
Ch 51 Punk Hazard pt2

After making Luffy faint, the crew went over to the dry land to wait for him to wake up. Dry, but freezing. They went to their next destination, the frozen side of Punk Hazard and almost everyone was shivering.

Nami had changed into a hybrid tigress form to keep warm, while Leo, Anna and Chopper were just fine as they were. As for the others, after some pleading, Leo made them some clothes.

"I still can't believe you made him pass out..." Sanji started a conversation while crouching beside their unconscious captain.

"It was an accident!" Leo defended himself, before turning away and muttering. "He started it anyways..."

"You're such a little kid sometimes, Leo." Mary giggled while sitting next to a fire that had been set up. To which, Leo grumbled about being older than all of them put together.

Nami released a sigh at the situation and said. "I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but can you at least wake him up? I thought we were supposed to save some kids..."

"Sure..." Being reminded of their main purpose, Leo became a bit more serious and stood up, before making his over to Luffy and waving some meat in front of him, courtesy of his rip-off inventory.

Like a Zombie, Luffy suddenly jumped up and ripped the meat from Leo's hand, tearing into it with his teeth before shouting. "This is... THE BEST MEAT EVER!!!"

Turning around and dusting off his hands, Leo said. "Welp, he's up." The others sweatdropped in the background, before sighing helplessly. "Well then, let's go!" He exclaimed and started marching his way forward, quickly followed by the others, and then Luffy as he shouted at them, after he realised his friends were ditching him.


The group waded their way through the snow with a headless man's body. As they did so, they were under the assault of mutants just like the ones from the burning lands, just that they were wearing thick clothes to protect them from the cold.

As much as the group like a bit of conflict, this was just annoying. The mutants were pathetically weak to the point that they wouldn't have even been a challenge two years ago.

They beat the hell out of the mutants and then dealt with two giant Yetis that were sent after them, with Usopp making them his bitches after having a shoot out and putting them in the dirt.

When they were going to continue on their way, Leo looked up to the sky for a moment, before lifting his hand up and then immediately swiping back down, making a bolt of black lightning strike down on something and then said something came crashing down.

Everyone looked at him with confusion because of this, but he merely shrugged and said. "What? Someone was trying to escape, I had no choice."

Hearing this, they face palmed lightly, thinking that this was what the should expect of Leo and shrugged back at him. Thanks to the lightning strike, they knew where they needed to head and so, they quickly made their way to where the figure fell.

When they got to the attempted escapee, they found a man. He has very long, spiky, black hair, and two curly horns growing from the back of his head. He is rather tall, pale, and is wearing purple lipstick and dark makeup on his eyes. He has a small flat nose and long thin eyebrows. His arms are very thin in comparison with the rest of his body.

Currently, the man is unconscious, burnt and twitching from the occasional surge of lightning that was still in him.

Upon seeing the man, Leo's anger spiked and he immediately stomped over, grabbing the person by the throat and throttled him. At the same time, he stole the power of the Gas Gas fruit that was in the man, before dropping him, leaving a chunky metal collar around his neck with a chain coming from it.

The others saw this and came to the conclusion that that was the person in charge of whatever was going on. Luffy decided to gets some info however. "So Leo, what did this guy do? And why did you put the collar and stuff on him?"

Shrugging, Leo explained. "Human experiments. Experimenting and drugging children. Mass genocide with a chemical weapon. Kidnapping. The list goes on, and as for the chains and collar, they are to keep him alive and suffering for the rest of the this little expedition of ours. For example..."

Suddenly, Leo multiplied into three and they all began stomping on the man, who somehow suddenly awakened for his beating.

"Ahh! Ugh! Wha-!" The man wasn't even able to to get a word out as the three Leo's mercilessly beat him up.

After hearing the list of crimes the man committed, none of the crew was against the treatment and instead, began taking turns stomping on him. As for the man, he was crying and screaming, looking for help in a place no help would come.


