
Ch 47 Continuing Onwards

(Yo! Seriously sorry about the long wait, I was in the hospital with a chest infection and had like, zero energy to do anything. I'm still a bit sick, but I'm on the mend and feel a bit more productive.)

It was the next day and the other world duo were at school being completely carefree, as there was nothing beyond their capabilities. Like the day before, the glitter squad was absent from school, but that was likely because the sun was out, as he could still feel them in Forks.

Leo was slightly disappointed that he didn't get to chat with the pixie, better known as Alice, in his art class. He liked her personality and she makes for good company, but he stuck it out and finished the class, with the school day soon following.

During the day, neither he nor Vanessa got to talk with Bella as she seemed to avoid them or at least she avoided Leo. It seemed that learning of the fact that he had killed people was something she struggled to accept.

He wasn't going to blame her or anything, it was perfectly reasonable for a normal human to have difficulty with accepting stuff like that and he had no reason to force her to be friends with him, so he didn't bother himself with it further.

When school was over, Leo and Vanessa wasted no time in leaving and going home. This was just a temporary stop though, as they got dressed up and left in a silver lamborghini.

Leo had realised that they hadn't gone on an actual date yet, so in the morning, he asked Vanessa if she wanted to go after school and she excitedly agreed. And so, after a drive into the city, they went and saw a play, before going to a nice restaurant, where Leo basically threw money at them to get a table. Sure, he could have mind controlled them, but there was no point in doing that when he has money that will eventually stop being useful.

As they ate their food, Vanessa was extremely happy with how things had changed for her. Although she never imagined she would be sharing the man she loves with other women, she also never imagine she would be in another world. When it comes down to it though, she had never been as happy as she is right now.

The fact that Leo still loves her so much, even with his new found power and the multitude of beautiful women already at his side, she couldn't help it and her heart kept pounding with happiness, knowing that she was so important to him.

Leo was just as happy as Vanessa was, but his happiness also came from knowing that she was happy. He had already promised himself, that he would never take her or the rest of the girls, no matter what.

For the both of them, the passage of time hadn't weakened their love at all and in fact, only strengthened it, as they both hold the other to be even more important and Leo specifically, is willing to do anything to keep his lovers safe.

(A/N: I'm terrible with romance shit.)

When they finished their food, the two of them sat there and just talked for awhile, reminiscing about their past. The happy parts that is...

Not long after they started though, a waiter came over and asked if they would like anything else, to which Leo looked towards Vanessa. But, the moment he looked at her, he knew the answer, so he turned to the waiter and asked for the bill.

The reason for this, being that Vanessa was busy running her foot up his leg and smiling seductively. It was fairly clear what she wanted and it wasn't dessert, so after paying the bill, they quickly left and got in the car.

Vanessa lost her patience once on their way home and so, licking her plump lips, she slid her hand over to Leo's crotch and unzipped his pants, before leaning down stuffing his cock down her through while he drove.

It doesn't need to be said, but when they got home, their intimacy progressed far beyond only the oral variety.


The morning after their date was a weekend, so neither Leo, nor Vanessa showed any restraint and were still fucking like rabbits to this moment.

Their debauchery continued up until, very unfortunately, someone rang the door bell, making Leo go answer it. Putting some pants on, he went and answered the door, finding a blushing Bella, who he greeted. "Hey, what's up?"

Bella was unresponsive for a moment, too embarrassed by what she'd heard before even entering the property and further awe struck by Leo's Greek God like body. Gulping down the saliva that had gathered in her mouth and shyly asked. "C-can I come in?" She didn't have to wait, as Leo moved and let her in. As she entered, she thanked him and embarrassedly commented. "Thanks... Y-you guys are really loud by the way..."

Hearing this, Leo froze momentarily, before awkwardly chuckling to himself. 'Guess I forgot to soundproof last night...' There was no reason to cry over it though, so he just shut the door behind Bella and went to the living room with her.

Because he had a guest, Leo decided to be a good host and produced some snacks with a wave of his hand, before sitting down opposite of her and re-asking his initial question. "So, what's up, Bella? Thought you were going to avoid me from now on, considering yesterday-"

"No!" Surprising both herself and Leo, Bella raised her voice in rebuttal. Realising that she'd been a bit too aggressive, she lowered her head shyly and explained. "I-I mean, I didn't mean to avoid you, not really... I just, needed to think about some things..."

Curiously raising his eyebrow, he prompted her to continue. "And?"

