
Ghoul in DC

A young man in thrust into a dark gothic city and has to fight his way out! He will come across the darkest and the very peak of Humanity. Read about a Ghouls adventure in DC!

Rwn4 · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs


Ken woke to a sorrowful scream that engraved itself into his mind as he turned to see a young child staring at him in horror. He looked at the boy with brown hair who was gasping and crying.

Ken was confused, and absently ran his hand through his white hair. As he looked around him to see what the kid was screaming about he rapidly noticed why the kid had screamed.

He was in what was a potentially clean area of the city, well it might have been before he had been here. In shock he quickly glanced at his blood covered surroundings. He looked towards the remains of a metal bin, one half of the thing was on the other side of the damp alley and the other half was stuck inside some poor guy's stomach pinning him to a wall.

He quickly looked away and came across multiple other corpses that had been clearly torn and brutally broken. He almost gagged before he stumbled to his feet and almost tripped over the remains of a foot that had looked as if an animal had taken a bite of the thing.

This time he did gag as he made his way out of the alley, the smell was odd he noticed. It was disgusting as he could smell the remains and the quickly rotting meat but the scent of the blood and guts of the humans for some reason almost made him turn back.

To say he was confused would be an understatement, he shook his head as if to dislodge his current thoughts and made his way out of the alley. He could feel the blood weighing down his clothes, luckily it didn't look too obvious from a distance since he was wearing black.

The blood dripped down his wrist, it felt as if someone had poured warm oil all over him. The blood felt sticky and released a tempting smell, but he ignored that and continued his way through the streets.

He tried his best to be subtle by making his way through alleys and trying to find any building that would have an easy way in and a shower. His current plan was to break into someone's place and use their shower.

He nodded at his great idea before he spotted an open window, now he just had to find something to stand on to reach the fire escape stairs. Before that he did a small run up before using all of his strength for a jump to see how close he could get to the fire escape.

His eyes widened at the feeling of bursting through the air at an extreme speed, he almost felt like he was flying as he soared above the 4 storey tall building with ease.

Panic ran through his mind as he slowly stopped rising and started to fall. He hit the building's flat cold roof with a thud.

Ken gasped as he got back up with ease, he was surprised how he barely felt any pain. He felt the impact against his skin but honestly felt nothing else.

'Huh, that's pretty cool' he thought to himself while he looked around the empty roof, there was a door and that was really it.

Making his way to the fire escape on the side of the apartment building he made his way down until he came across the open window.

He slowly climbed through and walked through the clean apartment, he couldn't hear anything so he presumed it was empty.

His bloody footsteps were a stark contrast to the white fluffy carpet he was carelessly walking on.

He didn't know what he would do if it had people in but he ignored that, he also ignored all the flaws in his plan and continued exploring until he found the owner's shower.

The bloodstained clothes hit the tiled cold floor with a wet smack as they splattered blood around the clean room.

He opened the creaky shower curtain and stepped into the bathtub. He wished he could get in the bath instead but this did need to be quick.

He stepped back and turned the shower on, he quickly noticed the water wasn't warm and he wasn't exactly going to walk around this place naked looking on how to turn the heater on.

He shook his head at the thought 'it would be weird if I did that' he again ignored that breaking into someone's apartment and taking a shower was also quite weird.

The cold water hit his bare skin with a quick shock, he wasn't usually a fan of cold showers but really wasn't bothered right now. The sensation of the warm sticky blood being replaced with the cold water was heavenly.

He eventually got all the blood off his body and embraced the cold water as it gave him reprieve from the heavy sticky blood.

His careless grin was clear to any observers as he scrubbed at his skin even more. He looked towards multiple different bottles of shampoo in the shower.

He grabbed the green one that said 'Kids! Super 2 in 1 Body Wash and Shampoo' he put that down quickly after all he was 16 and not a 5 year old. He picked the grey bottle up that simply had the scent labelled as Wood and Lead.

He put that down and grabbed the white bottle that was labelled 'Vanilla and Coconut' with a grin, he opened the bottle and took a sniff of the stuff with a grin.


A family of three had just walked home from a busy day and as the Father named James locked the door to his beautiful apartment with a small smile he heard his wife scream.

Instantly he rushed to her, he ran past his lively living room and tripped on his young sons toy train. He cursed out loud as he stood and in a panic rushed into the hallway only to see bloody footprints he assumed the worst and burst into the bathroom.

James stopped in shock as he saw his bathroom left in a bloody mess, his wife Lily was staring at the room she had just cleaned earlier today in anger.

His young son Harry was hidden behind his redheaded wife as they all stared in confusion at the mess an intruder had left behind.

James was now staring at their cracked mirror, it looked as if someone had just stolen a piece, he was honestly perplexed.

Lily quickly took notice the shower was still wet and looked inside only for it to be empty and she noticed something off.

She couldn't tell what was wrong other than the obvious fact someone had broken into their home and had tracked blood all over the place and then left their bloodstained clothes in the middle of her previously cleaned bathroom.

In a moment of sudden clarity she noticed her Shampoo and Conditioner had basically been emptied!


On top of a random building Ken admired his reflection in a cracked mirror and specifically his silky white hair that was blowing in the breeze. He smelt the Vanilla and Coconut scent from his hair and smiled.

His new clothes were warm and high quality. He almost admired the black plain black jumper and the black trousers he stole from the house.

The clothes didn't look like anything special, they were pretty plain, but still it beats being in his bloodstained old stuff. He even stole the man's black work boots.

'Pretty lucky we were the same size huh…thanks random guy for your stuff'