They continued to beat the bastard to a pulp, who after Leo read the mind of, they discovered his name was Caesar Clown, but chose to refer to him as 'The Scumbag'. After so long though, they decided to get moving and finish the side quest Luffy came up with, finding the missing piece of the headless man.

It took some time and they searched every inch of the frozen island, but they eventually found the head locked up in a facility. His head was split into multiple pieces as well, so when they found him, people took turns messing with him and put him together incorrectly, like a living Mr Potato Head toy.

The crew had their fun, but there came a time that they had to put the unknown man together properly. When he was correctly assembled, the man dropped to the ground, kneeling as he bowed to them. "Thank you for returning my body to me!" He then muttered under his breath. "Even if you did take your time..." He continued at full volume. "Nevertheless! You have my gratitude."

Listening to this, the crew wasn't that interest and Luffy had a finger up his nose. "Yeah, yeah. Hey, what's your name old guy. I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!"

The man's eyes widened hearing this and a sour expression overtook his face. "My name is Kin'emon and as grateful as I am for your help, I will not associate myself with pirate scum. Now please excuse me, I have a mission and must seek out my Son who is somewhere on this island." He was then about to try and leave, but Leo grabbed his shoulder and threw him to a wall, sticking him there with telekinesis.

Just as Kin'emon was about to shout in protest, Leo had already forced his mouth shut, so that he could speak instead. "Your not going anywhere unless you tell me the truth."

Kin'emon felt the pressure holding his mouth loosen and angrily spoke. "I have no idea what you are talking about! Release me this instant!"

Rolling his eye, Leo began releasing his Conquerors Haki, which after so much killing, torturing and dominating over civilisations, had become tyrannical and unforgiving to those subjected to his Will. Kin'emon himself felt as though his very being was being crushed and burned under the pressure.

Making his way over to him, Leo firmly grabbed Kin'emon's face and made him look into his eyes, which were burning with Hellfire. "Now, you will obey me or you will die. I know fine well that you are lying about this supposed son, and considering how this island currently has a number of kidnapped and experimented on children, I'm rather distrustful of some samurai with a criminal past. So, I'm going to let you go and your going to tell me everything, or you will find yourself losing body parts again."

Releasing the samurai's face, Leo took a step back. Kin'emon, despite feeling a deep-seated fear, gathered his courage and indignantly spoke. "How dare you! Lowly pirate scu-AHHH" He suddenly started screaming, as Leo unamusedly twisted one of his legs, slowly deforming it and breaking the bones.

"You WILL tell me!" Leo demanded with an ice cold gaze. He twisted the samurai's leg a full 360 degree's and then slowly began pulling.

It was a matter of moments before Kin'emon's Will broke and he shout. "Ahh! Stop! I will answer!!"

With that, Leo stopped hurting him, but left his leg a mess. "Should have done so from the beginning. Now explain."

Although wincing from the pain, Kin'emon began explaining his story. He told them about the supposed son named, Kozuki Momonosuke, the son of a previous Daimyo of the Country Wano, Kozuki Oden. He explained that Wano was under the rule of the Emperor of the Sea, Beast Pirates Captain Kaido and a man named Orochi, the Shogun of Wano.

Apparently, they had been sent forward 20 years through time by Momonosuke's mother, after which they tried to escape Wano to go recruit allies, but were shipwrecked before they could escape and were separated from one another.

This lead to the current situation, where Kin'emon arrived at Punk Hazard looking for Momonosuke, only to be split apart by a strange man and locked up.

After hearing the story, Leo turned to Luffy and said. "So, what do you want to do now?"

Luffy looked at him weirdly and asked. "Why didn't you just read his mind?" The others nodded in agreement, wondering the same thing.

Leo shrugged with disinterest. "It's the principle. The moron should have done what I said the first time. And considering the fact that he is responsible for making some 'mountain god' go on a rampage and kill a bunch of people, I don't really have any positive feelings towards him. Anyways, I don't particularly care about their plight, but it seems like there will be a lot of interesting Devil Fruits there and some interesting fights. So, what do you want to do?"