Looking at Leo, Bella's eyes clearly showed that she was entirely sure herself and her emotions were roiling within her. "I'm not sure... But I know that I don't want to run away from you and would like to be..." She paused for a moment, struggling on whether to say what she wanted or what she thought she should say, but finally arrived at her decision. "Friends..."

It wasn't difficult for Leo to understand that Bella wasn't being honest with him or herself, but he didn't say anything about it and simply smiled at her. "Okay then! If you want to be 'friends', I'd be happy with that." Bella inaudibly sighed with relief and gleefully smiled.

He knows what she actually wants, especially since he'd already seen her do certain things with him in mind, but they barely know each other, so it's better to be friends. Besides, he doesn't feel the same way, so it made no sense unless their relationship develops to something more.

With their friendship affirmed, the two of them sank into a conversation and enjoyed themselves. It wasn't long before Vanessa came down, dressed in some comfortable shorts that tightly fit her butt and a loose gothic shirt.

She greeted Bella as she sat next to Leo and snuggled into him, earning some glances from Bella.


It wasn't until an hour or two later that Leo remembered just what day and thought out loud. "Oh, that's right, I need to go see Naga and the girls!"

Hearing this, Vanessa also had the realisation and quickly ran off to get changed. Bella on the other hand wasn't in the loop of how things work in their lives, so had to voice her confusion. "Who's Naga? One of your other girlfriends?"

When Leo heard her ask if Naga was his girlfriend, he visibly cringed before answering. "No! She's my adorable little girl!"

Shock washed over Bella, but then she remembered that he wasn't as young as he seemed. This also peeked her interest however. "So you have a daughter? Why not bring her here and raise her while you to go to school?" The topic was quite interesting to her, due to her own family situation.

Leo smiled and chuckled lightly. "Different times and spaces. I see her everyday and spend time with her whenever she wants, same as the others. After all, they are my life and I hate seeing them sad." Looking her the eye, his honest emotions were clearly conveyed.

Understanding how serious he is about the matter, Bella dazedly nodded her head and thought to herself. 'He sure makes it hard not to like him...'

As Bella was daydreaming, Leo stood up and stretched his back, before offering Bella something he'd just thought of. "Hey, Bella, do you wanna come with?"

Snapping out of her daze, Bella looked at him with a surprised expression. "Can I? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Why not, it could be fun." He responded, thinking that it would be interesting to the girls, getting to meet someone from another world other than himself and Vanessa.

Speaking of Vanessa, she had finished changing and jumped down the stairs, hurrying into the living room and excitedly jumping on Leo's back. "I'm ready! Let's go!"

Chuckling at her childish behaviour, Leo didn't say anything and opened a portal to the One Piece world, going straight to Amazon Lily. Stepping to the side, he gestured for Bella to follow with them, only for her to nervously grab and hold on to his arm, reasonably feeling anxious about walking into strange portals for the first time.

Leo wasn't bothered by it and said nothing as he began walking, but Vanessa gave an amused smirk as she looked at Bella and noted the way her cheeks became visibly red. Bella saw Vanessa's look and turned even more red, but didn't say anything and chose to look away before becoming more embarrassed.

With a light laugh, Vanessa finally stopped staring at the poor girl, instead choosing to lay her head against Leo's and rub her cheek against his fluffy hair, enjoying the softness and unabashedly inhaling his sent. Although unintentional, she was flaunting her and Leo's close relationship, making poor Bella feel envious, but also curious about how it feels.

Anyways, Leo walked through the portal with the two girls and arrived in his bedroom in Hancocks Palace. Bella immediately started looking around and checked out her new surroundings, noticing the high quality goods all around the room.

Leo didn't waste time explaining anything and immediately started making his way out to his sweet little serpent. Fortunately, Bella didn't get caught up in her surrounding and quickly followed after him, while Vanessa continued to enjoy her ride.

They soon got outside and saw a bunch of beautiful women playing with a young girl in a large pool, exhibiting cute giggles from said girl. Seeing the girls all playing with Naga, Leo smiled brightly, happy that the girls love Naga and treat her so well. This is especially true for Robin, Hancock, Bellemere and Sora.

Robin has always adored the precious little snake. Even knowing that Naga could kill everyone with a look, Robin was never put off and you would frequently find her stroking Naga's scale before she got humanised.

In Hancocks case, she already thinks of herself as Leo's wife, so if Naga is his daughter, then it only makes sense that she is her mother. Plus, her affinity with snakes helps.

