
Giovanni’s Black Heart: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance

[Gio] How can a woman be both my salvation and damnation? She came to hurt my family and she gutted me with betrayal. Now, she’s back and she won’t know what’s coming for her. I hold grudges and I intend to return the scars she left—only this time, I’ll make sure she’ll bleed to death. [Lia] He was the bane of my existence. The man I knew who would ruin me. And yet I let him. I did it to save my mother, but I ended up destroying myself in the process. He was the only man I swore would be the reason for my breathing…and yet on the last day I laid eyes on him, I swore I’d never see him again—even until my very last breath. ____________________________________ Never miss updates, announcements, new releases, free books, and giveaways by subscribing to my newsletter through: tinyurl.com/nixsignup Don't forget to follow all my socials for exclusive content, private insights on the characters, and other fun stuff that won't be posted in Webnovel. Instagram: @nix_vargas.author Facebook: @authornixxxie

NixxxiE · Urbano
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174 Chs

Chapter 60 - Giovanni (2)

Something is going on with Malia. She's been a lot more irritable these past couple of days. I haven't really gone out of my way and bugged her like I used to. I kinda mellowed down since that night I saw her dancing and I was about to get out of my car to ring her doorbell and then fucking Perry arrived. Nothing dozed my erection faster than seeing him at her door.

I had the worst week after that, ignoring her in the hallways and pretending I don't give a shit.

But then the other day, I rode the elevator with her and Perry wasn't around. I just couldn't resist getting close to her. She looked distracted. She looked like she needed a hug. My hug.

I almost wanted to ask her what was wrong, but instead of doing the most normal thing by talking to her, I went and slid my arm around her waist. Fuck, I didn't know how much I missed doing it until that moment.