
Ghost in the Wind

Anika lived a perfect life before she died. But for years of being a lost ghost and not remembering anything about who she was. Until she met Dylan, who can see ghosts. Anika begged Dylan to help her regain her memories. But they never knew the feelings they felt for each other. "Can a ghost and a human live happily together?" Look forward to the future and don't forsake the ones you loved. Something new will always happened, no matter how hurt you are right now.

HeyyTinee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Mysterious One

I don't even know why I came back to my hometown. My town has many mysterious memories, memories that I don't want to remember. But even if I try to run away, I will always come back here, the memories will always hunt me whenever I go.

"Welcome home!" Mom surprised me when I enter our new house. I live separately from my parents for a year. Our old house is just three blocks from here; I don't know why my parents wanted to move to a new house. I put down my bags and look around the house. It is actually cozy in here, compare to our old house. I might like it here.

"Your room is upstairs, and that's the only room upstairs." I smiled. I always wanted the whole floor in our house would be my whole bedroom. I run upstairs and at first glance, I immediately fall in love. They really prepared my bedroom; this is actually my dream bedroom. A cozy bed with two bedside tables, a study table that has a lot of space, a huge closet with a mirror on it, and bookshelves. I love books that's why they added a huge bookshelf near my study table.

"Wow, Mom! Did you prepare this? Thank you!" I sweetly told her. She smiled at me and said, "Of course, anything for my pumpkin. Just please, stop leaving and stay. You are our child you should live with us. Okay?" she always begging me to stay. If she only knew, if only I could tell her what is really happening.

"Well then, prepare yourself because I'm making your favorite. Beef Stew." I just smiled at her and then she left. Well, I am happy that I have all of this, loving parents, a house, my own room, and money in my pocket. Many people want this kind of life, but for me, I wish I haven't because of the horrible memories that are hunting me every day. I just wish I could erase them.

I just fix my stuff but then my phone rang. I opened it to see who texted me and I saw an anonymous number that said, "Welcome back, hope to see you around Anika." I read it with a bit of confusion. At first, I didn't know who texted me then until I realized who it could be. The unknown person who always hunting me, the only one who is making my life miserable.

I just ignored it and continue in what I am doing. But then my phone rang again, I opened it and saw a picture of myself at the moment inside my room. I looked outside the window behind me, yet I didn't see anything. Even a shadow, nothing is outside. I glanced again at the text that I receive, it is a perfect shot of me sitting. Because of the fear I felt, I closed the curtains so that no one from outside that can see me

I just got here and this is what happens already. I just want to be happy this time. I'm tired of running away and fearing those memories. I just wanted to stop but whatever I do, even I could change my name, my phone number it will keep on hunting me.

That night mom, dad, and I gathered in the dining room to eat dinner. I can see that both of my parents are so happy for me to be here with them and having dinner. It's been so long since I had a proper dinner with them, and it makes me happy about it. I always wish to have this kind of setup every day. "I'm really glad that you home pumpkin. It's so hard to go out of town and going back here again for school." Mom said while she's putting the food on the table. "Yes it's hard but at least I get to travel alone." I live in a small apartment in the town next to ours. I have to travel, I really need to.

"Oh by the way pumpkin, do you still keep in touch with Nicole?" I suddenly stopped when I heard her name. Nicole is my best friend but after what happened last year, I've never heard from her. Not even a call or a text, we stopped talking for a year until now. "I was supposed to tell her to come here to join us for dinner but she never answered my calls or text. Is she okay?" Mom continues with a worry on her face. I can't even tell her that we stopped reaching out already. "She's fine. Don't worry about her." I had to lie.

After that dinner, I went to my room to relax, I pick a book to read before I go to sleep. And of course, I picked my favorite one, ever since I was a kid. I sat on my bed holding the book, but before I opened my book, something caught my eye. It's the purple anemone flowers on the bedside table. Those flowers are my favorite and it also has a story behind it. And that story is the book that I am holding right now.

The title of the story is "The Love of a Goddess". And it is about the love of a goddess to a young man. The goddess begged the young man to give up hunting and stay by her side but he ignored her. The young man was killed by a bear. When the young man died, the goddess heard what happened. The goddess' tears turned into a windflower also called an Anemone flower.


