
Girl In The Dark by Sarah Jane

A shy,introverted girl moves into the city to realise she doesn't belong there untill she meets this cheeky,deity young man.

Sarah_Jane_1122 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 11-Is this the end of us?

"BOOM".A beautiful cake just dropped to the floor.Gia could not believe what was happening in front of her.Why is that lady touching my man?Were they about to kiss each other?Gia questioned herself.Who is she?Is this the reason why Archie did not inform Gia when he arrived in America?What happened to Gia and Archie?Aren't they a strong couple?They are like Bonnie and Clyde in the relationship.Nothing could ever separate them.What is Gia going to do?What does Archie has to say to Gia?It was for a moment silent until Gia blasted out with tears and she cried loudly and ran as fast as possible to get out from the scene.Archie was about to chase her to stop her from running but the girl who was with him held his hands and told him it was not worth it chasing after that girl.Gia got into the car and the driver took her home.The driver asked her what happen.Gia why are you crying?Gia stayed silent.She did not even say anything to her driver eventhough she knows how much he cares for her like her daughter.Gia felt that she was doing something wrong so she replied.No,I was just having a breakdown.Honey,you can tell me what is going on and I will surely be there for you.Please do not keep this to yourself because I cannot bare to see you like this.

Gia did not replied because she just wanted to go home.Once she has reached home.She immediately ran to her room which is not a usual thing she would do as she will always greet her mom and grandparents everythime she entered the house.Her mom and grandparents could not see her crying because she was covering her face with her scarf.She did not want them to see her hurting.They were confused as she was acting strange but they thought that maybe she was on a rush.Gia took out her diary.So this what it feels like to be heartbroken.I did not know it could hurt that bad and last for long.Maybe because I loved that guy with all my heart and I did not expect him to do this to me when I thought he has already changed for the better.I really do not want to hide it but I really do feel like I was used and all my love for him was a joke.He did not love me the way I said I love him.

I really wished I have Sabine here because only her will understand me and be with me in this situation.If I told mom,grandpa and grandma.They would not believe this and they would think I was playing around because they knew that it is hard for me to fall in love with someone.But Archie was really different than the others because I even see him being in my life and we both will be getting old together.I guess happy ever does exist but not to me.Gia kept writing her feelings out while her tears are running her down her cheeks to the book.It was almost past midnight and Gia is still awake crying.It was her first time feeling heartbroken.Especially getting her heartbroken from a guy she truly loves.She will never see herself being in a relationship ever again after all this things that has happened knowing true love hurts.

Gia continued with her life.She had an upcoming exam, so she studied hard everyday so that she could excel in them.She was supposed to go to work on the weekends but she informed her manager about her exams.She told him that she would not be able to concentrate on both at the same time because it will be either one which will pass or fail.She did not want to take the risk on failing her exam so she decided to be on a hiatus on her working life.Another reason for the hiatus is that she did not want to see Archie's face ever again not because she was scared to face him or listen to what he was going to say to her but to the point where the scene would be replaying back in her mind.It was too much for her to handle.Archie did not message her,call her or even come to see her.No one knows why.Gia did the same thing too in addition she even blocked him from everywhere she has the connection to him.She asked herself.Is this the end of us?

It has been two weeks,Gia and Archies' relationship have not reconciled.No ones know what each other was doing and how they are.They both lived life like nothing has happened and they do not know each other.While Gia was walking back home from school.She saw a car from her side eyes honking at her.She looked to her right to see Elliott.She was happy to see him as it has been months the last time he was in America.He picked her up and gave her a ride back to her home.Elliott asked Gia.Soooo how things going on between you both.Any fire sparked?Gia replied to Elliott.More to a fire's flaming bright.What is that supposed to mean?He looked at her with a puzzled face.We broke up.Whattt on earth?Elliott burst out.I do not even know if we broke up or what but we did not talk with each other after that day.

Archie looked confused.What day do you mean by.I mean what happened if you do not mind sharing it to me.Of course I will tell you.Firstly,he did not say anything about me to you.For what I know and the last time we talked all I can remember was that it has nothing to do with you and your name was not even brought up so that is when I myself did not ask him too because I do not want to interfere with both of your relationship.Ohhh..okay but what happened was remembered the day he returned back from Italy.He did not even leave a single reply or call to inform me about him coming to America.I was already fishy from there and then when I asked his personal driver and he told me he has reached America an hour ago.So what I thought was he was jetlagged and did not want to see me until he feels energetic.

I went to a pastry shop and bought him a welcome cake to surprise him.I entered his house and saw a girl who was about to kiss him.She was grabbing his face and this is when I dropped the cake and run away.If you do not mind again can I also get a description of her like how she looks,her height,size and hair length or anything that you could remember of her.Elliot wanted to know who she was if he could like bring back some of the memories he had with Archie.To be honest,she was tall but I guess because she was wearing heels,she has long black hair and ya her eyes were blue.Ah ha..Elliot recognised her.She is Archie's EX GIRLFRIEND.You mean his last ex or a quite long time ex girlfriend.Hahaha..he only had one ex girlfriend which was her.Gia nodded her head.More please.Gia wanted to know who is she and what does she wants from Archie.

Frankly,I really do not know what is going on between them but I only know one thing that Archie regretted being in love with her because she always made him to do whatever she wants.He did not like this that is one of the reason he broke up with her.I wished I knew more about them but I really do not know because I do not want to interfere in his life because it is his life he do whatever he wants but I will just be there for him so that he do not make wrong decisions.I feel bad for you.I really am sorry for what he did on behalf of him.I know how it feels but do not worry you will know the truth one day.Maybe he is not able to tell it now but one day he will just trust me Gia.He is my brother I know him since we were kids.You deserve good things Gia and not like this and I only wish he could explain the things he did to you because for one thing for sure he did not mean to break your heart.I hope you have a good day,I will be staying in America for a couppe of weeks so we can still check up on each other.I will always be here for you my friend.See you soon.Thanks Elliot for the ride.Anytime Gia,Elliot smiled and drove away.If what Elliot has said was truth.He would not do anything.Does that mean we will get back together?Ehhh..I hate this kind of mixed feelings.I really just want to hear from him like why did he do all of this but at the same I do not feel like talking to him or even looking at his face.I really do not know what to do.I guess I got to forget about him for now and feel like he does not exist.Like I have never met him before only his twin brother but I cannot help to think about him.Everytime I see Elliot,I see another person who looks like Elliott but with blonde hair,Archie.I have to and I need to forget him.A middle age man voice can be heard when Gia went closer to her house.She entered and she saw a guy sitting beside her mom.He was cracking jokes and he looks very welcoming.Who is him?