more like a crazy one with Meghan loves to put the flowers and things she receive all around the living room and other rooms, even making Vic’s things ‘disappear’ under her things.) Third, don’t bring any reporter to the house and no photo shooting in any part of the house. (Vic hates reporters very much.) Fourth, if she wants to go somewhere for few days, tell him first so he won’t need to cook for two. (Meghan can cook but she just pushes the responsibility to Vic, too lazy) Fifth, never tell anybody where she lives or with whom she lives with. (Vic expects Meghan to respect his privacy as he does to her.)

Fifie · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

I'm sorry

Meghan was humming happily while changing her clothes back.

"You look so happy today. What is it? A date?" Jolin asked. Meghan grinned from ear to ear.

"Actually no, guys. I just feel so happy today without any special reason," she denied, slowly thanking the blusher on her cheeks coz nobody could see how blushing she is right now.

"Hmm… I don't know, guys but you look so shiny today," Amethyst said, pointing to her face. She quickly covered her face with both her palms, blushing madly. They giggled.

"Who is the lucky guy? Is it the rich Nicky or the guy who gave you a teddy bear, necklace and flowers?" they asked excitedly.

"Girls, can I keep it as a secret?" Meghan asked, giving them her puppy eyes. They giggled.


Meghan looked again at the mirror, spinning slowly around, smiling in satisfaction. She looked damn great. Well… maybe that's why she is a model now. Even though she just put on asymmetrical jersey top in white and black pants but she feels great. Now she was matched to be with Vic, not the model as she really is but a woman who has already grown up, perfect to be next to Vic. She smiled dreamily.

She sat on the couch, hugging her teddies, waiting patiently for him to arrive. She kept glancing at the clock when he still not arrived.

"Where is he? He said that he will arrive around 6.00 p.m. but now already 8.30 p.m. I'm starving already…" she moaned, looking at the clock, biting her lower lip. Because of the dinner, she didn't eat anything since lunch.

"I'm home," Vic announced, taking out his shoes. Meghan quickly approached him, only to smell something. Her face changed.

"Sorry, I'm late. The meeting lasts longer than I thought," he apologized. She didn't say anything. She took a step back, trying to hide her feeling.

"Why, Meghan? Do you have any problem?" he asked, noticing her changing expression.

"So… the dinner tonight cancel, huh? You already full…" He gasped.

"Meghan… I…" She sniffed before running to her room, locking the door, crying.

"Meghan, I'm sorry…" he knocked the door but she didn't say anything, just crying. He sighed heavily.

"I just cook something for you, okay?" he said softly, walking to the kitchen to make something for her. He knew he was wrong to lie to her but…