As for Bellemere and Sora, well they already experienced some of the joys of having children to love and this is an opportunity to experience others as they get to watch Naga grow up.

It helps that the four of them are older than the others and at points in their lives where they are more comfortable with having a child. Not to say the others don't see her as their daughter, but they just aren't as prepared or experienced and don't have as much confidence in their parenting skills.

Naga wasn't a normal kid though, so there was no behavioural problems for them and she loves all the girls as her family anyways, so she will actually try to help if possible. But, in the end, she is a massive daddies girl and will only really be happy when he is around.

She proved that in this moment, as she suddenly stopped and smelt the air with a serious expression, before becoming extremely happy and looking over at Leo, excitedly shouting. "DADDY!!" Completely ignoring his companions, she launched out of the water and dived into his stomach.

Seeing the incoming ball of joy, Vanessa hopped off Leo's back and stood to the side. Catching the mini torpedo, Leo smiled and laughed as he hugged her. "How's my little snakey doing today?"

Giggling at her father's way of referring to her, Naga climbed up him and started rubbing her cheek against his. "I'm fine, Daddy. I was playing with Mama's in the pool, you should come play too!"

From the side, Vanessa pouted, seemingly upset at being forgotten by the little lady and decided to poke Naga in her squishy cheek as she whined. "Naga! Why don't I get a hug!"

In response to the assault to her cheek, Naga puffed up her cheeks in displeasure and pleaded with Vanessa. "Mama Ness, please stop!..." As she requested, Vanessa stopped poking her cheek. Hugging Leo tighter, she proudly proclaimed. "Daddy is most important, so Daddy is always first!"

Hearing the little daddies girl, the girls all began laugh and got out of the pool to greet Leo and Vanessa, while also asking about the new person. Of course, when they greeted Leo, they did so very passionately and made Bella blush in the process.


After receiving a volley of "greetings" from the girls, Leo introduce them to Bella and then they all relaxed together. Although, it took a while for Bella to actually relax, as she got curious about where they were and started questioning everything upon hearing that she's in another world.

At the end of the day, Leo had enjoyed spending his time with the girls, as usual and went to bed with them. Bella was given a room for the night, but struggled to sleep in her new environment.

The next day, everyone got up and had breakfast together before Leo would leave. When that time finally came, Vivi got him to send her to Alabasta to see her father. Once done, he took Vanessa and Bella back to Twilight, where they spent the rest of their day...

(A/N: Imma be honest, I'm bored of twilight... It is just too low tier and I only did it to bring in Vanessa. So...)

- Timeskip -

As planned, Leo spent a roughly a year relaxing in the Twilight-verse, always making sure to go to Amazon Lily to see the girls.

While in Twilight, he became friends the all Cullens, besides Edweird and Carlisle as they were assholes. But, when it came to Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmet, after getting to know each other, they got along quite well. Esme was also quite friendly with him, but didn't spend as much time around him.

It wasn't until a few human blood drinkers wandered into town, that Leo was reminded of the sinners in this world. He killed the three vamps and then put a curse on all vampires, so if they drink human blood they will die. Needless to say, but the vampire population suddenly diminished on that day.

In regards to his friends, he had actually discovered that his Angel fire more or less cured Alice of any weaknesses. She no longer requires blood, doesn't shine in the sun and her body turned back to flesh. Plus, she was stronger than the Twilight-verse vampire.

Upon discovering this, he chose to do the same for the others, resulting in a surprise for everyone, as Rosalie got pregnant... It was a big surprise, but she was happy nonetheless and so were the others now that they could start their own families.

Other than that though, the only interesting thing to talk about, is how he scared the shit out of the Quileute tribe. How? By turning into a god devouring wolf the size of a mountain. There was very little interaction between them after that.

By the time that the year was over, Leo was done enjoying his mini vacation and it was time for him to finally return to One Piece, to finally finish what he started. The difference, is that he is accompanied by not only Vanessa, but Bella as well.

After a few months of getting to know each other and spending time together, feelings developed and Leo finally asked her out on a date. This led to further dates and her becoming an official member of his ever growing harem.

They had already discussed a plan for visiting Charlie regularly, who was under the impression that Bella had joined a good university and would soon become part of Leo's company after she graduates. Basically, Leo just had to leave a clone behind and pull some mind fuckery every so often.

Not everything happened in the Twilight-verse though, as back in One Piece, the Fishmen had finally joined the outside world and Leo took Shirahoshi on multiple 'Not-date dates'. This all but cemented their relationship, as Shirahoshi truly fell head over fins for Leo, while he stopped caring about the age difference.

