
Gifts and curses

"In a world divided by extraordinary powers, two distinct abilities have emerged: Gifts and Curses. Those fortunate enough to awaken with a Gift possess remarkable talents, while those burdened with a Curse find themselves haunted by Flaws, crippling drawbacks to their use of cursed energy. Worse still, the relentless use of Curses leads to a malevolent force known as Corruption, a creeping madness that threatens to consume their minds. In a society riddled with prejudice, Curse users often find themselves marginalized and pushed to the fringes of civilization, many driven to lives of crime. However, amid the chaos, an organization known as 'The Order' rises to counter the threat of Corruption. Comprised of Gifted individuals who harness their powers for the greater good, they stand as the last line of defense against the malevolent forces that threaten to plunge the world into darkness At the heart of this tale lies a young boy, an unlikely Curse user, whose Flaw takes the form of a haunting presence—the ghost of the very first Curse user. As he navigates a treacherous world teetering on the brink of chaos, he must grapple with the relentless pull of his Curse, the discrimination he faces, and the enigmatic existence of 'The Order.'

_ITACHI_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 17 : God's Eyes

The clash began with a sudden burst of movement. The blonde boy by the name of Blake charged forward, swinging his mace with swift precision. Isaiah, however, moved with an almost casual grace, effortlessly sidestepping the incoming attack.

"Isaiah's speed is incredible!" a student exclaimed, capturing the sentiment shared by many.

Undeterred, the blonde boy unleashed a flurry of relentless strikes, aiming to overpower Isaiah with sheer force. Each swing of the mace was met with calculated evasion, as Isaiah danced around the attacks with unparalleled agility.

The spectators watched in awe as Isaiah transitioned from defense to offense. In a blink, he closed the distance between them, his longsword sliced through the air.The clash of metal resonated, and the audience marveled at the precision of each parry and counter.

In a moment of perfect timing, Isaiah anticipated a brief opening in his opponent's defense. Seizing the opportunity, he closed the distance with a swift burst of speed, his longsword poised for a decisive strike. The spectators, still processing the fluid exchange, witnessed the blade grazing the blonde boy's cheek

A trickle of Blood slowly began to flow from Blake's face

Suddenly in a fit of rage, Blake's cursed energy radiated outward, and four figures materialized, each bearing a striking resemblance to Blake, armed with maces of their own. 

The clones quickly spread out and surround Isaiah

"You don't mind the extra set of hands right Isaiah?"

Blake said mockingly, with a huge grin on his injured face

"Not even if you were a thousand"

Isaiah replied nonchalantly, leaving the crowd with eyes wide open

Blake wasn't just any student, he was in the top twenty ranking, Blake's clones are just as strong as the original. It's an extremely difficult ability to fight against, people even starting wondering if Isaiah was just trying to be confident in the face of defeat

All of the Blakes soon dashed forward, looking to end the fight as quickly as possible, Mr Eris continued to observe with keen eyes ready to intervene if needed.

"As long as I have these eyes, I can never lose"

Ability activation : God's eyes

[Know thy enemy]

His eyes began to glow bright blue, in that moment It was as if the whole world began to slow down for Isaiah, different possibilities began flooding his mind, different ways each Blake was going to attack, different ways of handling those attacks, every possible outcome and solution to every outcome, in that moment he knew them all

His responses became a seamless dance, dodging every strike and countering with a finesse that left the spectators in awe.

One of the Blake's unleashed a powerful swing of his mace targeting Isaiah's lower body, Isaiah quickly dodged and kicked the mace up in the air.

He proceeded to spartan kick the Blake clone in the chest sending him flying away, he parried an attack from another Blake, created a little distance and then grabbed the mid-air mace and hurled it at him

Hitting the second Blake square in the chest, As Isaiah's attack landed on the second Blake, a third one moved in but was swiftly sidestepped. A quick elbow strike from Isaiah knocked him out cold.

"And then they were two," Isaiah remarked, eyeing the remaining Blakes.

The two Blakes wore expressions of fear—one charged forward while the other hung back. Dodging the oncoming attack, Isaiah swiftly slashed at the legs of the fourth Blake, bringing him to his knees. With forceful stump, he drove the fourth Blake's head into the ground, rendering him motionless.

