
Girl In The Dark by Sarah Jane

A shy,introverted girl moves into the city to realise she doesn't belong there untill she meets this cheeky,deity young man.

Sarah_Jane_1122 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 2-School's in session

''BEEP,BEEP,BEEP'',the alarm is ringing very loudly and it is vibrating strongly as the pen which is besides the alarm is moving.Gia woke up.I do not want to go to school.She said angrily.I want to sleep more.Gia off her alarm.After 5 minutes,the alarm started to ring and vibrate.Gia usually put three to four alarms to wake her up for school.She usually does this because she cannot just wake up from one alarm and start her day.That was the last alarm that rang.What time is it?Gia said in a sleepy and cracked voice.Gia saw the time and she run as fast as a lighting to the bathroom to bath and get ready.Oh my god,I only have 10 minutes to get ready.I am so going to be late.Why do I need to wake up this early for school.Come on Gia,you can make it.Gia motivates herself.Gia got ready in less than five minutes.Let me check if I got everything I needed for today's lesson.Alright,all good and now let's go to school.Gia went downstairs.She kissed her mom's cheeks and run to get her shoes.

Gia's mom who has already prepared breakfast for her daughter said why Gia did you wake up late today?You are supposed to be early,it is your first day.Gia's mom was upset with Gia.First day,first impression and you are late.Mom,I am in a rush and I got to go.You are not eating your breakfast?I guess I have to pack it now for you.Gia's mom who was happy to eat with her daughter for breakfast, turns sad right after when Gia said she had to go.Gia mom packed all the food and put it in an airtight container and gave it to her.Look Gia,you got to be more punctual and I do not want this to be repeated again.I am not mad just displeased with your action.Gia apologies.I am so sorry mom,I will make sure I have breakfast with you tomorrow.. everyday after tomorrow.Pinky swear.Gia made a promised to her mom to make her feel happy.Alright darling,get to school safely and I love you.Gia's mom kissed her daughter goodbye and wave at her from the front door as she runs to the school bus.

Gia searched for her seat in the school bus.She saw an empty seat beside a girl.Gia approached her and said ''hi,can I know is this seat taken"?The girl looked at Gia and quickly replied to her ''no,it is not,you can have a seat''.Gia startled.Really,I can have it?Thank you so much,you are really kind.Yeah sure no worries.She smiled at Gia.Gia sat and was amazed.Did this girl just let me seat beside her.What did I do to deserve this.Gia started to overthink again.It was her first time someone being nice to her compare to all the time she faced which was all really bad.I think she must be an angel who has fallen into earth.Gia imagining.I think I should like talk to her...make a conversation with her but I am too shy and I really do not know what to say to her.I do not want to make it awkward and I really want to know her name at least even if we do not talk.

Gia who is usually do not make the first talk unless if its something important but this time it was different for her.She instantly asked for her name.By the way,I am Genevieve but you can call me Gia because most people find it hard to pronounce my name and it is too long.Gia laughed.The girl answered.Cool,I love the name and yes I will call you Gia if you feel the best and comfortable with that name.I am Sabine.Nice to meet you.Gia's soul just left her body for a minute.She is really nice and did she just tell me her name.Her name is so beautiful.I love your name and your style.Your outfit is so on point.Sabine replied.Thank you for the compliment and same goes to you too.It was nice talking to you and I wish to get to know you more but sadly I have to get down now.

Sabine said ''au revoir mon ami'' to Gia.It means goodbye my friend.Gia started talking to her inner self.Wait a minute, did she just called me friend.Am I already her friend eventhough our conversation was just a few words and it was just getting to to know each other's name.I really wish I had gotten her number so that we could know each other more but from what I can tell, she is French and a super kind and friendly person.I know everyone will say this,do not judge the book by it's cover but she is for real herself and she is not faking or hiding her true personality.Well,I think today will be a good day because I just started the day with this miracle.Gia was really as happy as a king.She got down the bus when it reached to the school.Gia put her feet on the ground of the school compound and took a deep breath and exhale.

The smell of school.Gia sighs.She was happy for a second and suddenly she changed to nervousness as she has to meet a lot of people and talk to them.She walks into the school to see Margot was there with two of her best friends who were Aimée and Alix.Both of them are identical twins and I am not sugarcoating this just because I love twins but they are really an opposite to what Margot is as you know how Margot is.They are nice to me but are always forced to be rude to me when Margot comes.I wonder how they are still friends with her even when she controls them a lot but well we do not know what is their intention from her or what is the real reason behind them until they became BEST FRIENDS.Gia was standing still while thoughts were running through her mind until the principal stood infront of her and snap her fingers at her.

You must be Genevieve Hollande."Oui".Gia replied with yes I am.The principal looked deeply into her eyes and said you speak French but you do not look like one.Gia replied yes I do speak French but I am not so fluent in it and I am half French and half American.Great,we certainly do love multi racial student.I am Louise,the principal of this school.The school bell rings,alright time to get to your class everyone.The principal informed everyone who were still in the school hallway.Be good Gia,you seem like a nice student and I do not want to see you in my office.The principal told to Gia and walk away to go to her office.You heard what the principal said to you Gia.This means no more late to school,homework should be done on time.No more excuses and problems.Gia made a promised to herself while heading to her class.

It was history class Gia is heading too.It is Gia's weakest subject as Gia did not stay in France for a long time.She was always shifting her place of living.She moves between America and France a lot of times and French is not her mother tongue moreover she did not have her father beside her to speak and practice French.It made it even worse for her so that is why it was difficult for Gia to excel in that subject so she will just drop out from history class but this time she needs it because she needs it to enter a good college and it requires at least a pass on the subject history.Gia was confident this time to pass the subject as she made a promised to herself so she push open the class door and saw only a few students taking the subject.She talked to her inner self.This is weird,I thought it will be full of students and the easiest subject for those who speaks french fluently.She looked around to see if she knows anybody and saw Margot was there alone without her bestfriends.The history teacher called in Gia so she can to take her seat.Here we go again,but this time Gia, you need too ignore her.Whatever she say or do,just ignore and avoid her.Let the class begin.

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