


My new novel's first chapter just dropped

GOT: Bjorn The King Beyond The Wall

Just dropped go check it out!!!


(30 minutes before.)

Logan POV.

After walking for about 15 minutes we arrive at the motorcycle shop glad to see it hasn't been raided. Merle and I start to look around for a bike to take when my eyes glance over a turbocharged Suzuki Hayabusa.

(It's the bike Johnny used in the movie.)

"Woah this is awesome, how do you know how to ride?" Chole asks curiously.

"I look at her I see her eyes I get lost in them until she breaks me out of my gaze by waving her hand.'

"Huh, oh sorry what did you say?"

" I said this is an awesome bike, how do you know how to ride?" Chole says smiling this time.

'Well, I can't tell her I used to ride in my past life so I'll just say when I was younger my dad taught me. It's funny tho the only reason I started riding a motorcycle was because of Daryl.'

"My dad taught me when I was younger," I say while looking at her smile.

"Speaking of Dad what happened to to your parents," she asks.

'I don't know how to answer without getting caught up in a lie so I just won't respond she'll probably feel bad but that's ok I can't have her know I don't have any parents.'

I just look down and start to walk away, I start to feel extreme sorrow in my heart, why am I so sad right now then I remember our emotions are tied together now.

"I-Im s-sorry," she says.

"It's okay," I say smiling trying to calm her down.

I look back at merle and notice he is sitting on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. (image in comments)

"Nice bike," I say to him.

He just looks at me and nods. I forgot that he has like no personality left. He probably shouldn't come with us to the Quarry they would know he's not the same.

Hey, merle ride your bike to The CDC and destroy everything that's there." I say.

"Yes Sir," merle says as he starts his bike and takes off through the front door.

I start to feel extremely heartbroken.

"Logan why," Chole says with tears in her eyes.

I look at her

"There is no way to make a cure for this Chole, That's why God has sent me here I am the Cure," I say to her.


(5 minutes later)

"Are you ready to go?" chole asks.

"You can't go dressed like that you only have jeans and a shirt on, you will need something to cover your arms in case we wreck." I say smirking.

'We won't wreck but just want her to wear a leather jacket she would look cute'

I look over to the racks of jackets and see a black leather jacket with roses on the arms and a skull with a rose on the front and back I grab it and hold it up for her to see. (Image in comments.)

"Do you like it?" I ask.

"OMG, It's so pretty! Help me put it on." Chile says.

I help her put it on. She spins around and notices how I'm staring at her.

"Well." chole says.

"Well, what?" I say back.

"How do I look of course dummy," Chole says while giggling.

When I saw her giggle I almost lost my mind she was so beautiful.

"W-Wow I'm speechless your beautiful."

'If we're being honest Beautiful is an understatement and a big one at that.' I think to myself.

"Ready," I ask?

"Y-Yes I am but take it slow I've never rode anything before," Chole says.

'Did he just call me beautiful omg no one has ever called me beautiful before?' chole thinks to herself.

"Ok, when I start the bike just hop on and wrap your arms around me. If the bike starts to lean, lean with it otherwise you'll mess me up, got it?"

"Yep," chole says smiling.

"Vroom Vroom"

She hops on as soon as I start the bike she wraps her arms around me and then leans her chest into me I reach towards the ground and grab the bag of guns and swing it around my shoulder.

I slowly start to walk the bike out of the shop once we get outside I see walkers are converging on us fast so I turn right and start to ride out of the city towards the quarry.

(15 minutes later.)

I can see an RV and some cars and trucks around it there is also another bike sitting next to a white truck. As I turn down a makeshift path I start to think to myself.

'They have no protection at all anyone could walk up in there'

I'm bout 100 yards away from the RV now and I can see a group of people running around, as we start to get closer I see that they are now standing in a group with guns in their hands I park my bike next to the other bike and turn it off.

"You can get off now, Chole."

"Ok," chole says while swinging her leg over.

I step off while keeping my eyes on the group in front of me.

"Why are you here and who are y'all," Shane says while pointing a gun at us.

I step in front of Chole just in case something happens. I start to look at Shane our eyes meet and I start to get very angry.

'Not now I think to myself I can feel my blood start to boil but then I feel someone holding my hand I look down and see that Chole is now holding my hand, all the anger I once had completely vanished.

"H-Hello, my name is Logan and this is Chole," I say acting scared.

Chole raises her hand a slightly waves.

"There just kids," Dale says.

"Put your guns down," Rick says looking at his group.

"How did y'all find us?" Rick says.

"This morning we were in a building scavenging and started to see a huge horde walking fast towards a tank and then we saw you drop a bag of guns," I say looking at rick while grabbing the bag off my shoulder. I threw the bag at him.

"We then saw you run towards a building and you disappeared, we where gonna follow you but then a flaming monster came out of nowhere," I say looking scared.

I feel Chole tighten her grip on my hand I looked at her and noticed she had a confused look on her face. I look back at rick waiting for a response.

"So it is real," Shane says while gulping.

"I told you, Shane I would never lie to you, especially something like that," Rick says.

"But how did you find our group?" Andrea says.

"Well, we saw you leave out the side of the building and followed y'all here. But as we were leaving the flame monster started to walk up the building."

"Merle," Daryl says worriedly.

"When we were starting our bike to follow you we heard a scream from the top of the building," I say.

"Shit, Daryl I'm sorry we shouldn't have left him." rick says.

"No shit, now my brother is dead thanks to y'all," Daryl says as he walks off.

"Is it alright If we stay here for a while y'all are the first people we have come across, we will pull our own weight, I'm strong and can hunt, she can wash clothes and clean, But don't let her cook," I say with a smile.

Chole slaps my chest after she heard me.

"Jerk" Chole says while laughing.

This made the people in the group start to laugh as well.

"I'm sorry we don't real-" before Shane could Finnish Dale cut him off.

"Yes of course y'all can we only have one spare tent tho," Dale says showing his generosity.

"I'll sleep out-" Before I could finish Chole blurts out.

"We can just sleep together" Chole realizing what she just said lets go of my hand and looks away blushing.

"Awww, young love." Dale says.

"I didn't mean it like that," Chole says looking at the ground still blushing.


AN. What should I have Merle call Logan? I was having him call him master but that just doesn't fit.

My new novel's first chapter just dropped

GOT: Bjorn The King Beyond The Wall

Just dropped go check it out!!!

Word count-1437