"I'll call you when I get there. Bye." I hang up the phone while I was walking not knowing where I am going. It's really dark and I can't see anything. While I'm waking my phone suddenly rang, I looked at it and received a text message from an anonymous number. I read the message but it creeps me out because as I read it I can also hear it.

"Goodbye, Anika. We will meet soon." my body froze, then the light is coming from a distance. It was coming for me like something that will crush my soul. And then I felt my body slipping away. I suddenly saw my body lying on the ground, unconscious. I felt the fear swallowing me as I look on to my body.

I opened my eyes and realized that it was a nightmare. Beads of sweat are all over my body, I took a deep breath and trying to calm myself from that terrible nightmare. "It only a dream. There's nothing to worry about." I stood and when to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. Just to make sure I am really awake. But I can't stop thinking about what I dreamt. It was terrible and I fear that will happen to me too.

The next morning, I woke up early so that I won't be late for school. I actually don't have much energy because, after that nightmare, I didn't sleep well enough. But I went to school early today, I entered our classroom and saw Nicole bending her head over the table. I assumed that she has fallen asleep while waiting for our first class to start. I didn't try to wake her up because why should I.

As I wait for the time, MJ suddenly talked to me and said, "Haven't you heard?" I frowned at him and confused about what he is talking about. "What do you mean?" I asked. He leans closer to me and whispered, "Nicole was the only one left here yesterday and the guard said she's talking to someone. It looks like she's having a fight." I am still confused, Nicole is not like that. She's the type of person who doesn't start a fight. "Did anyone saw who is she mad at?" I asked but he shrugs and left me. I kept on looking at Nicole, I'm worried about her and who is she talking to yesterday. Should I try to talk to her?

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate, I looked at it and another anonymous text that said, "Anika, this is Faye. Please meet me at the park at the back of our school. I need to tell you something." It's a weird thing that Faye suddenly texted me. We don't usually talk or even sending a text. But maybe she knows something about Nicole. So I reply to that I will meet her after class.

It's lunchtime and I'm thinking about talking to Nicole. She was just bending her head down and slept the whole class. "Hey, let's go have some lunch." I offer to come with me but she never responded. I don't want to force her to come with me but if she wants to stay here, I'll just let her. "Okay then, I should get going if you don't want to join with me." I just left her like that, no response. I guess she doesn't want to join or talk to me. It's okay for me, I deserve that.

I just eating alone then suddenly a boy joined me at my table. "May I join?" he asked but before I respond he shoves his food into his mouth like I'm not sitting with him. It looks like he's really hungry. Actually, I am glad he sat with me, at least I'm not alone while I eat my lunch and he's actually kind of cute.

Time passes, our last class for today has finally ended. I need to meet Faye, so I put all of my things inside my bag. I stopped before I leave our classroom, I looked at Nicole and she's still bending her head over the table. She didn't saw her move the whole day and I started to worry. I went back and about to wake her up but suddenly my phone rang.

"Hey, Faye," I answered the call. "I'm already here, it's urgent please hurry." she hanged me up and put my phone inside my pocket. I was thinking about waking Nicole but Faye called me and she's in a hurry. I decided to leave and after I met with Faye, I will come back to make sure Nicole is okay.

When I got to the park, I look around but I didn't saw Faye. I texted her but she didn't respond. I fear that something might happen to her while she was waiting for me. I also called her but she didn't answer again. I waited for a little bit, and it's about to get dark. So I texted Faye that let's meet somewhere else because it's really dark here at the park if I will keep on waiting for her.

I called her again as I walk away from the park and then she finally answer my call. "Where are you? I thought you're here already?" I asked. "Sorry Anika, I need to do something urgently. May we meet at my apartment?" she asked and I said, "Okay. I'll call you when I get there. Bye." I hung up the call. But I realized, something is weird. It's like a deja vu. I stopped walking and saw a light coming towards me. I froze and I can't move, then the light hit me.

I opened my eyes and saw a lot of people looking at me. I was lying down and I can't feel my body. Then I felt like I was leaving my body and saw my own body lying on the street soaking with my own blood.

Am I? Dead?

To be Continued...