Shirahoshi was sixteen and had clearly made up her mind. Plus, its not like he doesn't like her, so it was unfair of him to continue to leave her hanging like he had been.

Actually, it was partially thanks to Bella that he came to this decision. She pointed out that his immortality would always present him with this problem and convinced him that, so long as he waited for her or anyone else to become an adult, there won't be a reason to torment himself.

It was her perspective as a 'normal' human from a modern time, that ultimately convinced him and made him all the happier from it.

Now, the time for the Straw Hat crew to restart their adventure, was right around the corner. Leo, Nami, Robin, Mary and Anna were ready and waiting at Sabaody for the others, having arrived a day before they are supposed to leave. Of course, Naga is also with them, as she wanted to go back to travelling with Leo and the others.


And then, the day came... One by one, the guys all arrive to Sabaody and announced their presence by releasing torrents of Haki, both for the others to know of their arrival and to gauge one another after so long apart.

In Shakky's bar with Nami, Robin, Mary, Anna and Naga, Leo grinned as he downed his drink and stood up with the girls. "Well then. Shakky. Rayleigh. See you around." He waved and started to leave with the girls as they said their own farewells.

Chuckling, the two former pirates waved the four of them off and commented. "Don't forget to visit in the future."

"We won't." With that, they left the bar and the five adults jumped into the sky towards the nothern area, while Naga was snugly wrapped around Leo's neck in her snake form. This being possible due to Leo giving her shrinking powers.

Using Geppo, the five of them smoothly landed at the edge of the archipelago, next to the ocean. Leo released the Thousand Sunny, which had been expertly coated by Rayleigh and was ready for their departure.

With preparations complete, Leo released a small burst of Conquerors Haki for the others to track and patiently waited for everyone to arrive.

There was no particular rush for the guys to arrive, so it took only a few minutes for everyone to show up. The first to arrive was Franky and Chopper, who had been through quite the change.

Franky had turned his whole body into a war machine, more akin to the Androids of Dragon Ball, with his brain, heart and reproductive organs being the only parts of himself remaining. He looked plenty human though, having created a synthetic skin for himself and even recreated a sort of nervous system so that he can feel properly.

Chopper on the other hand had become a ball of cuteness somehow. Yup, time on some far away island had turned him into less of a warrior and more of mascot for the crew. Not to say he's weak, as Leo made sure he could body just about anyone before the timeskip.

Upon their arrival, Leo went over to Franky and greeted him, not that it had been long since he'd seen him. Meanwhile, Nami and Robin had swept up Chopper, hugging him like stuffed toy. He wouldn't have minded their affection, if not for the fact that they were now strong enough to squish him into a bloody pulp and were currently squeezing the life out of him.

The next to arrive was Brook, in his human form and dressed like some kind of pimp with an electric guitar in his hands. He was quickly knocked out by Anna when he started being a perv though.

Soon enough Usopp arrived, but he wasn't alone, as a young woman with blonde hair accompanied him with a bright smile on her face. This young woman was a love from his home island, Kaya.

After spending more than a year training and acquiring ammo on the Boin Archipelago, Usopp had gained all that he could and ventured out on his own for a bit, which is when he returned home and reunited with his old friends, eventually starting a relationship with the young lady currently at his side.

Kaya's presence was a surprise, but it wasn't like she was a bother, so no one said anything and simply started to get to know her. Well, Nami was already somewhat familiar with her, so she just got reacquainted with her.

While everyone was chatting, Leo was considering going and retrieving the others or more specifically, Zoro and Luffy. Through his Haki, he saw Luffy running around excitedly and grabbing a bunch of food, as things were a bit different from two years ago.

As for Zoro... Well, it's Zoro. The dude was originally the closest to the ship, but had managed to get lost still and ended up at the South side of the Archipelago... The worst part is, he wasn't even alone when he arrived. Tashigi and Perona were accompanying him for this exact reason, but he managed to lose them and they are now running around looking for him.

Fortunately, Leo didn't have to worry himself about Sanji, as he was almost at the ship, having only took a bit of time to buy some cooking ingredients. When he got to the ship, despite what everyone expected, he didn't start simping over the girls. He didn't even bother with the surrounding women that were swooning over him.

The first thing Sanji did was greet everyone with joyful smile, happy about reuniting with them, before going to store the supplies he bought. Needless to say, other than Leo, the rest were surprised by the change in his behaviour, but didn't think it was a bad thing.

