
Gifting Devil Fruits Throughout All Fiction

A man gets reincarnated you know the story but God's bored of that old trope so he gives him a different thing to do to spice up anywhere he can with the magic of devil fruits. As a balancing act instead of haki being the only way you can injure a logia/paramecia user materialization will cost stamina unless there is some form of energy in that world then it will cost that so that they are not immortal also just because there is an energy system in that world doesn't mean necessarily that that character has access to that power system at least without personally learning that power systems like Nen or any other power system Everybody has it but not everybody has access to it.

Solopiece · Anime e quadrinhos
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15 Chs

Tony's belief in god/Avengers end

Authors Note: i know since Natasha didn't fall down with the Hulk then that she can't stop the Barton from going to Loki's cell and Captain America can't stop him either because he's unconscious after true inspiration.

And Natasha still can't get there cuz she's taking the place of where Captain America would have been

Barton's going to get there right as Coulson gets injured I know he should only get injured but die but thanks to hawkeyes interference Loki was good sense him and turned out a little bit striking him in the gut instead of the heart

Otherwise, plot stays the same because Barton hides until Thor gets trapped inside the cell

the major difference is Spartan doesn't go to vinyl battle as it allied but as an enemy.

this also means that there's no longer a female Hawkeye so maybe there's a plus side.

sorry just wanted to clean up some of the discrepancies in the story.


NF" These were in Phil Coulson's jacket Guess he never did get you to sign them"

tossing them to the drowsy an exhausted Captain America looking out of breath.

NF" yes we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier there was an idea, stark knows this it was called the Avengers initiative.The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people,See if they could become something more.See if they could work together when we needed them to,to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, and heroes."

tony gets up and walks off not wanting to hear it anymore

NF" Well it's an old-fashioned notion"

dr Banner was currently under sedative but he was going to be awakened before they headed to New York because this war if it begins will be a lot easier with the Hulk on the Avengers.

SR" Was he married?"

TS" No. There was a... Cellist, I think.

SR" i'm sorry. You seem like a good man"

TS"He was an idiot."

SR" Why? For believing?"

ST"For taking on Loki alone."

SR"He was doing his job."

TS"He was out of his league. He should...have waited. He should have..."

SR" Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony. We both know Barton was on his way too There was no way out"

TS"doesn't matter he shouldn't even have been here"

SR"First time you've lost a soldier"

TS"WE ARE NOT SOLDIERS! I am not marching to Fury's fife!"

SR" Neither am I! He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki does, right now we've got to put that aside and get this done. Now Loki needs a power source if we put together a list..."

looking at the blood-stained wall

TS" he made it personal"

SR"that is not the point"

TS"That is the point. That's Loki's point. He's hit us all right where we live. Why?"

SR"to tear us apart"

TS"he had to conquer his greed, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience"

SR"Right, i caught his act at Stuttengard"

TS"yeah. That's just the preview, this is opening night. Loki's a full tilt diva. He wants followers, he wants parades, he wants a monumental building in the skies with his name plaster...."


J"sir, i took off the arc reactor. The device is already self-sustained"

TS"shut it down Dr Selvig"

ES" it's too late It can't be stopped now. He wants to show us something a new universe.

TS" okay"

Ironman ames's hand towards the CMS and fires. The energy from his boosters shatters with a beckoning crack Celvic falls backwards down below Citizens Look up at Stark Tower Iron Man stairs in this belief CMS unharmed.

Clinton Barton pulls back on his bow string aiming it towards Tony Stark.

CB" The world's already over Why don't you just accept that."

J" the barriers peer energy. It's unreachable The Mark VII is not ready to be deployed."

Tony then Aims his blaster at Clint's bo shooting it as he shoots his arrow at him breaking the bow and arrow and leaving Barton stuck there without a bow as it flew off the skyscraper

"Legolas, I don't know if you've given up on this world but think about your kids.

Leaving Hawkeye there startled as he went into the bent house as Jarvis did alert him that Loki was there.

LL" Please tell me you're not going to appeal to my humanity"

TS"Uh...actually, i'm planning to threaten you."

LL"you should have left the armor on for that"

TS"Remember the little archer, well anyway since you have the glow stick of Destiny. would you like a drink?

LL" stalling me won't change anything"

TS" no no no! Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one."


loki looks at him confused

TS" it's what we're calling ourselves sort of a like a team ' earth's mightiest heroes type of thing."

LL" yes, i've met them."

Tony smiling

TS" yeah it takes a while to get any traction, i'll give you that one."

TS" But let's do an account here your brother, the demigod; A super soldier a living legend blessed by God; A man with breathtaking anger management issues; A couple of master assassins, and you, big fella you managed to piss off every single one of them."

LL" That was the plan"

TS" not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you"

from underneath the bar table, Tony pulls out Colantotte bracelets a honing device.

LL" i have an army"

TS" we have a Hulk"

LL" I thought the Beast wandered off."

TS" not quite He's actually on his way right now."

TS" You're still missing the point. There's no throne, there's no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but all of you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure to avenge it."

a little startled by the fact that the Hulk remained on board walked up slowly toTony

LL" How will your friends have time for me, when they're busy fighting you?

put a scepter on his chest and it did nothing. Doing it several times but nothing nothing over and over again.

LL: it should work."

the confrontation continues until Tony is thrown out of the window of the stark tower only to be met by a suit that flew to save him piloted by Jarvis.

TS"Right Army"

Ironman flies up toward the portal. From his shoulders, a miniature missile launcher pops out and fires like the Jericho missile, and several targets are taken down. It's useless thousands of chitari fly out endlessly.

SR"STARK are you seeing this"

TS" Just keep me posted."

SR" i need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. Keep them off the streets I need a perimeter as far as 39th.

PM" why the hell should I take orders from you"

78 explosion rings out an energy blast is blocked by his shield. The cops watching other shock as Captain America defeats them with ease and much effort at all.

The copper repeats what Captain America said

TS" Jarvis prepare a bow for the young padawan, i think he's ready to join the squad"

J" The bow will be assembled in 3 minutes"

the battle continues as 3 minutes later iron Man lens on the top of the Stark Tower. Landing next to a Clint Barton crying on his knees as he remembered all the bad things he had done under Loki's control.

"I... how many"

"you can cry later We have more to win"

throwing him the red and gold bow with a steel wire it was also assisted by Jarvis making the Bows power at least three times more powerful than his last

CB"Don't you think this is a little flashy"

TS"I don't make cheat knock-offs"

TS"I make upgrades, now let loose I don't even know the range on that"

clint pulls back on the bow several times to check its bearings then sees it a chitari about a thousand ft away He knows he couldn't hit that with his last but he thinks he can do it now.

He hit it perfectly

otherwise, the movie plays out exactly the same except for Clint has a bit more range and power. You probably read enough of these at this point to know the plot by heart so I'm not going to repeat everything.

I think next I'll do another Marvel and then an anime or a videogame after that. I hope you enjoyed it. Always felt like with Tony Stark's intelligence he could make a better bow for Clint fairly easily using even spare parts.

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