

A roaming ghost seeking rest finds a mortal who can see ghosts. Pleads with him for days till he agrees to help her. Putting his life in danger he journeyed and fought against the Goddess of the seas. The mother earth and other spirits making him a legend. This story brings light to the things of the spirit.

Prince_Christopher_5893 · Terror
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5 Chs


Numerous people ask me ghostwriter are you a ghost?

Do human eyes see a ghost?

They mumble are ghosts real?

Why not sit back and allow me to take you through this ride of my ghostly encounters.

On that blessed night, I was having a sound sleep but kept rolling.

I was pressed but didn't want to stand up. It got worse, I had no other option than to grab my lazy self up and go use the toilet.

Standing up, I didn't feel like using the toilet inside my room so I went outside, feeling so pleased with the cool natural air blowing on my body.

Already removed my dick and was about to do my business when I saw a very beautiful lady sitting down in front of our house.

Her skin glowing under the moon with smiles on her face.

I could see her so clearly because the moon was at its fullest.

I was like why is she smiling so much, there must be something so I restored my dick to its place and went closer to her not remembering that it was way past midnight.

Hey, beautiful I whispered when I got close to her.

I saw the shock on her face and she asked me "you can see me?"

In my mind, I was like what is this one saying.

"yes na, what do you mean?" I answered.

"Can you really see me?" but I ignored her question.

"Why are you behaving weird"? I whispered to her.

She was silent for a while as if she was in thoughts then she answered "nothing" "sit down".

I took a seat beside her still admiring her beauty.

There was silence between us but she kept smiling, being so curious to know the secret behind her smiles, you've been smiling, do you mind sharing why you're smiling?

"OK". She answered.

"But first of all", "what's your name"?

"I'm prince but my fans call me a ghostwriter". I replied.

"you're a writer"?

"Yes, I am."

I saw something flash in her eyes but couldn't attain what, then she whispered, "you asked why am smiling right"?

"yea". I answered.

"I'll tell you". She mumbled.

"I relaxed and smiled.

"Then she began."

"By this same time a month ago, under a full moon just like this I and my lover were on a picnic".

"In the middle of the night"?

She smiled--- "I've always loved the full moon and made Chris my lover accept for us to go on a picnic on any night there will be a full moon, close to a beach".


The picnic was going on so well. With the cool airbrushing on our skins, we made sweet love.

The best I've ever had, It was the best feeling, but in between our hot romance after the first sex, Chris suddenly went down on a knee and brought out a diamond ring".

"Dear Isabella, "the love of my life."

"With you I found peace."

"I'll wanna live and die in your arms."