
Gift to the devil

King magnus decides to seek the devil for help, after going to his realm and was brutally injured, the devil showed up asking what he wanted by coming there. King magnus explained to him and as the devil he was, there wasn't anything he could give for free. He would have to collect something in return. What happens when the devil asked for the first daughter of the king, which was the king's precious daughter out of all, he loved the child that the devil just asked for, would he be able to give out his precious child when she turns eighteen or would he let his people suffer in the war and what if he dies, his child would end up suffering. This got King magnus contemplating on what to do and finally, he struck the deal with the devil.

Liz_Zenny · História
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 1

A/N: Hello readers, it's Liz zenny, this should be my fifth book I guess and it's also the entry into the WSA contest, it's an historical setting and I hope you enjoy reading it, I will be uploading two chapters per day and I want a good communication between us. I assure you that this book although might seem boring at the beginning, it's very interesting and won't exhaust your precious time.

King Magnus hart, the king of the Sleasea kingdom stood facing the large window with a grim expression on his face. He sighed as he looked at the horizon the line that appears where the earth is connected to the sky.

Far away from Sleasea was a kingdom called Torrid which was named because of the terrible heat that the place had, It was headed by king Maximilian, max for short. For some reasons, king max and Magnus had been in a cold war with each other. But now king Maximilian wanted to overthrow Magnus in order to acquire more land for his own selfish reasons. Sleasea was well-known for the beauty of its ocean that outstretched to the four kingdoms, one being the torrid, two the Lunarian known to contain witches which the humans never stepped into because it was protected by the lunaria plant which was very deadly.

And the last kingdom was Hora which is known to contain demons and the king was Lucas, the scheming, vicious and cruel demon ever seen. The beauty of the place was the flowers, springs, clear sky but the bad side was that the place held the highest prostitutes which wasn't a bother to the king because he enjoyed them, also slavery was well known in that kingdom. The king of hora, although vicious and cruel was an easy going person, someone to fall in love with. He kept himself away from the presence of other kings making him seem all high and mighty.

The kingdom that ranked highest in form of power was Hora and next was Torrid, then Sleasea and the least was lunarian.

Magnus hart had been trying to protect his people against the invasion of torrid by strengthening all his security systems but he appeared to have failed his subjects because the place held fewer people, some were disabled while a few of them were complete. The kingdom had the highest death rate and it was all because of the king of Torrid, Magnus had sent different letter of appeal to the king because he knew too well that they were superior to him and to not experience sufferings, he better surrender but it seems that King max was hell bent on getting Sleasea.

Magnus was already tired with everything because no matter how hard he tried all his effort seem futile and king max would only end up tramping on him. What was going on in his mind was to have a deal with the demon king so it can assist him in the upcoming war because clearly, Magnus knew that max would never back down without a deadly fight. Magnus was thinking that the cold war between Sleasea and torrid would continue without anyone interfering into each other's business but he was all wrong, Torrid was planning for something big and if he as the king of Sleasea doesn't act quick, Sleasea might seize to exist forever.

"Papa, papa, mama is looking for you?" The eldest daughter of Magnus wedged her way through the large hall to meet her father, she was barely five years old and was the most loved child out of the three children that Magnus had with queen Alice.

"Luna my dear, how have you been?" The king asked as he lifted his daughter with his arms, he decided to name her Luna because her eyes were grey just like the color of the moon and her hair was silver white., she was a very beautiful child and was peaceful. Magnus loved her more because of her selfless attribute.

"Fine papa, mama said you should come for lunch and she has been looking for you" Luna reported with a smile on her face that showed her small teeth's, Magnus smiles back at her as he dropped her down while holding her hand and the two left for the dining area.

The dining area had a large table at the center with twenty chairs at the right and twenty chairs at the left, then there was this chandelier hung just above the table that held candle lights. vases with roses were arranged at the center of the table and some vases were placed at the two sides of the dining area just before one stepped into the place. A young looking woman raised her head to look up at the father and daughter that just entered, "Dear I have been looking for you and thankfully Luna agreed to join in the search and she found you, won't you have lunch with us?" Queen Alice asked while giving orders to the maid's on how to set the table right.

"Yes I will, where is Camille and Xander, aren't they joining us?" Magnus asked as he sat at the head of the table, "They should be but as Usual, they've sneaked out of the castle. I wished those two rebellious kids were like Luna who is so obedient" Queen Alice commented as she sighed while taking her seat, camille was Luna's immediate younger sister while Xander was Camille's immediate younger brother and also the prince of Sleasea and the future king of Sleasea.

"Just give them a break I'm sure they are suffocating in this huge place, I too felt it when i young" The king replied as he took a spoonful of the soup in the bowl and drank gently, he turned to face Luna, "Luna? don't you also want to go play like your siblings, are you happy staying here without playing with your friends?" He asked her.

"No papa, I enjoy staying here with you and mama, I am very happy here and also when I grow up, I'll love to stay with you both forever to take care of you and please papa do not give me out, I don't want to be separated from everyone here" Luna said as she dipped the bread that was cut into smaller unit by her mother into the tea and she popped it in her small mouth.

"Silly, why would I give you out, you belong here, in Sleasea with your mother and I and your siblings alright, you can live with us forever" The king said and he saw his daughter's eyes gleam with happiness while she concentrated on her food. Magnus lips curved into a bitter smile, he knew his daughter was going to leave him one day and that day was when she finds the love of her life.

"Alice, have you informed miles to go look for the children, it's getting dark and I don't want anything to happen to them especially during times like this"... 'where unexpected things can happen' he finished his statement in his mind, he saw his wife nod her head and his eyes fell on the food as he continued eating.