
GINKEN - The Silver Sword

A 'GINKEN' is a plot that is solely focused on deeds, as opposed to other genres such as drama, comedy, and thriller. This story follows a youth named 'Shinkaku Timoshī,' who one day becomes a 'Substitute-Duelist' and, most certainly, the next 'Inner Fiend' wielder. In the daylight and the nightlight, Timoshī encounters many people to whom he soon becomes bound, and through the eternity of the novel, he meets two significant friends, a 'Half-Demon' and a 'Semi-Goddess' who is known to become the next 'Holy Light.' But the journey and his course are not as simple as expected; in fact, they are much more difficult than anticipated. The following characters gain prominence as the story progresses: - Kirashito Ayuka - Katorishi Codey - Azumi Hotaru Kylin (Sandarasu Kylin) The later-story characters - Masahiro Ellie [Note: Any errors I made will be corrected after the whole story is completed; please be obedient and patient.]

Obb_Verse · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
413 Chs

374. The outcry of femininity.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Demon's God Pursuit: Arc 17]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Yashikami City, Friday, 9:30 am -

Kylin started to direct Kichirou, Tora, Kenta, and Eva toward the main living room, steadily contemplating a moment.

("There's got to be some way to save them from touching Codey or Ena... But, at this stage, what should I do? I'm isolated, and I'm not sure whether I'll be able to resist or succeed if I attack them.") Kylin rounded the corner, her arms relaxed.

("However, on the other hand...") Kylin started to mentally sketch an image by using her 'Spiritual Symbolism,' attempting to perfectly quantify the result. ("Since the walls are so spaced out in this place, it would be difficult to pass rapidly... But, a little farther ahead, the corridor becomes narrower and thinner... which could allow me to escape and alert Codey in time... What am I supposed to do?") Kylin attempted to figure out the right solution, but it was tough.

"How much deeper?" Eva asked, keeping the sword close to Kylin's throat. "We're almost there... Please be patient..." Kylin asserted, trying to buy as much time as possible.

("But her patience could put a crimp in my plans... Of course, if it doesn't... I'm sure I can try to flee from their sight, making good use of the area ") When looking ahead, she started to reach the thinner hallway.

("... Could this suffice? My 'Speed of Light' will go up to 5 meters... And the corridors are a little wider than 7 meters apart... No, I should continue. This is not a suitable battleground for me ") Kylin believed as she cautiously entered the narrowest hallway.

"Why do I have such a bad feeling about this? She's dragging us down these corridors, which are getting narrower and thinner... I'm sure she's got something up her sleeve..." Kenta talked as he walked behind Eva.

"I understand... Eva, should we alert her about it?" Kichirou was perplexed as Eva moved in next to Kylin's ears and whispered, causing her pupils to shake.

But right within that moment, cards flew as all four 'Arcanes' went down and stopped until the cards stabbed themselves into the wall, they were sharp enough to cut the wall, four cards came flying past Kylin's cheeks.

"What the heck is going on?! I had a feeling!" Kichirou grumbled, but right then, Eva stood up and faced someone in the front, causing Kylin to become worried. "My... I've never seen you in such a pitiful formation before, Kylin..." Kyou had appeared out of nowhere, staring at them and squeezing additional cards between his fingertips.

"Who in the world are you?" Kenta inquired, looking over Eva's shoulder. "Who am I, or who am I not? I'm just a regular person, a 'Spiritual Duelist,' to be exact..." Kyou chuckled, biting the tips of his cheeks. "This man seems to be a dick..." Taro said, attempting to get Eva to strike.

"How long have you been here... Kyou?" Kylin looked at him, her arms still raised above her head, puzzled. "I was just passing by... It's not much. Besides, I haven't seen you and Shinkaku in quite some time... It was time to pay a visit..." He spoke, quickly waving his cards away, duplicating them into six total while holding them in both arms.

When bouncing forward and seeing how Kenta lowered her luggage, Kylin immediately used the tradition to drop down with a split and quickly spread her legs behind her back and stabbed Kenta in the kneecap.

As the three others attempted to open their suitcases, it became difficult due to the thinner walls, at which point Kylin caught the floor and prepared to run, once pulling her hand into the dirt and dashing ahead once instantly kneeling upward, when punching Taro in the stomach, and then easily sensing how Kichirou had stabbed with his left arm.

However, Kylin ducked and swept both of her arms to catch Kichirou's and drag him over her shoulders before lifting him and smacking him into the cement, with his back, after Eva quickly tried to open the suitcase and hack forward with a knife, before Kylin saw it and ducked, quickly catching the floor and then falling backward, with momentum.

"Take a look at that... Aren't you going a little crazy..." Kyou giggled while throwing his first three cards toward Eva, who ducked and then saw Kylin jump in front of her and sweep with her left leg in a round kick, once Eva raised her left arm, blocked past her chest, and then quickly slipped backward, once Kyou giggled while throwing the next set of cards, once Eva's left eye glanced, which made her hop and rotate her body in a roll above the flung card, once Kyou giggled while throwing the next

When purple electricity summoned a sword, Kylin reached out with her right hand and swiped it to the left.

"I suppose you're not half bad..." As the electricity raged on, Kylin spoke up.