Nodding his head, Luffy put his hand to his chin in thought. "Hmmm..." He considered it quite a while, before grinning. "Let's go get the kids and then get going! We can fight them if we go to Wano, but I don't care about saving people either. I just hope they have some new food to try!" He patted his stomach and licked his lips.

The group had wry smiles on their faces and chuckled hearing this, but it was Luffy, so what can you expect. He doesn't care about stupid things like being a hero or saving every wayward soul he comes across. He decides whether he likes someone and wants to be friends when he meets them, otherwise they're just strangers that he doesn't need to care about.

Meanwhile, the samurai looked at them in confusion, still wincing from the pain coming from his leg. "You mean to say, you will help us in the freeing of Wano?"

Everyone looked at like he was stupid and then at each other, mostly at Leo, before going back to the samurai and laughing at him. The samurai just looked between them in confusion, wondering what he said that was so funny.

Leo restrained his laughter and humorously asked. "You don't know who I am... Do you?"

Kin'emon snorted. "Why would I know about a random pirate is?"

Being called 'a random pirate', Leo looked at the others with an amused expression. "Hey, why didn't you guy tell me that I was still considered a 'random pirate'? I could have tried harder."

"Don't blame us, your the one that only took over 80% of the world." Zoro shot back while shaking his head. "Disgraceful."

"How is that my fault? Luffy would throw a fit if I came here without him! You guys were already crying because I went Fishman Island without you." Leo joked half seriously.

Again, Kin'emon was confused, but also annoyed. It took a few second for him to comprehend the main point, and that was the fact that Leo had taken over most of the world. He had no idea if it was true, but the possibility of it being the truth was a scary thought and that made him reconsider the way he presented himself in front of the people in front of him.

The group shared a few more laughs, but they were on the Island for a reason and it weighed on some of their minds. Chopper in particular was quite nervous. "Can we get going now? I want to find those children and make sure they're okay."

"Alright! Then let's go!" Luffy threw a fist up in the air with a grin, then turned and began marching off out of the cell.

The rest of them shrugged and started to follow behind him. Seeing that he was more or less forgotten, Kin'emon shouted. "Wait! What about me!?"

Hearing the question, Leo turned and threw some silver fire at him, this made Kin'emon reel in fright of what was coming. But, when the fire hit, all it did was heal him. "Hand around for a while." Leo said and turned back around, walking away and leaving Kin'emon stuck to the wall, unable to move and shouting for freedom.

While leaving, Leo decided to drain the Devil Fruit from Kin'emon, but it was basically just the ability to make clothes out of debris.


After ditching the samurai, the crew began searching the laboratory and came across the research of the meat sack that Leo is lugging around. What they found was depraved experiments in which he used highly addictive drugs to turn children into giants.

This outrage everyone. Hearing about the crime is one thing, but hearing in detail the work of the mad bastard was sickening. This just reminded them that justice was never truly there during the time of the Marines and the World Government.

They quickly wanted to leave, but someone decided to make an appearance. Coming from behind, Trafalgar walked into the room while saying. "We finally mee-?!!"

That was all he managed to say, as Leo had suddenly punched him in the face with a white bubble around his fist, evidence of his use of the Tremor power. At the same time that he punched Law, Leo took the remains of the Op Op fruit, after which resulted in Law's face warping as he passed out instantly and was shot flying through the building, into the unknown. Whether he lives or dies is up to fate.

"Fucking bastard." Leo spat as he growled out some smoke. Law didn't have any direct involvement in what was happening to the children on the island, but he sure as hell didn't help them and that is as much of a sin as any other. Worse, he help the other guy by giving all those mutants their animal body parts

The others didn't say anything about this, getting tired of always exclaiming their surprise, so they went on their way to find the kids they were there for. On the way, they encountered more mutants and mopped the floor with them. There was also a green dragon, but it ended up as nothing more than a another snack for Naga.