When he had stored the supplies, Sanji returned and asked Leo where Reiju was, to which he was informed that she decided to stay with Sora for a little while and would join them later.

Sitting around and waiting for their remaining two members quickly became boring, as everyone was excited to continue their journey. So, Leo decided it was time to get them to intervene and shot a few fire arrows out of his finger.

Two of the went over to Zoro's girlfriends and directed them to the ship. One went to Luffy and changed into a hand, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and dragging him to the ship while he protested.

As for the last arrow, it slightly stabbed and started chasing Zoro around, directing him towards the ship. His shouting and cursing could be heard from across the Archipelago, making Leo snigger evilly at his friends suffering.

With him taking the initiative, it was barely a couple minutes before the missing members arrived.

Zoro made quite the entrance, as he charged over with Wado Ichimonji drawn and coated in Haki, a dark purple auro around it. His drawn blade made its way straight to Leo as he shouted. "Leo, you bastard!"

In response, Leo laughed raucously and produced his Dragonblade, covering it with basic Haki to clash against Zoro. "Hahaha! Shouldn't have gotten lost!" The two attacks were going to meet, but before they could, the auras of their Haki clashed against each other instead and left a space between their blades.

Their attacks caused a massive pressure in the surroundings that, if not for the training they'd undergone, would have knocked everyone out. Kaya was only okay, because Usopp was standing in front of her.

As they clashed, smiles were spread across the two fools faces. Of course, Leo was holding back and Zoro knew it, but it was just how things were with Leo's ridiculous strength.

Putting a small amount of strength into his arm, Leo pushed Zoro away, only to immediately launch at him with his sword raised and slash down with a big grin.

Seeing that he was being attacked this time, Zoro held his sword with both hands and covered his arms in Haki as well. Bracing himself, Zoro took the attack, but his knees started bending the moment Leo's aura pressed down on him. He let out a groan as he tried pushing against the aura, before letting out a shout and using all his strength to push Leo's attack to the side.

Having his strike deflected, Leo withdrew his strength and dispersed his blade with a laugh. "Way to go, you got a bit stronger since our last contest." He then reached out to help Zoro up, as he huffed on one knee.

Zoro clicked his tongue and grabbed Leo's hand as he got to his feet. "If you weren't invulnerable, I would kick your ass for chasing me around like that."

Leo hit him on the back as he replied. "I wouldn't have done it if you didn't get lost."

"I didn't get lost! I knew exactly where I was going!" He responded, truly believing this to be true.

Everyone ended up looking at him like he was completely out of his mind, as they rather believe that the sky was pink before believing that Zoro had a sense of direction.

Zoro saw the looks he was getting and looked at them with confusion. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tashigi and Perona ended up shaking their heads woefully, exasperated by their boyfriends ailment, before going over to him and hugging him as they sympathetically patted his back, confusing him in the process.

Moving on from Zoro's obliviousness, it was Nami who drew everyone's attention. "Well, now that everyone's here, why don't we get going and get to Fishman Island?"

Being reminded of their destination, the guys all had their excitement reignited and cheered in response, then they all moved to get the ship moving.

Leo on the other hand turned to look at Tashigi. "Hey, Tashigi, it's about time you get going for 'that'. And tell Smoker it's time."

Hearing this, Tashigi perked up and became serious as she nodded, saluting Leo. "Yes, Sir!" She then turned to Zoro and kissed him, to his embarrassment, before then running off while using Soru.

"What's going on?" This interaction obviously caught everyone's attention and they turned to Leo for answers.

Looking at everyone with an amused smirk, Leo decided to give them some insight. "Not sure whether any of you know, but I started a new military to ensure peace. As of now, we are all going to be chased down by said military!" He explained cheerfully. "It will be similar to how the Marines did things, but there won't be any deaths. I even trained them a fair bit, so they aren't weak like before and can give a bit of a challenge. Basically, I just wanted to make things more fun."

Understanding what he'd done, Luffy grinned widely and laughed. "Shishishi! That's great! It'll be way more fun now."

Meanwhile, a few of them were lamenting about how things would be more difficult, but they were just being dramatic and didn't actually mind that much.

With Leo's shenanigans explained, it was time to leave, so they all got to work and the Thousand Sunny was officially on the move. As they were leaving Sabaody, fireworks were suddenly set off on the island and cheers could be heard.

As the ship and crew restarted their journey, there was a chill that swept through the spines of many within the New World, while a few individuals felt a sense of relief and hope wash over them.