"Thank you for including my talent in your commercial... But it's so. I never intended to battle you unless absolutely necessary... This indicates that the time has come..." Eva spun both of her daggers at the same time as Kyou yawned and licked his lips.

("A kitten war... This will be an honor to witness.") When he saw the two women, he said to himself, "Prepare."

Kylin's eyes tensed into seriousness when she saw Eva had already dashed forward and swept with her right dagger, at Kylin's head, which had managed to duck, and then quickly noticed the second dagger, swooping at the front, but luckily, Kylin pressed her body on the ground, squeezing her stomach and chest, before quickly spinning on the back and kicking upward, unleashing electricity that shocked whoever was nearby.

She lifted her left leg as she suddenly cast energy from her left ankle, once Eva crouched and rubbed her right hand into the dirt, once repelling herself backward, once Kylin crushed the concrete, stepped on it, and then dashed forward, once Ena blocked by folding her arms and then backed away.

Kylin landed down on the floor, crouched, and circularly swept her blade from left to right, when Eva bent her body backward, avoiding the sword, at which point Eva thrust forward and kneeled Kylin into the forehead, knocking her backward and rendering Kylin stunned, before rush forward and uppercut with her right knife, at which point Kylin backed away at the last second.

She then quickly appeared behind Eva, using the 'Speed of Light', once spinning her body into a circular kick, once Eva quickly gazed backward, lifting her left arm and blocking a sharp kick, once she clenched her right arm around her left's elbow and started to charge it up with unknown energy.

At that moment, Kylin was taken aback when a huge blast ripped through the corridor, engulfing her and forcibly knocking her through the smoke as her clothing burned all over her body. Kylin backflipped and landed on the floor in a crouch, falling back before stopping before reaching the wall in order to rebound safely and not collapse on her back.

("... What in the name of God was that attack? There was nothing but an earthquake ") Kylin pondered, her arms shielding the front of her chest, while Ena turned to face her and spun the knife between her two fingertips.

"Okay, then! What's the deal with all this commotion?! Will, anybody go the extra mile to explain?!" Codey screamed as he ran out of the building.

Since Elliot, Sakami, and Ayuka got confused, he was followed by Elliot, Sakami, and Ayuka. "Who the f*ck are they?!?" Elliot pondered as he pointed at them. However, when he turned around, his eyes almost popped out, seeing a girl with brutally cut clothing, leaving him wet.

("She's on the verge of stripping nude... I'm able to see her bra! Come on, let's go! Just a little closer! ") And the instant he thought and smelled, his nose and eyebrows crashed into Kylin's back, leaving her perplexed and humiliated.

"Damn it!" Codey rushed up, caught Elliot by the scalp, and smacked his face in the ground as the trademark tornado roared. "Please halt! You're twenty years old!" Codey became enraged and started stomping on the top of Elliot's head.

"This is the 'Half-Demon!' Eva, please! This is our opportunity! Kill him!" yelled Kichirou, taking his sword, but right after they spoke, and surprising all, Ena spinning the daggers and placed them in scabbards around her belt, turning around and crossing her arms, while Kylin took a deep breath.

""E-Eva?" W-Wait, what are you doing?!" Kenta enragedly questioned. "I'm not here to get rid of the Demon. This guy was once a young man who killed the Demon God, and the world has been better since then. He does not deserve to be hanged until he goes insane or transforms into the villainous God... In addition, I have no qualms about murdering him..."

Eva's friends were taken aback, and Elliot rubbed the back of his head. "You, too, are an imposter? You're a skinny bitch!" Kichirou screamed angrily, but just as they started to flee, Shin stepped behind them, crossed his arms, and stopped them.

"I've already dialed Toyama to inform them of my reason for coming here... Except for Toyama, no one heard about it." Eva elaborated. "You filthy scumbag! So there you have it! How did she find out about it?!" But the solution was straightforward.

{"Look, if you take us to the thinner walls, behave as if you're trying to kill me. I've already told Toyama Shin of my impending arrival. Is it clear that I am not your enemy...?"} Kylin's pupils shook as a result of this.

"I should've thought a slut like you'd work up the courage to become an idiot!" Kichirou yelled angrily, while Taro complained next to him.

"You can call me anything you want... However, this is not the place for you..." Eva spoke, lowering her head and shutting her eyes softly.

The 'Top Tier' Duelists were perplexed at that stage. "So... this Arcane... she's a good one? Or..." Elliot wondered, but Codey smacked the top of his head again to prove it.

Eva returned the daggers to the suitcase after reaching for her chest and dragging off the badge.

"As you can see, I belong to the 'Top Tier - AD'... My task was just to frighten these ghosts, not to destroy them... However, none of that really matters because I want to repay this ghost..." Eva spoke up as the badge shone in the sunlight.

To be continued...

Arcane Duelist Tiers:

- Low Tier: AD (Arcane Duelist)

- Middle Tier: AD (Arcane Duelist)

- Middle Tier: AD, second. (Arcane Duelist)

- High Tier: AD (Arcane Duelist)

- Top Tier: AD (Arcane Duelist)

- Special Agent: AD (Arcane Duelist)

- Grandmaster (Arcane Duelist)

Obb_Versecreators' thoughts