After travelling through the facility, they arrive at a room dubbed 'The Biscuits Room', which was where the children were being contained.

When they entered inside the room, the kids inside stared at them nervously, scared by the appearance of strangers in the room. Fortunately, there was no need to explain anything to the children, because Leo said. "[Sleep]." Making all the kids fall asleep, before he threw some Angel fire at them, resulting in the all the toxins and drugs being burnt from their systems.

With the drugs gone from their systems, their bodies became normal, returning to the size of the children they are supposed to be.

To the side, the rest of the crew was stood with blank expressions as they stared at Leo. "Why are we even here?... We barely even got to do anything."

"Don't be babies. The kids were more important, and now we can get back to adventuring." Clicking his fingers, several clones appeared and started taking the children, so that they could be returned home to their parents.

Looking around for a moment, Leo sensed a faint soul far below them, so he opened a portal to the soul, resulting in a small pink Eastern style dragon falling through. It was clear to Leo however, that this dragon was actually a child who had eaten a Devil Fruit. A synthetic one, still imperfect and not very stable, causing the child to remain in the transformation.

Touching the dragons head, Leo absorbed the power from him and the child turned into a human, who was naked and unconscious. So, Leo used the new clothing ability he acquired on the kid and let him drop through another portal, leading to Kin'emon who was just released, only for them to fall through a portal to the Red Line.

While he was doing that, his clones had already departed with the children, so now there was nothing left on the island that was worthwhile, meaning the crew could leave and that's what they did.

Not without causing a little destruction though. They started to leave and while doing so, they unleashed numerous attacks that tore the place to pieces.

All except Leo, who was walking nonchalantly as he watched them have their fun. At the same time, he was dragging the mad bastard Caesar behind him with the chain connected to the collar on the freaks neck. Every few seconds, a surge of electricity would run through the chain and brutally shocked his system, making pain run through him at every other moment.

In between shocks, Caesar was being healed in an equally painful method. Angel flames that simultaneously burn as they heal him. Then, for the extra sense of satisfaction, Leo would occasionally swing him around and smack him off whatever surface he could.

When they finally left the facility, Leo threw caesar into Hell, aka his own dimension of suffering for the worst of the worst. They then left the island, running through the snow to the perimeter of the island, which was where Leo brought out the Thousand Sunny and they all left.

Waiting till they had some distance between them and the Island, Leo suddenly jumped overboard. But, before any of the crew could question his action, the sea began to rise up and out of the water came the humongous head of a black Western style dragon, with bright red eyes.

The head was only the start however, as his ridiculously long neck stretched out from the sea, followed by his mountain sized body that was too big for the crew to see the end of.

"ROAR!!" Releasing a thunderous roar as he spread out an impressive and majestic set of wings that blotted out the sky for miles. He looked at the island and started to growl as a orange light gathered in his throat, and then, with another loud roar, he opened his mouth wide and a beam of fire shot out.

A shockwave erupted from up high where Leo's head was, the beam shooting straight at the island of ice and fire, swiftly destroying it in its entirety as a massive explosion ensued in the distance.

Up high, Leo snorted derisively with smoke drifting out of his nostrils. Turning around, he leaned his head down towards the ship, where he turned back to normal with a smile. Throwing his arms up in victory, he laughed out. "Suck it! I destroyed more!"

"Uhg..." The others groaned irritatedly, before soon begining to mumble insults and cursing him for his BS level of power.

So, while finishing up his laughter, Leo went up to the steering. Standing behind the wonderful navigator of the ship, he wrapped an arm around her waist and stroked her head with his other.

Nami herself leaned back into Leo's chest. "On to the next island then." She hummed out with a giggle and the wind blowing by, sweeping through their hair while music began playing for the merriment of the crew.