
Gift of gods

story of a boy named Jarvis who on his death bed met a God who told him that he took his talent away. wath him struggle to become the world strongest mage side by side with 4 other hero like him. TO Know more read the novel

hell_godjustin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


It al started on my day of awakening. when I was just a 10 year old . "Before starting let me tell you my world this is a world full of magic and advance technology with help of magic and technology humans has developed far beyond what could a normal person imagine. This world is called Eithopia". now let me tell you more about myself my name is jarvis i am not 35 years old I led a very miserable life I was born with no talent whatsoever I was not good at anything "I thought that after awakening I could become a great mage.my parents were both mage and my big sister was a also a archmage with lot of glory I was always compared to her but in the end I was nothing with less 2 unit of magic while even an average mage has a 30 unit of mana inside their mana core . I also have worst aptitude to practice magic aptitude of a mage determine what a person can achieve in his life aptitude is divided between S rank to worst G rank and you know my aptitude was also the worst G I was the first person with person with G rank aptitude in 200 years. On the day of awakening I was very cheerful that everybody in family was a mage so It was a guaranteed I will become a mage but didn't knew that I would become the history worst mage. I hove no affinity with any element not even a good aptitude. so, in the my parents abandoned me and only my sister supported me and that also just giving me enough money to survive she never came to visit me just send money in my account. but I didn't care I always curse my fate to be Abandoned by everybody in the end of my life I swear if I got a chance to chance to live a life again I swear I will become the world strongest these were my last word before a truck came crashing into the house where I lived. I died with so many regrets that even I couldn't count. but just when I thought I can have some peace in my next life a fucker came to pick me up and you know who this f*cker was it was the f*cking God. I was in a separate space where a old man which look like he was in his forties came and said " hi I am God.

" I have came to tell you something " god told to jarvis with a mocking smirk .

jarvis was pissed to see he couldn't have peace even in his dying time.

jarvis asked God in a frustrated voice " what is it"

the God said" do you want a chance in life again"

jarvis was surprised for God knows why.

God was happy to see him suprised.

" but why do you want to give me a choice again" jarvis asked

"because I was the one who took your talent away "

before jarvis could say anything God spoke again

" you were supposed to awaken a high affinity with fire and wind, but you also have a interesting bloodline you have the blood of primodial gods

"what is a primodial God " Jarvis Asked pissed right now .

" primodial gods were the first species of human who Ascensened to Godhood "

" let me tell you in ancient time humans were at the lowest of food chain . They were easily supressed by any one . but one day a human created a technique to practice magic this technique was known as the ancient manual".

"with help of this technique human rose in food chain being one of apex predator of the food chain"

" The person who created this technique is know as "The first human God -- Ashter"

God told him " that he have one of purest bloodline of the first human God, but if he had awaken then they would lose one of the main source to fight the demon God lucifer ".

"who is the demon God lucifer " asked Jarvis who was still in the middle of processing the information that he received right now.

"He was the nemesis of human race one at the top of food chain who the first God has to supress to become one of apex predator of the food chain, and the demon God now is breaking the seal he was able to find a crack in seal and going to bring chaos in this era of yours"

"then can't you supress him again" Jarvis said

we would have if that was possible we gods can not interfere in your era because of some unknon power that reside in this realm"

that's why we need your help"said God

but if you have come earlier then wouldn't I be somewhat powerfull now to fight demons now " Jarvis said

we could but couldn't collect the power to interfere like did now "

"now let me give you what I have to give before time run out" God said and placed a hand on his forehead.

when suddenly he falls and in his eyes in a room in a body of a 10 year old boy the surrounding were similar to his room so he got in front of mirror and what he see was that he was in his body when he was a child he suddenly dashed toward the calender and see that the date was 25/may/3020 5 days after his awakening and his parents left him.

suddenly he heared a voice.

{system Instilisation in progress}

{progress 23.2%}

{progress 47.9%}

{progress 79.5%}

{progress 100% complete}


Suddenly he could remember some kind of cultivation technique. he guessed it was the technique the fucking God told him about .

AUTHOR'S NOTE -- This is my first novel . so please comment what kind of mistake I am doing. If this chapter got well in thinking of posting 2 chapter a week but it on viewer response so please support me I will grateful