
Girl In The Dark by Sarah Jane

A shy,introverted girl moves into the city to realise she doesn't belong there untill she meets this cheeky,deity young man.

Sarah_Jane_1122 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 1-It's Gia

Dear diary,I wish this year senior year will be good.I do not want rumours spreading about me having a crush on Riley..when I really do not but I mean he is cute but no, NOT MY TYPE.I do want to have more friends too..or maybe it just do not work out for me??Anyway I want to get good grades if you know what I mean because I really want to get into a good college plus..'THUMP,THUMP,THUMP'.Stomping of the foot is getting louder and closer,almost like the sound of a dinosaur which is approaching.

Suddenly,Gia's room is open fastly and wide.Giaaaaa,when are you going to clean your messy room?It has been weeks now and it still stays the same. Why are you being so filthy?I want this room to be spick and span when I come back from the market.Gia replied instantly.Mom,no..I.. and first of all I am not filthy, it is just because I am in the middle of updating my diary.Gia's mother then responded angrily.No more excuses Gia.Mommmm,okayyyy..I will clean it and I will make sure it is as how you want it to be before you come back.Gia's mom felt relieved after listening to what Gia has said and she replied,that is my girl Gia.

I have a lot to say about my mom,she is sweet,caring,kind but sometimes when she is in her worst mood she is as wild as a tiger but I will always love her no matter what.Sometimes being the only child is all fun and all bored.I get to have my free space when my mom is out for grocery shopping or when she is busy with her work.It gets bored when I do not get to spend time with her when she is all put up with her work and it really makes me feel super lonely.Like sometimes I wish to have siblings...but that is life we will never get everything we want.

The answer that I always wanted,why did my dad have to leave my mom? Why do he have to make this decision and leave us both? Why? Wasn't my mom good enough for him? Why can't I meet him now? Why? Just..why? I know I will never get this answers from mom..and I too will never get to find out but Gia why are you doing this to yourself?Ughhh..'Gia is in her feelings'.Calm down Gia,do not cry,you are strong.Gia is holding her tears while cleaning her room.Taaa daaa it is now what mom wants,spick and span.

'RING,RING..RING,RING'.Gia picks up the phone.Hi,may I know who is this please?

Genevieve,Genevieve?Are you there?

Gia in her mind thinking.Do I know this person?Doesn't sound familiar..okay let her reply..wait no I think I will reply.I am speaking and IT'S GIA by the way.The person on the phone replies.Oh so it is Gia,short form or nickname??Whatever.. maybe if you could look over at your window that would be great.Gia for a second run to her window to see who was that person she was on a phone call with.Gia is in shocked.Oh my god,this girl!

A little flashback on this person.Her name is Margot and I hate her.I never ever had a feeling of hatred to anyone else except for her.I was her victim.She goes to the same school as me and WE ARE STARTING SCHOOL TOMORROW,OH MY GOD! She embarrassed me infront of everyone maybe that is why I do not have friends but that is not it,she even made me cry to my mom so that I could change school but what was I thinking? Until now I do not know why she dislikes me but probably I think because I am half French.

Margot is fully French and I am half American and half French.She even told her friends saying that I do not deserve to stay or even study in France because of..I AM NOT FULLY FRENCH!She has always made me feel like an outcast studying there.Back to the scene.Margot calls out Gia.Hey half-breed,your mom actually told my mom that you are a messy person.Well,tomorrow school's in session,do not forget to bring yourself and look clean as we have class picture for tomorrow.See you tomorrow brown eyes.Margot left the scene.Gia is in pain.Why did she insult me? I know I did not get those blue or green eyes which every French girls has.Gia started overthinking.Mom why did you expose everything to a stranger?Where am I going to put my face now?Gia felt disappointed and ashamed.

Gia is sobbing on her bed with a lot of tissues in her hand.She always wanted to get the same in return from the way she treats everyone but it is not as easy as what Gia thinks.Gia puts on a sad song and a blanket covered her body fully while she cries very silently which who she is.Gia is a soft girl.She gets emotional easily.She is an introvert that is the real reason why she has no friends.If she do,they will only backstab her because they know she is weak.She is a carbon copy of her mom that is why people climb over her head as they think she is kind and she forgives easily.

Few minutes later,Gia's mom came back from grocery shopping.She quickly puts down the things and headed straight to Gia's room.She opens her door and shocked to see her daughter's room is spotless but to hear a heart breaking sound.Gia's mom when closer to her.Gia,Gia what happened?She pull out her blanket and to see her crying.What happened darling?Mom..mom in a sad tone.Why did you tell Margot's mom abt me being messy?I thought it is only between us,mother-daughter talk?Look honey,I did not brag about it to her to made you look like a bad person..I..I just told her like what is going on with our life that is it baby girl.

After hearing what her mom said,Gia felt pityful for her mom.Gia felt this because she knows her mom does not have anyone to listen to her problems except for Margot's mom.This is because Gia's mom made a promise to herself to always keep her daughter safe and always make sure she is filled with love and by telling things that does not sound good to Gia will only make her to break down more.Gia's mom is really an overprotective mom.Since her father is not there to look over her and make sure she is growing up in a good environment,surrounded by positive people and things,this where her mom took over his place to make sure Gia is prioritised over her own self.Gia mom apologies for what she did and will never ever do anything to hurt her feelings because Gia is her baby girl.

I am sorry honey.What I did was wrong and I would not do it again.Would you forgive me boo bear?Boo bear is a nickname given to Gia by her mom.I will always forgive you mom,you are the only one who is there for me when I am feeling low or happy.I will always love you and cherish you mom.Awww..my boo bear,you know how much you mean to me.I love you too darling.Who is up for my cooking?Gia laughed in a funny way,mom I am the only who is going to eat your cooking.Well I am down for that,let's go make dinner.Gia and her mom went downstairs to make dinner and both of them are as happy as a kid in a candy store.

After the heavy and fulling meal,Gia and her mom headed to bed.Gia kissed her mom's forehead and gave her a big hug before she went into her room.Gia changed into her pyjamas and jump on top of the bed as she was excited to go to sleep.Gia sighs.Uhhh..it was one real exhausting day and mom's cooking will never be bad.Tomorrow is going to be a whole new day and I am excited to see what tomorrow is going to bring.Gia yawned.I think it is bed time.Gia off her table lamp and put on her alarm for school tomorrow.She then fall asleep.Mothers.Mothers are special people in your life. Sometimes, all you can do is just fall back on her strength, love, and support because you know Mommy always has your back.Mothers love is your strength.

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