

it's just mines... opinion... may be turns to your..

after you read it...

loneliness if the world leaves you...

Aloneness if you leave the world....

there is a lot of difference between loneliness and aloneness..

Never feel loneliness..it leads bore.. cry

we lose faith in our self..

when ever you fell lonely don't be alone..

spend time with friends..

listen the music with heavy sounds..

Then aloneness is completely opposite...

There is no need of leave every one for solitude and go somewhere..

your relations,friends,love,hatred,religinous,etc

have to put aside and sit with your self..

Then we will make important decisions for our life..

switch off your phone and close your room doors and stand be side a large mirror..

make your eye contact with your eyes on mirror..

for a while

ask the stupid who appears in the mirror

so far what have you did...

listen carefully what he answers.

don't consent unless convincing..

ask him all doughts you have..

what is his vision...

what are the plans you have for next 10 years

if he said no spilt on his face...

see him atleast next one year plan..

if the answer no...

ask about his problems if his clay mind can't solve the problems.. let you help him... and give him peace of advice...

because he came along with you to this earth..

when your leaving he is the company with you..

let's put him on a slightly better path....

no matter how good he is are how evil he we must do it....

weekly once sit with him...

love the man you seeing in the mirror..

occasionally we talk to our selves naked...


loneliness is dangerous and depressing

Aloneness is spirtual.. and game changer..