
Give Me A Break

Vic and Meghan are childhood best friends. Both vowed to take care of each other when they were still young. Soon… both of them grew up, sharing happiness and sadness together. As Meghan grew up as a pampered child, she always gets everything she wants. But for Vic, he grew up in a hard way as everything must be done by himself so he became matured and independence. Meghan moved into Vic’s house when she had a fight with her housemates for one silly reason, she wanted to go to Paris with them but they gave her lots of excuse not to go along. She felt hurt and went straight to someone whom she knew won’t make her in pain, Vic. Even though Vic told her for millions times not to act so childish but she stubbornly refused to move back. As her best friend, he just shrugged it off, maybe already knew her since young and let her taking the empty room in his place. Like a happy little girl, she agreed to follow few rules made by him. One, don’t make the place in mess. (Meghan always throws her belonging everywhere but because of this rule, she has to collect back all the things as Vic refuses to pick them up or he will pick them up but straight away throws them into the dust bin.) Second, don’t bring anyone to the house especially boyfriend. (Vic doesn’t like anyone especially man to come into his house without his permission as the house looks more like a crazy one with Meghan loves to put the flowers and things she receive all around the living room and other rooms, even making Vic’s things ‘disappear’ under her things.) Third, don’t bring any reporter to the house and no photo shooting in any part of the house. (Vic hates reporters very much.) Fourth, if she wants to go somewhere for few days, tell him first so he won’t need to cook for two. (Meghan can cook but she just pushes the responsibility to Vic, too lazy) Fifth, never tell anybody where she lives or with whom she lives with. (Vic expects Meghan to respect his privacy as he does to her.)

Fifie · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Doing grocery alone

Meghan was watching the television while busy eating low-fat blueberry yogurt. When she wanted to take another spoon of it, she found it already finished. She sighed, making her way to the kitchen. She looked in the refrigerator, only to groan more to see it almost empty.

"Well… looks like I have to buy groceries then…" she moaned slowly. Usually, she doesn't need to do it as Vic always settles the problem every month and she always busy modelling.

She went into her room, grabbing her sling bag. She put on a cap so at least not many people recognize her. She knew that she is famous now… after she been in a music video clip for Shine.

She drove her car to the mall, smiling to see that it does not fill with too many people.

"Good… I don't have to push to get in…" she chirped happily. She took a trolley at the front of the supermarket, pushing it in.

"Hmm… which one should I take? Strawberry or chocolate? But Vic's crazy with sweet stuff… well, I just take chocolate, then." She took a box of cereal breakfast in chocolate flavour. Then, she pushed the trolley to another food section, filling the basket with lots of junk food, both rich in fat for Vic and low fat for her.

"It's been a long time I haven't eaten cake… hmm… I want to eat it but don't want people seeing me eating it… oh yeah… can ask Vic to bake one for me." She smiled, looking for the ingredients. She didn't know that Vic doesn't know how to bake cake as she thought that Vic can do everything. Such a spoilt friend she is. She didn't know how to bake cake or cookie at all as when she was small, everything already ready for her.


Vic was having his lunch when someone stood near his table.

"Hi, may I sit here?" Barbie asked. He looked around, noticing that every single table already full of people, except his. He nodded, continuing eating his food. Barbie smiled, sitting gracefully in front of him, signalling the waiter to come over.

"I would like to have fruit salad and a glass of orange juice," she ordered. The waiter nodded and walked away, handing the order to the kitchen. Barbie smiled.

"Why are you eating alone?" she asked, wanting to start a conversation. Vic drank his coffee and looked at her.

"Maybe a habit," he replied. Barbie chuckled.

"Why don't you eat with your girlfriend?" she asked again, wanting to know whether this guy in front of her was already taken or not.

"I don't have one," he answered honestly, still didn't get the reason why this woman in front of him asking the question. Barbie's smile was getting wider now.

"I don't believe it. You're good looking. You must have one special, right?" Vic almost choked his food when he saw what time is it right now. He quickly wiped his mouth the napkin before finishing his drink.

"I'm late already. Nice to chat with you," he said, quickly walking to the counter to pay his lunch. Barbie groaned slowly. Why this time it didn't work at all? Every time she uses this method, every guy will drool at her.

"I won't give up," she murmured.

Sorry for the short chapter

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