"Enough with the knock offs," Isaiah declared, lifting his foot off the fourth Blake's head. "Now, let's see the real deal." He slowly approached the last Blake.

Blake stared into Isaiah's eyes, trembling with palpable fear. It was as though he was facing a deity.

"I... I surrender!" the last Blake conceded, dropping his weapon and raising his arms.

"Isaiah is the winner!" Mrs. Eris announced, silence falling over the room as Isaiah stepped down from the stage. All eyes were fixated on him, He just reminded them why he was number one

"He's an incredible fighter but I think there is more to it." No one in that hall observed Isaiah's fight as closely as Kai. Learning about gifts was something he was a specialist in.

"The way he moved, the way he fought, It was like..."

"Like what? "

Before he answered he looked in Isaiah's direction one last time, for the first time today, their eyes met. A huge grin appeared on Isaiah's face, he waved in Kai's direction but Kai didn't respond

"Never mind"


With the matches back in full swing, the high-ranked students had relatively short bouts.

Rebecca Chronoa, the silver-haired girl, faced Nikki Redmond. Rebecca wielded a beautiful black bow and arrows, concealed within a quilt on her back. Despite Nikki's attempts to prevent Rebecca from using her bow, Rebecca's speed and agility outmatched her adversary. In a last-ditch effort, Nikki tried to take both Alexa and herself out of the ring to force a draw.

But with an incredible acrobatic maneuver, she dodged Nikki's lunge and fired three arrows while airborne, the first to disarm Nikki while the other two were lodged in her thighs

Nikki began screaming in a pain, the fight was declared over. Some men in white appeared and took Nikki out of the hall, presumably for treatment

Soon Micheal's turn arrived. Standing across the stage to him was a fellow curse user. A Huge Russian boy by name of Igor stood with a war hammer.

Looking at the monstrosity before him couldn't help but ask him

"What animal did your mother mate with to give birth to you?"

With lightning speed, Igor closed the distance, swinging the war hammer with ferocious intent. Michael, caught off guard by the massive boy's surprising agility, narrowly evaded the devastating blow. The impact left a colossal crater on the stage, shaking the entire building.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Michael exclaimed, facing yet another onslaught as Igor relentlessly swung the war hammer toward his head.

Igor roared, fueling his attack with raw aggression. Michael dodged once more, but the Shockwaves from the missed strike sent him flying dangerously close to the edge of the stage.

"You insulted mother, no one insults mother "

Igor declared as his grip around the war hammer tightened

" Alright big guy, you wanna dance?" Slowly rising to his feet, Micheal revealed the Grey daggers he had been hiding

" Let's dance"

Michael dashed forward as his eyes began to glow blood Red

Ability activation : Mirage

Igor grinned devilishly as he saw Michael running towards him, his veins began to bulge as he swung the war hammer for the third time, This was his most devastating swing yet hoping to end Michael for good

Just as the Warhammer was about to come in contact with Michael's head, it simply went through, leaving no visible damage

Micheal's body had completely phased through Igor, appearing at his back, Micheal redesigned his large back with multiple shallow cuts, Making him groan in pain.

Igor attempted to grab Michael with his bare hands but yet Micheal phased through him yet again

"What in the name of mother Russia is going on here?"

Igor thought, he was in a state of utter confusion, it was as though he was fighting a ghost

Micheal proceeded to slash at Igor's knees causing him to  stumble and with a huge leap Micheal performed a beautiful round house kick to Igor's jaw

Knocking him out cold

"I think I figured it out"

Michael said as he crouch besides Igor's unconscious body

"She probably f*ked a bear"

A few more matches took place until it reached Kai's turn. Without wasting anytime he stepped on the stage, as Mrs Eris was looking for his opponent,Kai spoke out

"Mrs Eris I would like to make a request "

Mrs Eris was slightly surprised by this,but she decided to hear out the bold student

"Fine, let's hear it"

"I Want to fight.... him"

Kai declared as he pointed his finger in the direction of Damian knight, the number two ranked student