
Ghoul traveler in the multiverse

My third attempt at writing a novel of any type and this time I think I've got it any way give it a try if you don't like it give constructive criticism or leave no skin off my back I do this for fun

Zerne · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter one

MY name is Pelle' I'm an 18-year-old 6'1 chubby guy wIth tan skin and thick curly black hair my hobbies are reading manga and swimmIng I was a lifeguard before COVID hit and was fairly active despite the rotund body type I live wIth my parents and my two sIblIngs.

Today I was on an errand to get some stuff at the local gIant and as per usual I got my neet sIblIngs to come outside and get some fresh air wIth me we were crossing the road on the way back home and suddenly a dune buggy came speeding down the road It was too close for us to dodge out of the way so I dId my best to put myself In front of my sIblIngs and when the dune buggy hIt suddenly I felt as If everythIng was upsIde down and the world went black when I next opened my eye my sIblIngs were by the curb of the road panIckIng at however I looked suddenly another force hIt me and everythIng went black

Opening my eyes I saw a large room full of bookcases and so chairs and an extremely tall old man of indescribable ethnicity it was like he was everything at once and none of them at the same time he came over to me and said.

???: Come have a seat

Oddly enough despite my confusion as to the situation I was entry calm as if I had no fight or flight response or any emotions like the man could read my mind he told me the reason for this

???: I have forced you into a calm state of mind so we can properly talk

Nodding In understanding I followed him to a seat and sat down he began to explain why I was here

godlike: You are currently dead and are in limbo I am a god-like being and would like you to do me a favor in one of the many worlds I oversee

Pelle': Ok I have a few questions

(P=mc GL= godlike)

GL: Go on

P: is the no emotions thing permanent

GL: no you will have those returned to you as soon as we are don talking a fair warning it may be jarring to experience the emotional outburst you'll have after.

P: ok are my siblings ok

GL: No they were traumatized after seeing their older brothers head roll off after being hit by a buggy than a truck

P: shit

GL: if you want I can give them a little push back into the realm of the mentally healthy in exchange for the favor.

P: I would like that.

GL: it is done.

P: thank you can I see them one last time.

GL: yes I shall alow one more meeting with your family after being done here.

P: thank you that means a lot to me, so what is this favor.

GL: I want you to go into the world you know as My Hero Academia and train Deku before he meets al might so that he may actually be worthy of the power he is to hold.

P: ok sounds fair is there anything more I need to do.

GL: no after that, you may do whatever you want

P: do I get to pick my quirk if I get one at all

GL: yes you will grab one book off of the walls and whoever is the main character of that story is the power you shall hold

P: one last question why me

GL: you were in the right spot at the right time when I was looking for someone now please grab a book at random

P: ok

(Back to first-person)

Grabbing a book I look at the cover it's Tokyo ghoul

GL: ken kaneki's ghoul abilities so you will have the power to use his Rinkaku Kagune, high-speed regeneration, and because he could eat other ghouls Kagunes to evolve his own I will allow you to do the same to quirks I will not force you to however eat human flesh but doing so will give you a temporary power boost

Ok anything else I should know

GL: I will be locking your memories of your old family away to prevent you from becoming disassociated with your new one and I will lower your emotional age to prevent relationships from becoming awkward.

I would probably miss my old family and be unable to move on if you didn't do that so thank you

GL: it is time Pelle'
